
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

doubt this fellow will see constructed play, even
in block. Possibly a way of firing off a
mini-Mutilate in block against either elves or
goblins, but that remains to be seen. Sack
to the husk for a nice, board-clearing surprise.
In limited, it's a 2
power for 3 CC flier. It's effect can be
nice, but can also backfire on you, so beware of
your timing on playing this guy
Limited: 3
Current Price:
$0.20 |

Gerhardt |

An interesting limited card. You can set up an
unfavorable trade early with this card; just
make sure you don't have too many 1/1's out
yourself. Good in the early game, and is a solid
flier late, the ability may harm you more than
your opponent late, so I wouldn't take it any
higher then 4-6 in draft.
You'll notice I've
avoided talking about this in constructed.
There's a reason, as Engineered Plague is much
better than this card could ever be. Even Infest
or Decree of Pain will do better once Plague
Constructed: 1
Limited: 3.25

Chapman |
Scott Sager |

Van Zandt |

Hornberg |
Danny Tatro |
This is only second to "Extra Arms" for
dumbest card name in Sourge and/or ever. What, is
he Death's Head Commander Buzzard of a legion of
buzzards Death himself is training somewhere,
preparing a Vulture//Buzzard hostile takeover?!
This would definetly make an interesting twist on
the current story...
But uh, to the review... In constructed you
could uh... not play this guy! yea!
In limited he's much better. Just make sure
your not going to put yourself in a bad position
by letting him in play... He's best to use when
you have decent butted creatures all around.
Sometimes I see people play 2 of these in a deck
with lots of 3/1 etc type creatures. After combat
damage on the stack they blow him up and wrath of
god you or get rid of a good chunk of your stuff.
Just remember to play him safely and he'll always
be good when he explodes.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 3 |


Livingston |
Zack Locke |