
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Rhystic Tutor
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.07
(7 Reviews)
Limited: 2.07 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed May 9, 2002
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

is no Demonic Tutor. It never really saw play in
any format. Its not horrible, but its not Tier 1.
Obviously decent in Type 1 though. 2 in
constructed and limited.

Peatross |
I've seen people
play this and it just sits in their hand. That's a
bad place for a tutor to be. That means the card
isn't very good, unfortunately.
Limited: 2
Constructed: 2
Rhystic Tutor is
only really good in 5-color Magic, because it's a
search card, and is one of the unlucky 66 that is
restricted in that format. If there was a 5-Color
rating it would be 3, because search is just
awesome, no matter how bad the card is (heck, if
Diabolic Intent sees play, then anything can!)
In constructed, it's crap.
Too easy too stop, and cost too much mana for it
to be stopped so easily. A 1.5 there, because it
can get you anything.
In limited, even worse
because they will have a lot of mana, and they
will be able to stop it a lot easier. A 1 here.

In general the
Rhystic cards were a failure. This one and the
Lightning were the only one's that saw much play
but cards that let your opponent have a
non-colored counterspell for them just can't be
dominant. This one got some play due to the lack
of other good search at the time but it just
doesn't hold up given the better cards of later
This tutor
reminds me somewhat of the up and coming Blue-hoser
Seedtime. If your opponent is tapped out into your
turn, then you have a game-altering effect for a
very low cost. If you play Rhystic Tutor then your
opponent won't want to risk tapping too many
lands, slowing their game right down. It's a nice deterrent.
Rhystic Tutor works
well in constructed if you can build around the
drawback. Three mana in exchange for the most
useful card in your deck is always a good trade.
It's also great in limited. Odds are you'll only
get one, so the guy across the table won't be able
to prepare adequately.
Constructed - 4
Limited - 4.5

I don't like any of
the Rhystic cards. Might be part of the
reason I still have issues with Divert.
There are many other tutors to play, so this would
be one of my last choices.
Constructed: 1.2
Limited: 1.2

John B
This card is far too
situational for my tastes. It only works if your
opponent does not have 2 mana open. Diabolic Tutor
will, and it only costs one more. Diabolic Tutor
isn't stupendous, which means this card is a 2 at
most, but I think more like a 1.86