
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Armadillo Cloak
Invasion Common
Reviewed April 15, 2004
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 4.2
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Combo craziness
ensues!!! Once again, our top notch
reviewers have come up with some interesting cards
to combo with our CotD, Armadillo Cloak:
Serra Avatar - Build your own growing
giant...each life gain from Cloak makes Avatar
just get bigger and meaner...yikes!
Llanowar Knight - Matching colors and
pro-black...hard to deal with! Nice limited combo.
Charging Troll - The Two Great Tastes That
Taste Great Together. This is effectively a
super synergy badass combo. Put them
together and what you end up with is a 5/5,
Regenerating, Life Gaining, Trampling, Doesn't Tap
to Attack eye popper! Have him swinging by
turn 4 with a little acceleration, and make your
opponent cry...hard. Also, both are low
priced, so even better for the value!
Darksteel Colossus - A 13/13 Indestructible
Monster... Need I say more? Okay, I will say
more... add
Lightning Greaves to that. Mmmmmmm....
Rith, the Awakener - An 8/8 Flying Baby-Making
Life-Gainer. Nice.
As you've probably
noticed, almost anything you put a Cloak on
becomes an amazing creature, even a lowly 1/1.
I give it high value in all venues.
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 5
Current Price:
Cloak - Invasion - $0.97
Well With:
Avatar - Urza's Saga - $31.83
Knight - Invasion - $0.72
Troll - Invasion - $1
Colossus - Darksteel - $10.83
Greaves - Mirrodin - $5.23
Rith the
Awakener - Invasion - $5.63
Hey Pojo.com Fans...
I'm going to try something new here. Do you
have a combo idea? Send me the name of the
cards involved, and I will consider posting it on
my CotD spot. Just make sure your email
Subject looks like this:
Pojo CotD Combo - (card names)
Email me HERE!!!

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
The ultimate in life gain, plus the creature
gets +2/+2 and trample. Great on a Serra
Avatar (although this isn't the only good
thing with Serra Avatar, as you will see
tomorrow). Makes even 1/1s into creatures to
be feared. This is great in almost any
format, and would make me strongly look at
my white and green to see if I could play it
in limited.
Constructed - 3
Casual - 4.5
Limited - 5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
What is there to not
like about this card. It gives a creature +2/+2
and Spirit Link for three mana. If you are playing
green/white, you play this card. It was decent in
constructed play. It is great in limited. I know
that casual players love this card (when it's on
their side) and hate this card (when their
opponent has it) at the same time.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 3.5 |

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Armadillo Cloak
Armadillo Cloak was pretty amazing from its first
use in Invasion sealed
deck and booster draft, all the way through
Invasion block constructed,
appearing even in some Standard decks. Today, we
have Loxodon Warhammer.
Back in the olden days, you had to spend COLORED
mana of two different
colors to get the same effect and you lost the
card when the creature it
enchanted was destroyed. So much for the olden

Van Zandt |
Armadillo Cloak
As far as creature enchantments that don't replace
or protect themselves go,
this is probably one of the best, combining rancor with spirit link, and
a couple toughness to boot. Any creature wearing
this -must- be dealt with
shortly or it will take over a game- much like
Loxodon Warhammer.
constructed - 2.5
casual - 3.5
limited - 4

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Armadillo Cloak
Ah, Brian Kibler, how
can we not think of you whenever this card hits
play? This card was one of the greatest creature
enchantments ever to see play, just under Rancor,
and… er... Rancor. This card was such a huge life
swing, it normally only had to stay in play one or
two turns to win the game. I’d say this card is
horribly undercosted, but apparently I am wrong,
as shown by Loxodon Warhammer and Bone Splitter.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Armadillo Cloak My
personal policy on creature enchantments has
always been that in order for me to use the
enchantment it has to be so good that I just cant
resist it at all. It has to be powerful and
potentially game changing. The last creature
enchantment that I played that was just
irresistible was Rancor and it gave a bonus and
was recursive. This enchantment gives you a bonus
to power and toughness, give your creature life
gain, and has trample. This enchantment is a like
a Swiss Army knife and I love it. The casting cost
is stupidly low for all that you get. I like this
card in all formats except for possibly extended.
Constructed 4
Casual 4
Limited 4.5 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Armadillo Cloak
Ah, the Cloak. There
aren’t a lot of Enchant Creatures that can make
the cut in constructed, but this is one of them.
I played with this against Fires in standard when
I was playing a copy of Brian Kibler’s deck from
PT-Chicago several years ago. Dropping this on
Rith, the Awakener caused all kinds of havoc for
people playing Fires. For three mana, you
basically net four points of adjusted power and
toughness and two abilities; this is the kind of
efficiency you need to make an enchantment like
this work in constructed.
It’s more fun in the
casual game simply because there’s going to be
less ways to kill the dude you put this on. Drop
it on any Phantom creature (Centaur, Nomad,
Nishoba, etc.) and you’ve got yourself a veritable
fountain of youth! If you happen to come across
this mana cost in Mental Magic, this is a fine use
for it, if you’ve got a window to use it without
getting your creature bounced or killed.
I remember drafting
this and Llanowar Knights back in Invasion-only
draft; if you played Cloak on a Knight, the only
common outs that your opponent had were Repulse
and (the very bad) Barrin’s Unmaking. It was a
good foil to the U/B/R decks that were so popular
back in that format. Once the other sets rotated
in, it became harder to draft that deck, and it
was generally more profitable to go into other
decks (like U/W/R). Regardless, it was still a
fantastic card and high draft-pick.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Armadillo Cloak
One of the most sought after commons in Invasion
simply for its fun value. Serra Avatar. Double
your life every turn. Also good with any
creatures that have: when this damages the
player, do x. Simply crushes table top games
when it hits. Spirit link, trample, and +2/+2
are all good perks. An all around nice card.
This card isn’t actually that bad in
Constructed. G/W decks were pretty popular when
the Odyssey/Invasion blocks were Type 2 legal.
Some birds, Anurid Brushopper, Call, Mongrel,
Glory, and a few other cards made a pretty sick
It’s also good in limited. Easily splashable
colors with great benefits.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 4
Danny Tatro |
Armadillo Cloak
This card was even
good in non-casual at one point, and in limited
it was great! The flavor text on this card is
right after all. In casual there's tons of stuff
you could do with this, just stick it on
anything to make a powerful beater and
spirit-linker. Not too much to say specifically
since it's pretty obvious that this card is
good. Play 4!
Constructed: 3
Limited: 4
Casual: 3 (It IS a
creature enchantment, which is easy to get rid