
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Limited: 1
Current Price:
$1.45 |

Gerhardt |
If blue control
becomes significant again, this Sliver will find
its way into Sliver decks. As it is, it will help
against other decks that run some counters, like
Psychatog and Blue/Green. In limited, it's just
too hard to pull off a decent Sliver build.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 1.5 |

Another Sliver
review. Bleeeech.
The obligatory
Scragnoth ability on a sliver. Nice in the theme
decks, wouldn't even think about it otherwise.
It costs 4, so it has to be uncounterable
itself. Still, I see a Multiple target Aether
Burst followed by an Edict to take care of this
thing. No thanks.
In limited, I
don't like slivers. Hopefully, this'll be the
last time I have to type this, but the
symmetry makes them crap in my opinion.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 1

Van Zandt |
Root Sliver
Uncounterable is good, but he's a bit pricey.
You had better have a really
good reason to need a certain sliver down to play
this dude, and he's
probably still only sideboard worthy... and not
even sideboard worthy in
constructed - 3
limited - 2.3 |

Livingston |
Gempalm Polluter
Lets see, he sucks! Cycling though...hmmm. You
cycling him you draw a card for BB. Then opponent
loses life, Nice. With Unholy Grotto, thats
kind of good. That might see play in OnBC.
Limited...you play lots of zombies sure! Hes
actually nice!
Contructed:2 (3?)
Limited:3 |

Chapman |
Im not sure how many strong
counter decks are running around out there right
now but Root Sliver would be good if they become a
problem. As with many of the new Slivers, however,
I believe he is overcosted and limited except in
specific matches. A possibility for the SB.
Constructed Not the best of
the Slivers 2.30
Limited Very weak for
limited where there arent a lot of counters or
Slivers 1.00
PEZ Again a weak card
without a lot of counters especially when it fills
an uncommon slot 1.15

Wednesday - Root Sliver
Let me say, I'm not big on slivers. But this one
is one of the new ones that's decent. If you can
land the sliver that lets you play them as
instants, you can get some pretty creative options
opened up to you. Instant sspeed creatures that
can't be countered are great.
In limited, he's pretty much and overcosted 2/2
unless you've drafted a lot of slivers.
Constructed - 2.6
Limited - 2 |
Danny Tatro |
It protects your slivers from things that are
bluey. This card isn't a real constructed card
since slivers aren't playable right now in T2. I
think some form of counter- sliver might come back
into extended though...but they probably wouldn't
play this thing anyways. Not even SB, theres just
room for better things.
In limited this guy has no purpose except for
his expensive body at 3G for a 2/2.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 1 |