game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
This is actually a
pretty fun card except for one thing... it's WAY
overcosted to ever see any constructed play. In
casual play, I can only see this if you have an
opponent that is playing an Equipment crazy deck
that you need to deal with.
Limited is another
story, though. This card is actually pretty
amazing in draft or sealed. Creature
destruction is always nice, and now you have the
chance to whack some equipment while you're at it.
Even better, its only exclusion is black
creatures. It CAN hit artifact creatures,
unlike traditional black removal. Nice, and
necessary in Mirrodin environments. A mid to
higher pick.
Casual: 2
Limited: 4
Current Price:
Spoils $0.59

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Another good removal
card to end the week. The upside on this card
isn't nearly as good as the upside on the card
from Wednesday, but you play this because it
fills the need and occasionally gets you the
bonus. Which means this is another limited only
card, as it is much too expensive for any form
of constructed (serious or casual).
Constructed: 1

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Murderous Spoils
This card has very
little value to constructed players. If you are
looking at building a deck, stay away from this
However, for limited
players...well, I would definitely give this
card some consideration. There are definitely
many other black cards in the format that you
want before this one, but you won't be upset to
have this.
Constructed: 1
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 3

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Murderous Spoils
This card is Betrayal of Flesh, and then some.
Actually, in limited, this
card is probably not as good as Betrayal of Flesh
most of the time, but
where an Entwined Betrayal is going to create a
very nice two-for-one card
advantage for you, Murderous Spoils has been known
to net you three or even
FOUR-to-one card advantage. The cool thing about
equipment, when its on the
other side of the board, is that it is only
dangerous to you when it is on
one of your opponent's creatures. Murderous Spoils
takes care of that
situation, killing the creature (probably a
secondary consideration when you
actually Entwine this spell) and stealing ALL the
equipment that was
attached to the targeted creature. This is a
win-win situation. Except for
your opponent. For him, it's more of a lose-lose.
This card is constructed
worthy as a sideboard option against
equipment-laden decks.
LIMITED: 4.0 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Murderous Spoils
It's another vastly
over costed removal spell! One has to wonder if
they printed Terror in this block if for no other
reason than to point out how badly costed all of
the other removal cards in the set are. This card
at least has some unbelievable abilities to turn
around a game in limited, killing your opponent’s
creature and stealing their Loxodon Warhammer or
whatever. The card is playable in limited, but
past that, just not worth it.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Murderous Spoils
Okay on Wednesday we reviewed Betrayal of Flesh
which has the same cost and I said it was too
much. Now this does almost the same thing except
for steeling the equipment which makes me like the
card a lot more. In limited I really do like to
have this card. Its so fun to kill you opponents
creature and get their bomb equipment card. In
constructed it still has little value to me and in
casual Im sure there are a dozen other spells I
would play to kill creatures.
Constructed 1.5
Casual 1.5
Limited 2.5
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Murderous Spoils
Again, six-cost
removal spells do not really have much of a place
in constructed. This is considerably worse than
Betrayal simply because of the lack of ability to
use it as a reanimation strategy. I don’t really
see a way to use this when you have access to so
much cheaper, better removal in black anyway.
Same thing goes for
casual play. Then again, it’s probably even worse
because of the lack of useful equipment in group
games and such. Once again, for B5, you probably
just need to look to something like Tsabo’s Decree
of maybe even Twisted Abomination; I’m not sure if
it’s exciting outside of those.
This isn’t quite the
bomb that Betrayal of Flesh is, but it’s still
very good. It isn’t as likely to make me jump up
and splash it, but stealing any equipment from
your opponent is very good, and the opportunity to
grab something like Bonesplitter or Morningstar,
or (even more painful) a Skullclamp makes this a
super-solid card, and a high pick in draft.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3.5
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Murderous Spoils
In Constructed, I doubt people will be piling up
the equipment on 1 creature so much that you
would pay 3 mana to have it for yourself. What
will you get? A Skullclamp? But you should
already have that in your deck. And if you’re
not playing creatures (control) then you don’t
need the equipment. In Limited it’s a
different story. Any equipment you can take will
be useful. Plus it’s an instant, so they’ll have
to sit back and watch their creature be buried.
Still, people won’t put all their equipment on
creatures because it usually becomes wasted
mana. And this costs 6 mana. It’s not that bad,
mainly cause it’s removal, but it’s fairly
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 2.5