
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
8th Edition Rare
Reviewed April 27, 2004
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2.2
Limited: 2
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Daring Apprentice
isn't really a creature. It's a 3cc
counterspell. You just aren't going to see this
thing attacking. It's sole purpose is to lie
in wait for your opponent to bait its ability out.
Since control decks have lost many of their
mainstay counters, control mages have had to
resort to less straightforward denial.
Apprentice isn't
seeing much play, but it does pop its head out
occasionally. In casual, it's too boring to
see much play. In limited, eh, whatever. It's
filler at best that your opponent will work around
if they're smart.
Casual: 1
Limited: 2
Current Price:
Apprentice -
8th - $0.97

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Daring Apprentice
Looking back on my
last review of this card, my how times have
changed. Voidmage Prodigy turned out to be total
crap. And blue got most of its good counters
taken away.
And now that this is
the best "hard counter" option at 3 mana, I have
to change my mind and say I wouldn't play it.
It's too fragile as a creature.
In casual, if you
need a body to counter a spell, use Kai instead.
He can counter stuff without waiting a turn.
In limited, I don't
play counterspells, so this is pretty bad for
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1.5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Being able to
counter a spell is nice. It's a bit rough when
it comes at the cost of a creature though.
Also, it's a three casting cost creature, so
it's not that fast. Unfortunately, because you
have to tap him to activate, you can't even
attack. So you are pretty much relegated to
The only casual
players that pick this up are the ones that
build the ALL counterspell decks. Yeah, they're
out there.
In limited, it's a
space filler, but it stops a critical spell in a
Constructed: 2
Limited: 2

Van Zandt |
Daring Apprentice
A virtually
uncounterable counter, although a bit vulnerable
as a creature. Surprisingly solid in limited,
though, and a nuissance to play around
sometimes. Also good with corpse dance, of
course. Otherwise, the voidmage is probably
constructed 2
casual 3
limited 3

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Daring Apprentice
Daring Apprentice is
one of the counter spells that seems like it
should be better than it really is. On a turn when
you opponent is likely not cast anything, you put
this guy down, and then later on he’s a
counterspell for free. But the reality is most
decks that would want to play this guy are
historically creature light decks, and this guy
just becomes a target for the overabundance of
creature kill probably sitting in your opponent's
hand. And beyond that, if you want to use the
ability, you can never attack with him. If only
the ability said sac, and not tap, and then sac.
On the bright side, I
think the card is extremely flavorful, and fun in
most formats.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Daring Apprentice In
magic there are a lot of creature cards that cost
three mana and have lame abilities, well at least
this is not one of them. I consider this card to
be very well balanced and definitely in the theme
of the color. I allows you to counter a spell
straight up, which is not something easily done in
Standard today. Good for casual play and not to
bad in a 8th edition draft. It also has
a really good quote if you read it in the context
of the cards abilities.
Constructed 2.5
Casual 3
Limited 2.5
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Daring Apprentice
Does this guy *ever*
live long enough to actually counter anything?
Most of the time, the answer seemed to be, “No!”
he dies to just about every source of removal on
the planet. The most fun I’ve seen with this guy
is to cause him to return to play over and over
again; nowadays, you could accomplish this with
something like Oversold Cemetery, if you really
wanted to.
This is the kind of
threat that you want to have sitting around in a
group game, saying things like, “Hmmm…do I really
want you to have that?” He’s an extra-special
brand of irritating, though extremely vulnerable.
I wouldn’t play this in Mental Magic; you have fun
things like Forbid or Capsize to use here.
I don’t recall ever
seeing this in play during a draft. Ever.
However, in 8E I would suspect that this would
actually be pretty decent at disrupting your
opponent’s game, causing him to change how he
plays. This doesn’t make him powerful, but he has
the capability to serve some sort of purpose.
Constructed: 2.0
Casual: 3.0
Limited: 2.0
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Daring Apprentice
A strange card. I
don’t think this card has ever been viable in
Constructed, simply because it has small
toughness, and plain old counterspell is just
better. It takes away from the whole surprise of
counterspell. They’re gonna hold back their
spells or try to kill this. What it all boils
down to is that if you waste a burn spell
killing this, it will have been countered
anyway, so this is just a normal counterspell
that doesn’t go into effect until after paying
it’s cc and costs 3 mana. Overall, not that
useful in constructed.
In limited, even
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 1.5