
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

This was a classic
dragon for Tempest block. I think it would have
gotten played a lot more, except for the fact
that (it seemed like, anyway) the single biggest
buyback spell played on the boat that year was
Capsize. People were running Rats of Rath to
fizzle Capsizes. And so you couldn't afford to
sac 2 mountains when there was a good chance
that it would go right back to your hand.
In limited, you
played it. You didn't care about stuff like
Capsize, as, (1) they had to draw it, and (2)
they had to have it in their card pool first.
Constructed: 3 (Worldgorger
Dragon suffers from a lot of the same problems
as this does.)
Limited: 5
Constructed: Most red
decks are not above sacrificing their own lands in
order to speed things up a bit so this card should
fit right in. Of course, back in the
Tempest era, most sligh players had killed their
opponents by turn 4 if everything went to plan so
the dragon wasn't really needed. I think it would
be a force to be reckoned with were it still
around as you could do a 5 damage hit on turn 4
(using fires or anger) but as it now lives in
extended its not so
powerful. Nevertheless, I'll give it a 3 for being
a good creature in the wrong set.
Limited: I'd be reluctant to play this till late
in the game just in case I sacrifice my only two
mountains and then draw a load of red cards. But a
5/5 flyer is tough to deal with so I'll give it a
3 in limited. |

This is easily my favorite dragon. He's big ,
he's bad, and he's fast. Just the way dragons
should be.
In constructed, he can be a bit of a chance, but
he is definitely worth the gamble.
In limited, you take him always if you are in
red. It never hurts to have a big flier.
Especially one that you can get out on the board
Constructed: 3.6
Limited: 4.1
Mad Hatter |
Rathi Dragon
A really fun
dragon. The good thing about it is that, if it's
countered, you've only spent half of the mana for
it. The bad news, is that, if it gets bounced, you
will have to tie up your mana for several turns
trying to get it on the table. |

Gerhardt |