
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Mirrodin Uncommon
Reviewed April 13, 2004
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Power Conduit asks
to be combo'd. Here are some suggestions listed by
our CotD reviewers:
Magistrate's Scepter - If you can get this
thing going with a lot of counters on it, you
could end up never giving your opponent another
Decree of Silence - Counter everything! Just
keep removing the depletion counters with Conduit.
Sun Droplet - Transfer its counters to more
usable places.
Spike Weaver - Stop all combat damage each
turn your opponent attacks. Lots of Spikes to
chose from.
Mirrodin's Core,
Core Tapper,
Darksteel Reactor - Combolisious! Use
the other cards to add counters to the Reactor...
then use Dismantle to double up the counters!
As Danny Tatro explains below, since the Reactor
is indestructible, when you Dismantle it, it
doesn't die, but it still distributes its
counters, back onto itself, of course. If it had
10, it now has 20 and you win. =)
Magistrate's Scepter - If you can get this
thing going with a lot of counters on it, you
could end up never giving your opponent another
turn. Use this with the cards mentioned above to
get its full potential going.
Casual: 4
Limited: 1
Current Price:
Conduit $0.71
well with:
Decree of
Silence - Scourge - $2.70
Sun Droplet
- Mirrodin - $0.74
Weaver - Exodus - $3.86
Core - Darksteel - $1.78
Core Tapper
- Darksteel - $1.13
- Darksteel - $0.69
Reactor - Darksteel - $5.37
Hey Pojo.com Fans...
I'm going to try something new here. Do you
have a combo idea? Send me the name of the
cards involved, and I will consider posting it on
my CotD spot. Just make sure your email
Subject looks like this:
Pojo CotD Combo - (card names)
Email me HERE!!! |

*Level 2
MTG Judge
Another combo-licious
card. This works well with any of the
Arcbound creatures, Darksteel Reactor,
Spawning Pit, Aether Vial, Mirrodin's Core,
and many other cards. Again, not a card for
limited or competitive constructed, but even
better than yesterday's cards for casual.
Constructed - 1
Casual - 4
Limited - 1

* Scrye writer since 2002 |
This card can be used
in a lot of ways. You can play it with cards that
have modular. Or play it with cards that get
tokens every turn. You can also combo it with
cards that untap a permanent to get multiple uses
out of it every turn. Also, with it being so cheap
to cast, you can fit it into a lot of different
decks. Too bad it only works for counters you
control :)
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 2 |

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Power Conduit
This is a card that some mages are playing in
their limited decks, but DON'T
MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE. The uses of this card in
limited are so, well,
"limited" that Power Conduit simply isn't wasting
your time with. Some
people make the mistake of thinking this card can
move +1/+1 counters, which
it cannot. It would be a dramatically better card
if it could. In
constructed, this card's value remains very
narrow. Strictly casual.
LIMITED: 2.0 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Power Conduit
I’m a big fan of funky
casual cards as much as anyone else, but I have to
admit I don’t like this card very much. By its
ability being a tap ability, its not very good for
combo decks, and it not powerful enough to be
useful in limited and constructed formats, unless
your opponent is really bad at seeing obvious
plays or can not do math, and in casual, the
concept just does not appeal to me. I’m supposed
to write at least a paragraph about each card, so
I’ll close this with I WISH THIS CARD WAS BETTER!
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Power Conduit Power
Conduit is one of the cards that really excites
the deck builders that like to make build funky
combo based decks. One of the most common decks
that tried to abuse this card was based around
Power Conduit plus Decree of Silence. You can
remove a counter from the Decree of Silence and
have a counter spell enchantment that is dang near
impossible to get rid of. I have also seen the
Power conduit used with Sun droplet to make
creatures bigger. it’s a decent card in type two
if you put it in the right style of deck and in
casual play it can be lots of fun. In limited play
I don’t find it as useful because you really need
to build around it to be special.
Constructed 2
Casual 3
Limited 2
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Power Conduit
On first impression,
people had been playing this as if it generated
+1/+1 counters out of thin air. Considering that
this would make it substantially better than
Dragon’s Blood, a card of the same commonality in
the same set, it seems almost humorous to look at
it in this vein. You might want to try pairing
this with Darksteel Reactor and the various other
toys that go into that deck; that’s the best I can
do with this.
Casual Reactor decks
have to have some sort of fun, and this helps.
The number of conceivable uses for this in casual
play are fairly endless, so I won’t try to get
into it in detail; just think of Spikes, and
Merseine, and other wacky cards that use
counters. It’s ignorable in Mental Magic, so
don’t try.
Draft does not offer
this card an avenue of use. Maybe if it let you
steal counters from your opponent’s stuff it would
be more usable; as it is, it’s a 15th
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2.0
Limited: 1.0
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Power ConduitAn
interesting card. It can move around counters.
It can speed up the process of adding counters
to things, ex: things that add only one counter
during your upkeep are sped up. You can
make the phantom creatures stronger, especially
if you have Seton’s Desire on one: make one
unkillable (almost) and beef up your other
creatures. It also only costs 2 mana to play. I
can’t think of any other combos though.
In serious constructed, it doesn’t have much
of place, because there is no real use for it.
There aren’t too many creatures you want to move
counters around.
I haven't tried this in limited, mainly
because it's too situational. There aren't
enough counter producers that could turn into
enough +p/+t to make a difference.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2
Danny Tatro |
Power Conduit
In casual you could
play with Mirrodin's Core, Coretapper,
Dismantle, and the centerpiece Darksteel
Reactor. For those who wonder why Dismantle is
in here, you can Dismantle Darksteel Reactor and
since its indestructible it will live through
the destruction and move on to putting the
counters on something... the Darksteel Reactor
itself! You can double your counters on
Darksteel Reactor with one Dismantle! Although
winning the game this way in casual
multiplayer may not be so fun for your friends,
but it is a fun idea for a casual one on one
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 1
Casual: 3