
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Goblin Gardner
7th Edition - Common
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 1.36
(8 Reviews)
Limited: 1.78 (8 Reviews)
Reviewed July 17, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

card is GREAT.......for me to poop on.
Seriously, it's not "Don't sqeeze the
Charmin" it's "Don't squeeze the Goblin
Gardener". The only difference is I
don't get paper cuts from using charmin.
If I ever even
think about putting this card in a constructed
deck, I will first submit my Pojo resignation
since I would no longer to be worthy on the site.
In limited, if you
draft this in sanctioned play and have to play it,
follow my 2 step guide to success:
Step #1 - Try like
hell to get past round one.
Step #2 - Drop to save your rating.
He is so mediocre
it's just ridiculous. I used to try him in
limited, and found he is bascially crap.
There is worse crap, but he is BAD.
- 1
Limited - 1.5
Current Price - $.20 |

I never really know what to do with this guy
in limited, so I usually leave him out.
Generally red decks don't play many 4 drops
and the ones that due make the cut need to be
really good like Fledgling Dragon. The
Gardener's ability is decent but the 3R cost
is just too much for a 2/1 creature whose
ability may have no meaningful effect on the
Constructed 1.5
Limited 1.5

Not a bad
thought. However, if you're going to play
land destruction, there's a lot of cards
better than this one, including a creature
in Judgment.
Ditto the above
for limited.
Constructed: 1.2
Limited: 1.5

guy is one of the lower end goblins I think.
He doesn't even see much play in casual games.
The few time sthat I've drafted sets with him in
it, I've past on it. He doesn't usually make
the cut.
constructed: 1.7
Limited: 1.7

You wouldn't think you would see
much of this guy. He's no Dwarven Driller. But
when you're playing 7edition draft on MTGO, you
never know what kind of quality of opponent you're
going to have. Sometimes they'll bust out the
Gardener and you'll realize you're damned if you
do, damned if you don't. The value of this card
increases the more LD you play, but the more LD
you play, the luckier you need to get.
Limited: 2
Constructed: 1

Constructed *
Nobody has yet to truly abuse a "leaves
play" 187 creature and as a result this
overcosted dork is just that... an overcosted

This is one of those likable cards
that just aren't much good. A 2/1 for 4 mana isn't
going to get you anywhere in the beatdown
department, while its ability is only slightly
useful. If they have enough mana so that they have
a means of killing this, then your land
destruction plan is not working.
In Limited this has a possibly useful ability,
as land screwing your opponent can often be easy
to do. Still, this card shouldn't make your deck.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 2

This guy is junk in
Constructed as his high casting cost without immediate
effect (see Avalanche Riders in comparison) makes
it very poor, giving it a 1.5 in Constructed. In
Limited you could always pick these guys up at the
end of the draft because they stink. But, they
were always a nice 22nd, 23rd card. A 2 in
limited. |

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