game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Nice bite. While
it's not huge, it does its job against artifact
decks, where 4 damage for 1 mana is pretty strong.
It's neg is the fact that it can hit creatures
only and not players. But I suppose that
would be a bit much for 1 mana. =)
In limited, Bolt is
extremely good, and an auto play. Burn and
destruction should always be considered a premium
in limited, and Bolt is an excellent spell in its
artifact laden environment. While not a
first pick, it's a very solid early to mid pick
depending on your pack.
In casual, it's
missing that oomph factor that causes Tim to say
WOW. It's not a bad card. It's just lacking
in excitement.
Casual: 2
Limited: 4
Current Price:
Electrostatic Bolt -
Mirrodin - $0.25

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
One of the banes to the Affinity deck, it also
works wonders agains Platinum Angels and random
Piledrivers and Warchiefs. A sideboard card at
best though, because it is a dead card in a
matchup like W/x control.
In casual, it depends on your local playgroup as
to how strong this is.
In limited, a must play. There's usually an
artifact you want to get rid of, and if not, it
can get rid of a random Spikeshot too.
Constructed - 3.5
Casual - 3
Limited - 4.5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Electrostatic bolt
didn't get a whole of respect until this whole
ravager phenomenon started to play havoc with
the tournament scene. Since then, it's making a
lot of appearances.
I'd imagine casual
players to not care much about this card since
there are a lot better burn spells. Which is
funny, because in limited it's always a high
pick and a must play.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 1
Limited: 4

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Electrostatic Bolt
In current limited formats, Electrostatic Bolt is
a very powerful, very
splashable card that is a first pick a great deal
of the time. At first
glance it can be said that the E Bolt may only do
two points to a target
creature, the ability to do FOUR damage to a
target ARTIFACT creature is too
good to pass up in decks where artifact creatures
like Arcbound Ravager run

Van Zandt |
Electrostatic Bolt
This is a lot like parch, except it can't go to
the head, and is more
situational... more confined to this block and t2
because of it. Still a
solid card there, and in limited of course,
removal is removal, and this
is cheap and kills most of the normal stuff in the
constructed 2.5
casual 2
limited 3.5

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Electrostatic Bolt
Ever since the
Lightning Bolt left our fair land, a great many
cards have come along attempting to replace it,
all failing utterly. Electrostatic Bolt is another
failure in that respect, but still a very good
card. It is usable in constructed right now due to
the massive amount of Affinity Decks, and in
limited, it is a great card to use against such an
artifact heavy environment.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Electrostatic Bolt
I have personally liked the Electrostatic Bolt
since I first played it in draft. This card has
almost all the keys to being a good burn spell. It
has a low cost for two to four damage. It has
instant speed which is a key to good burn. It has
one drawback that balances the card very well and
that is it doesn’t target players. The ability to
hit artifact creatures for four damage makes it a
fairly strong card right now. This is not a card
that will transfer into extended as far as I can
see. In draft this card is solid early pick
because every player is probably going to have
artifact creatures.
Constructed 2.5
Casual 2.5
Limited 3 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Electrostatic Bolt
While this is not
really maindeck worthy in the normal world,
nowadays I feel like this is probably the most
solid card to include in your deck if you are
planning to hate against Affinity. Though it
doesn’t take care of Skullclamp, it gives you some
sort of utility against just about every other
deck in the format, with the exception of Slide.
Killing Enforcers and Frogmites dead is its
primary goal in life, though.
For casual play, there
are a ton of random artifact-men that this can
help to deal with. Against, I’d rather deal with
those problems with something like Shattering
Pulse or one of the other abundance of cards
available. Since they’re easy to come by, though,
that’s going to make for a common solution. I’d
probably rather just Artifact Blast or Pyroblast
something with this particular cost in Mental, but
this works in a pinch.
This is probably the
second or third best red common in Mirrodin,
definitely behind Shatter and possibly behind
Spikeshot Goblin; the Goblin and Bolt are really
competitive for that spot, and it really depends
on who you talk to as far as which is better.
Also, it depends on if you’re planning on
splashing or not; the Bolt is far more splashable
than the Goblin, I feel. It’s a pretty high pick,
no matter which way you look at it.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 3.5

Chapman |
Electrostatic Bolt may
be good in the current artifact heavy environment
but I can't pretend to be a fan. While direct
damage is frequently used to blow creatures up
hanging on to the ability to go straight to the
head is important as it affects the clock of Red
decks. Even though it is cheap the Bolt doesn't go
to the head and that affects my support for this
card. Of course in any heavy creature environment
and where Artifact creatures dominate (like the
current Block) this can be great.
Constructed - Either
general use direct damage or general artifact
removal is the way to go - 2.0
Limited - Direct
damage is always great and artifact removal is
important right now - 3.5
Casual - Decent,
but not great burn, look for other solutions - 2.0
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
BoltObviously made
to counter all the artifact creatures running
around. In most every game situation, it’s
better than Shock, as it only has the potential
to deal more damage. Kills Enforcer, Ravager
(assuming they don’t sac in response), and most
other annoying things. Not much to it.
In Casual, I’d rather
damage the player. In other competitive formats,
there are simply more effective burn spells.
In limited, burn is burn.
If you’re going red, you take burn.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 4