game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Definitely one of
those "awwww!" pics. Very cute, soft and
furry. But other than being an almost cuddly card,
he doesn't climb the mountain in constructed. As
far as casual, maybe if there was a blue or green
creature with an amazing coming into play effect,
but it's 2am and nothing is coming to mind at the
moment. I guess he's a recurring blocker...
Uh, this guy's a dog
in limited, too.
Cuteness: 5
Limited: 1.5
Current Price:
Snow Hound -
Ice Age - $0.79

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Snow Hound
I guess this was
just selected for the "cuteness factor," I
dunno. Wizard Mentor thumbs his nose at this
card. Although, it is nice to have this in a
piece of the color pie that it normally wouldn't
In competitive
constructed, it's total crap. You may be able to
play some cute tricks with it in casual
constructed, but why not play Wizard Mentor
In limited, this is
as good as Wizard Mentor was when the "damage on
the stack" concept was added in 6th Edition. In
Alice sealed, you typically had very few
creatures anyway, so if you could re-use or save
them, so much the better.
Constructed: 1
Casual: 2
Limited: 4

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
I get to be Negative
Man today.
Nagative Man says:
"Don't ever play this card. Don't bother with
it. Even the casual players at my store think
it's silly. This is what cards looked like back
in the day when they needed to fill slots when
building a set."
And if you think
Negative Man is wrong...you're wrong.
Casual: 1
Limited: 1.5

Van Zandt |
Snow Hound
Well, there weren't
so many good comes-into-play effects in this
set, but it is a good combat
trick/anti-creature kill card, though a tad
expensive and slow... in limited. Generically
unplayable elsewhere, as there are simply better
constructed 1.5
casual 2
limited 3

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Snow Hound
Snow Hound is one of
my favorite cards in Magic. I know it doesn’t seem
that good, but I love the art, and have fond
memories of the card. It had an ability that was
not previously used in Magic sets, supporting
friendly colors. It was a good trick in limited,
saving creatures from almost certain doom, and
it’s a big dog! How cute are big dogs. Obviously,
he’s the perfect card.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Snow Hound The best
thing that I can say about this card is that the
artwork is really nice and the flavor text is
amazing. The cost is really high for a 1/1 with a
mediocre ability. The ability really doesn’t go
along with a white creature because since when
does a white creature bounce other creatures. I
don’t have anything positive to say about this
card in any format.
Constructed 1
Casual 1
Limited 1 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Snow Hound
Faithful to the end, a
Snow Hound will gladly pull your freezing carcass
out of a crevasse deep in the Alps before you die
from exposure, asking only for the loving
attention of its master by the warmth of a fire…
However, THIS
particular Hound is…uhh…well…poop. Just poop.
Playable in nothing.
In casual…well… it’s
still poop, just a slightly less rank version of
poop. At least it’s fun to play in the all-dogs
deck (I have no idea if such a deck can exist).
Unless you have some sort of fantastic combo,
please don’t play this in Mental Magic.
This was a rather low
pick in limited. However, at least it can serve
the purpose of saving creatures in combat, albeit
a slow and expensive manner of doing so. The only
cards I remember from IA drafts were things like
Lava Burst and Shambling Strider; congrats,
there’s your deck. Don’t worry about this guy,
unless he’s saving your Strider or Scaled Wurm
from imminent death.
Constructed: 1.0
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 2.0
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Snow Hound
I don’t know this
card either. If you wanted to bounce something,
you would bounce something, not pay 4 mana. I
honestly don’t know if this card has been used.
I’ll say no, cause it’s expensive, and there
were other bounce spells, and other white
protection. But I could be wrong.
In limited, see
Constructed: 2?
Casual: 2?
Limited: 2?