
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Cephalid Constable
Judgment - Rare
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.67
(6 Reviews)
Limited: 1.83 (6 Reviews)
Reviewed July 1, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Week's Card Selector
This was one of my
first choices for this week's CotD as I think this
card is one of the biggest "sway" cards
in the set - it's either going to be great, or
terrible. My opinion? Great! In
constructed, blue has the power to stop things
that would hurt him, ESPECIALLY in extended where
you have cards like thwart, daze, and foil.
Play it with cards like Reckless Charge or even
Giant Growth to set your opponent back HUGE early
on. If you're playing again any Draw Go
style deck, protect it initially, and you win -
that simple. Not AS good against Agro, but
if you have ways of clearing it's path, then he's
still good.
In limited, it's a different ballgame all
together. I don't see him as that good
unless you go first, see him on turn 3, and their
draw is REALLY slow. Then, he might be
good. Otherwise, not great.
- 4.5
Limited - 2
Current Price - $3.98

In the right constructed deck this guy may be
the Gas. About 3 different playtest groups I
talk with have been working on decks featuring
this guy. The key is to get him through and
then he is a wrecking machine. I haven't seen
a totally satisfactory deck yet, but I bet it
will come together. In limited he is slightly
weaker because you don't really get enough of
the back up stuff he needs to make him useful.

Cephalid Constable has too weak of a
toughness to be powerful on its own so
that leaves it to be enchantment bait. This
also means that its asking for
a two for one from your opponent. I'd still
try and play it though, as its
ability is very powerful. Undoubtedly constructed decks will be built around
its ability. A 3 in Constructed, a 2.5 in
limited. |

You have seen
Scott's opinion already, as he picked this
week's card. He has told me his opinion of the
card preious to its choice as a card of the
day, so I'm thinking he's posted that opinion
(he likes it a lot). I would disagree with his
opinion of this card. First of all, it's a 3
casting cost 1/1. Second, to make his ability
any good, you need a lot of support cards.
This gives you deck less room for creatures,
and we run into the Chainer's Edict/Innocent
Blood problem. So, while his ability may look
tempting to play, I wouldn't touch him.
And he looks even
less desirable in limited. No thanks, I'll
pass him right along.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 1
John Hornberg
No Review Yet

guy is a little tricky. He has some serious
potential, but he is VERY fragile. It has
some very interesting dynamics for a card.
In constructed, I think this guy might win a few
games for you. He won't be a superstar, but
he is definitely playable.
In limited however, he is just another guy in the
way. Unless you got him out early and your
opponent is already manascrewed, I don't see him
getting you through the tournament.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 2

It's easy to make this guy unfair. You play first,
play this dude on turn 3,
put ghostly wings on him on turn 4 (to hopefully
make him unblockable, and
you're capsizing two land a turn. You throw on
another enchantment like
crackling club or Arcane Teachings... holy geez.
But, this guy is a little fragile, making him less
of a star.
Limited: 2
Constructed: 1

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John B
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