
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
7th Edition Rare
Reviewed April 28, 2004
Constructed: 3.8
Casual: 3.4
Limited: 3.9
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
7th Edition's combo
king. Play this thing with
Static Orb, and you had your classic 7e combo
of fun and futility. While the Orb holds
back your opponent's board from untapping, you use
Opposition to tap the orb at the end or your
opponent's turn so it doesn't affect you, and you
get to untap your board. As you can imagine, this
makes a quick meal of your defenseless and
helpless opponent.
Another popular and
fun version is Squirrel Opposition, using
Squirrel Nest (or substitute any token
generator, like
Riptide Replicator,
Spontaneous Generation, etc) to make a
buttload of creatures. Use some to tap out
all of your opponent's board, then eventually, you
have enough to begin an onslaught. Evil EVIL
Squirrels! In
limited, this at first glance wouldn't seem very
exciting. But think about it. You use
your crappiest creatures to tap down your
opponent's best creatures, or tap down a color of
mana...the potential is really nice. Once you pick
it up in draft, you go picks to compliment it.
Casual: 4
Limited: 4
Current Price:
Opposition -
7th Edition - $3.58
Well With:
Nest -
Odyssey - $2.55
Replicator -
Onslaught - $2.14
Generation -
Mercadian Masques - $2.13

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
The second of two repeat reviews, and the second
one I have to rewrite due to a different
environment. This is no longer in type 2, so the
constructed review has to be for extended. And
to be frank, it's crap there. There are many
better decks that you can make without having to
resort to this. Maybe in late 2005, when
extended rotates, this might be good again.
In casual, it's a frustrating card to play
against. You might win one game, but everybody
will then gun for you so they won't be bored
from then on.
In limited, I'll stick by my original assessment
- a great creature to have, and it can set up
great situations for you. I'd play it if I had
Constructed: 2

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
When you build a
deck around the card, it's the bomb. It's not a
card you can just throw into a deck and expect
good results.
Casual players seem
to turn their head at this card when I try to
explain it to them. It's generally not their
In limited play,
this card is great for breaking stalemates and
allowing you to come through for the win on your
next attack step.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 4

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
I'm not the biggest fan of combo decks, but
Opposition is one of the best
combo cards ever printed. The variety of
Opposition decks is vast, but they
all have one thing in common, they turn a bunch of
fairly weak creatures
into a board full of little Icy Manipulators,
choking off the opponent's
access to resources, typically by tapping all
their mana sources during
their upkeep. In limited, this is a card you might
try to play, but may be
disappointed with.

Van Zandt |
All of your
creatures are master decoys in limited, makes
this a great card. You should know bola is
solid, and this one doesn't cost any mana to
use AND can be used on multiple creatures at the
end of your opponent's turn. Of course, it's
seen its fair share of constructed play, using
token creatures to lock down everything your
opponent has.
constructed 3.5
casual 4
limited 3.5

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Ahh, the card that
ruined 7th edition. Seriously. Does everyone
remember the glory that was 7th
edition? Rumor had it that Mike Donais had come on
staff, and complete revamped the 7th
edition project, trying to make 7th
edition the base set to end all base sets. The set
was supposed to get rid of the bad fast mana,
remove the combo pieces, and basically become the
best base set ever made for drafting.
Then, they put in
Opposition and Static Orb, and turned 7th
edition into a deck archetype, and ruined the
whole state of base set draft, and type II at the
time. In casual play, this card is about as unfun
as can be.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Opposition I have
always liked Opposition even when I was losing
games to it. The card is an amazing card to play
with in casual play. When you have access to all
the cards that combo with it you can lock your
opponents up massively. Combo it with cards like
Static Orb, Squirrels Nest, or any number of other
token generators. I really liked playing it in
blue/green because with the number of mana
producing creatures you can get it out early and
start controlling the game early.
Constructed 3.5
Casual 3.5
Limited 3 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
I was a small part of
the playtest group that helped to introduce a very
solid Opposition deck at Nationals a few years
back (okay, so I was friends with the guys and
rode down with them, bleh). Opposition has been a
very powerful card in multiple environments,
popping up in competitive decks combined with
cards like Spontaneous Generation and Deranged
Hermit. Saying, “But you need creatures to make
it work!” does not provide a sufficient motivation
to say that this isn’t significantly playable.
I don’t know how fun
this is in casual games; it seems like something
that would make people angry at you for putting it
into play. It’s so powerful, though, who can
really say no to it? With the huge amount of
removal available to you, playing this in Mental
Magic seems too risky; just Dismiss something
This card was absurd
in draft, especially if you found some way to
create a steady stream of creatures. One of the
broken rares that occurred so often in 7E drafts
and made so you absolutely *had* to have access to
enchantment-removal, else you just lost the game.
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 3.0
Limited: 4.0
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Eww… I hate these
cards. Icy Manipulator. It begs to be combed
and to tap down their pesky creature during
their upkeep. Definitely useful ,if you have
the creatures to tap. Not ideal in a control
deck, but I think it can be worked out…
Limited, too
far out. Blue isn’t that strong in 7th
limited. It’s effect is good, but it’s not
worth going blue for.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 2