
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

A strong enchantment
that helps blue decks deal with creatures. This
give most players a choice in the early game of
attacking or casting more creatures. This, in
turn, gives blue decks the chance to get their
footing. A very strong card.
In limited, it is a
little less strong, but it still helps against
alpha strikes. Depending on the deck, I might or
might not play it.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 2.5

ability to use this card to hold off aggro decks
has kept many a control deck ticking. One is
bad, two is brutal, 3 is almost game over.
An incredible card that just smashed the face of
an aggro deck. Use it with any form of mana
deprivation and you have an ugly combo. In
limited, you might need more than 1 to make it
good. I would not overly recommend it in an
environment where extra mana is common Constructed:
Limited: 2.5 |
I always thought
Propoganda was better than it actually is. 2 mana
per creature isn't going to stop much so unless
you have a way to deny your opponent of mana (like
land destruction, squirrel/opposition...)
propoganda won't help a lot. A 2 in constructed.
This card taxes you
for attacking as well so there simply isn't a real
use for it in limited unless you're relly
strugling for things to put in the sideboard. A 1
in limited. |

Robby Hinton
Limited: 3
Constructed: 2
Propaganda has always been a fun card to me. It
isn't bad for holding off aggressive decks and is
relatively cheap for what it does. It's better in
limited since there's such a huge reliance on
creatures there. Plus, blue has evasion creatures
that can get over their guys that aren't
attacking. In constructed I'd rather play Powder
Keg or Nevinyrral's Disk to hold off attackers.

love this card. It's good and bad. It's limited
in its use. however, when it IS being used, it is
really good. It's a decent constructed card.
If you are into blue, you definitely take it in
limited. There is also the chance that there
could be two in your draft since it is uncommon,
which could be really fun!
Limited: 4
Mad Hatter |
Broken blue. This
card (especially in multiples) can shut down most
creature decks, especially the Chihuahua decks.
Use this and Meekstone together, and they'll never
do you any serious damage. (Or, better yet, don't,
I hate blue.) |
Rob Lawing |
I have always been a fan of this card.
Preventing a lot of attack damage for a
reasonable cost makes playing this viable in
most properly designed blue decks. In limited it
is pretty narrow.
Constructed 2.5
Limited 1.5
--- Rob Lawing