
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Each player's life total becomes the number of
creatures he or she controls
Reviewed September 12, 2002
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Card of the Day Reviews

Week's Card Selector
A great foil for the
black creatureless (or nearly so) deck out
there. Unfortunately, it costs 8 mana, so it
will see no play, except maybe in a sideboard or
two in the first month it is legal.
Other than the deck
I just mentioned, this may only be good to bring
a life gain deck back under control. Again,
though, it costs 8 mana, and it will probably be
This is even worse
in limited, as most decks have 15+ creatures.
Type 2: 2
Extended: 1
Limited: 1

even look at this as a limited format card.
It wasn't meant for limited, and it won't get
played in limited.
This may be one of
the more broken cards that has been printed in a
long time. I feel quite confident you're
going to hear more than one person say
"Biorhythm? Good Game."
Let's make sure everyone understands this.
If you have creatures and your opponent does not,
you win. Game over. The spell reads as
such: 6GG - You Win The Game. This is
really not that impossible a feat to do.
Green has many Birds and Elves. Play as much
mana acceleration as possible to be able to cast
this thing, splash some critter removal or light
burn, then win. Heck, if done right, you
might need nothing more than a shock to end the
game. In Extended, it's sicker. With
Priests and Cradle, the question will be:
"Can you handle the Rhythm turn
3?" People can and will cast it
there. It costs 8, but it's effect is
exceptional. In my opinion, combo is back,
and back hardcore with this amazing card.
Limited: 1 |

a neat little creature. It's also sort of
fits in small weenie beatdown type decks.
You could play a fish deck with these guys in it.
Truthfully, all that's important about this card
is Kai got a creature card. How terrible
would it be to win the invitational and not get a
Constructed: 3
Limited: 2.7
An interesting idea with a mechanic that
shouldn't belong to green at all. Biorythm's 8
casting cost seems much too pricey to be very
useful but the idea that casting this against a
creatureless opponent wins the game will attract
a lot of interest and testing to this card. I
don't think significant life reduction via
spells has any business being in green (red and
black should own this ability) so I am a bit
peeved that R&D made this a green spell
especially during a T2 rotation where green can
certainly make a case for being the strongest
color. This card has me interested but not
Constructed 2.5
Limited 3
Limited: 1
Constructed: 3 1/2
Biothrym looks horrible in limited due to the
reliance on critters. In constructed,
though, it's a
different story. You can cast it pretty
quick with
Cradles and Elves, so it may turn out to not be
that bad. I'll definitely try to do
something with it
in the new Extended.