
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

At first, if you
wanted to blow up the world, there was
Nevinyrral's Disk. It was an artifact that took
out artifacts, lands, and creatures. Then they
decided to give the ability to red only, and
created Jokulhaups. That was a great foil
against blue ... if it didn't get countered.
Then they decided to
make it uncounterable. It costs two more mana,
but blue can do little about it. And finally,
like Nevinyrral's Disk, it gets played.
This will be the
first card in a base set that can't be
countered. This was one of the abilities that
was thought to be too advanced for a base set;
but in a nod to the other purpose of the base
set, namely, to provide a pool of reprinted
cards for type 2, they put it in there.
It's good at what it
does, namely, screwing blue. Red will typically
come back from this faster than blue will. That
is about all this is good for, so, it typically
finds a place in the sideboard.
In limited, this is
crap. It's too random of an effect to rely on.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 1

Obliterate is a
higher costed version of one of many people's
very red, old school, reset buttons,
Jokkulhaps(spelling not verified). It cost a
little more but for the extra cost it is
uncounterable, making it rather slow, but always
effective. I think it is a decent card and when
played in the right deck, a game winner. Once
again in limited I am not sure how to rate this
because of the lack of 8th edition limited
environments. However, it was good in block
draft when first printed and should retain that
Constructed 4
Limited 3
A reset button that resets
pretty much everything. The biggest use I can see
for it is when facing a control that has gained
control. Play the uncounterable obliterate and the
game starts from scratch except for enchantments
and life. 8 mana is a lot to play but, unlike
jokulhaups, when you do get to cast it you can
guarantee it will resolve. A 3 in constructed.
Playing this in limited is a
risk as your opponent could get a better start
after the reset. A 1.5 in limited. |

Robby Hinton
Limited: 3
Constructed: 4
Obliterate is sooo cool. I like mass destruction.
It's fun, fun, fun for everyone. In limited, you
can't really build your deck around it so it's not
as good, IMO. In constructed, you have NetherHaups.
How fun is NetherHaups? It may not be the best
deck, but it is a lot of fun.

i used to really like this card. Then they made
Upheaval :(
The fact that they made upheaval cheaper to cast
makes this card a lot less valuable :(
However, it's going to be around alot longer than
Uphaveal, so we have something to be thankful
for. When it's back in 8th edition maybe things
will have changed a bit :)
Constructed: 3.0
Limited: 2.0
Mad Hatter |