
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Angelic Chorus
Urza's Saga Rare
Reviewed April 16, 2004
Constructed: 2.2
Casual: 3.7
Limited: 2.6
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
And we end Combo
mania week with the Queen of Life Gain combos,
Angelic Chorus. What has our Card of the Day
team come up with for combo ideas? Take a
Serra Avatar - Often seen as the classic combo
with Angelic Chorus... double up your life and
Serra's P/T in one fell swoop.
Any kind of a Token
generator -
Genesis Chamber,
Kjeldoran Outpost,
Phyrexian Processor,
Riptide Replicator,
Soul Foundry,
Decree of Justice
Pandemonium - Gain some life AND smack your
opponent up side the head while you're at it.
Astral Slide - Slide your creatures out then
gain more life as they return to play. Rinse and
Replenish Decks &
Opalescence - Got enchantments? Got lots
of them? Mize throw Test of Endurance in
with this and win.
Patriarch's Bidding - Bring in a bunch of
creatures, gain a bunch of life.
Living Death - See above...
Test of Endurance - So now, what do you do
once you've gained all that life? How about
win.... Great combo with Angelic Chorus.
Angelic Chorus is a
nice end to our Combo week. Hope you've
enjoyed your reading. Be sure to read each
of the reviewers ideas below to get a feel for
ways to use this card to it's fullest.
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 3
Current Price:
Chorus - Urza's Saga - $5.44
Combos Well With:
Avatar - Urza's Saga -
Chamber - Darksteel -
Mobilization - Onslaught -
Outpost - Alliances - $5
Processor - Urza's Saga -
Replicator - Onslaught -
Foundry - Mirrodin -
Decree of
Justice - Scourge -
- Exodus - $7.28
Slide - Onslaught -
- Urza's Destiny - $6.88
- Urza's Destiny - $1.34
Bidding - Onslaught -
Death - Tempest - $9.24
Test of
Endurance - Judgment -
Hey Pojo.com Fans...
Do you
have a combo idea? Send me the name of the
cards involved, and I will consider posting it on
my CotD spot. Just make sure your email
Subject looks like this:
Pojo CotD Combo - (card names)
Email me HERE!!!

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Gaining life for any creature that comes
into play? Gaining life has always been
popular in casual. Whether it is from Myr
from a Genesis Chamber, Serra
Avatar, Mobilization, Kjeldoran Outpost, or
any other repeated token maker, you can gain
lots of life real quick.
This has been spurned in competitive
constructed, because most of the time,
gaining life will do very little for you.
In limited, it's ok. Can help a stalemate
long enough for you to turn it around.
In casual constructed though, this thing can
be fun. People hate when you're at 200+
life. :)
Constructed - 1.5
Casual - 4.5
Limited - 2.5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Angelic Chorus
This card has next to no value to an even remotely
serious player. However, for the casual play, this
card is pure gold. IF you are in a multiple player
game, there will always be creatures on the table
somewhere. That's a ton of life. Be careful when
you use this though. If you can more than 20 life
at a time, you might become the new center of
attention at the table.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 5
Limited: 2 |

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Angelic Chorus
This card was usually worthwhile in any primarily
white sealed for booster
draft deck. Even though playing this card wasted
your entire turn, it was
very useful to get the passive life boost provided
by Angelic Chorus every
time you played a creature. Hard to imagine making
room for a card like this
in a constructed deck except for the most casual
applications. (was this
week Casual Card Week?)

Van Zandt |
Angelic Chorus
To be worthwhile, lifegain usually needs to either
be in very large amounts,
or it needs to be a secondary effect of something
else. This has the
potential to qualify under "very large amounts",
and even greater potential
if you assure a certain amount of gain each turn,
like with phyrexian
processor, the new blue behemoth, riptide
replicator, etc. Still, the
fact that it doesn't give you any immediate life
when you cast it usually,
means that it's probably too slow to be very
useful in constructed.
constructed - 2
casual - 3
limited - 3.5 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Angelic Chorus
I must say that the
person who selected this week of cards had some
cool ideas. Angelic Chorus is both a combo card
used in the Replenish/Pandemonium deck, and a fun
casual card. In a multiplayer game that lasts a
while, this card can help keep you alive, but
isn’t enough of a threat to make people target
you. In limited, it’s a little costly for what it
does, but still kind of fun. In constructed, its
really only good in a combo type deck, but there’s
a couple out there that it can work well in:
Pandemonium, Alluren, Fecundity, etc. All in all,
I have a lot of respect for this card.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Angelic Chorus
Angelic Chorus is pretty strong in the right deck.
If you were to play this with Astral Slide you
could generate massive amounts of life with only
one or two big creatures. In limited it can be the
life generator that gives you plenty of time to
win. In constructed it was a good card and again
could generate enough life to lead to victory.
Constructed 3
Casual 3
Limited 3
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Angelic Chorus
This costs too much to
really get you a lot of life in regular creature
decks; it costs too much, especially in the
rather-quick environment that was Saga-block. You
might, however, have seen this from time to time
in Replenish decks, as it would trigger with all
of your enchantments coming into play as long as
you had at least one Opalescence coming into play
as well. Basically, this was a combo-only type of
card (heh, big surprise in Saga).
Life-gain is always
good in the fun games, and this certainly can net
you quite a bit of life. Play Serra Avatar while
this is in play, and congratulations, you just
doubled-up. Also all kinds of fun with
Patriarch’s Bidding or Living Death and all kinds
of other fun cards (like Decree of Justice). For
Mental Magic, just try to get some card advantage
with WW3, don’t just try to gain life, heh.
I don’t recall if this
is good in draft; it seems like it should be, but
it just costs too much and comes out too late in
the game to make a substantial difference. You’d
probably be better off just making sure you’re
playing men and not trying to be tricky with cards
that don’t do anything to affect the state of the
Constructed: 2.0
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 1.5
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Angelic Chorus
Obviously good with creatures that continue to
come into play, or any creature producer. I
know a lot of people will mention Phyrexian
Processor, Serra Avatar, and Test of
Endurance. Also good with Mirrodin rare, Soul
Foundry. Simply a fun card in casual, as is
anything that raises your life points. There
are plenty of other combos with this card that
I’m not thinking of right now though. Not that
powerful in constructed due its cc, but not
In limited, it’s fairly powerful.
Continuous raising of life is great.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 4
Danny Tatro |
Angelic Chorus
This never saw much
constructed play, but the opposite half
Pandemonium did. In a casual deck you could play
Sneak Attack and Serra Avatar. Maybe add Orcish
Lumberjack, Rememberance, Enlightened Tutor, and
Gamble to the deck. Endless Sneaking Serra Avatars?
Sounds like fun to me! You could also add some
Crater Hellions to keep the board clear of
threats, cause having the ability to do a 4
damage wrath of god whenever you want isn't bad
in addition to hasting one red mana 20/20's.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 1
Casual: 2.5 (Its
stand alone value isn't too high, but with
combos it can get better.)