game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Rogue Elephant was
the base for a mainstream deck known as Stompy. It
focused on low cost creatures and spells that were
overpowered compared to their cost, like
Rancor. Throw a bunch of them in the
same deck, and you got a mega-aggro deck that
whipped the snot out of an opponent before they
could blink.
The deck was
excellent, and if you're into super aggro, it
could be a very fun casual deck. The great
thing about casual is you can pull any card from
any set to trick out your deck...it doesn't matter
if it's "not in Type 2" so you can pick the best
stuff from any set.
In limited, having a
3/3 on turn 1 is pretty decent. If you feel the
rest of your deck is aggressive, it would be a
nice add.
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3
Current Price:
Elephant -
Weatherlight - $0.95
Well With:
Rancor -
Urza's Legacy - $2.46

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Rogue Elephant
I'm surprised this card was never reviewed. When
you think of Stompy in type 1, this is the first
creature you should think of including. A power
and toughness of 3 for one green mana is very
hard to come by. Even though you have to
sacrifice a Forest to keep this around, it's a
very small price to pay.
In casual and limited, it's just as good. A fast
clock from a very durable creature. Think of
this the next time you play green.
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 5
Limited: 4

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
STOMPY! What a fun constructed card!
Casual players hate
losing land almost as much as they hate taking
damage from lands.
In limited play,
this is just another body. Not a bad thing
though since it's a 3/3.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 2

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Rogue Elephant
Bart Simpson won his elephant friend from a wacky
radio station contest, but
Stompy (or Stampy) went on to be an integral part
of one of the best
aggressive creature decks of all time. Sometimes
this card was combo'd with
another elephant card from Weatherlight that let
you bring back the land you
sacrificed on turn one to the Rogue Elephant. In
reality, the card
disadvantage from Rogue Elephant was rarely a big
problem. Stompy decks ran on very little mana,
clobbering their opponents with fast green
and topped off with the power of a spunky little
creature enchantment called
Rancor. In limited, Rogue Elephant was a little
less awesome, but still

Van Zandt |
Rogue Elephant
A stompy staple,
one mana for 3 power being well outside the
general curve. Too bad he rotated out. Not
much to say... you know what you get and in
which decks he goes. Playable in limited if you
need the creature slot- great first turn, not
so great after that.
constructed 3
casual 3
limited 3

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Rogue Elephant
Rogue Elephant was a
defining card for so long in Magic. A 3/3 for 1
mana, it was the Green player’s early beat stick,
and the impetuous for some of the twelve and then
ten land green decks that did so well in limited
for so long. In mi/vi/wl draft it was fun to draft
these with the Harvest Wurms that got land back.
It was obvious, but fun.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Rogue Elephant I
played the heck out of this card when it was
legal. I will gladly sacrifice a forest on turn
one for a three power and three toughness
creature. This card on turn one and a Rancor on
turn two has killed many an opponent on the
opposite side of the table from me. Really nice
artwork for a really good card. If you want to
play a casual green stompy deck this is you card.
In limited it’s a solid card just because most
colors don’t get a creature this big for turn one.
IN constructed it was just a monster of card for
no real cost.
Constructed 3
Casual 3.5
Limited 3.5
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Rogue Elephant
This guy epitomized
the aggressive nature of the old Stompy decks,
letting you spit out a 3/3 on the first turn that
you could follow up with something like Rancor. I
could see this guy getting the reprint treatment
some day soon; he helped make a pretty decent deck
good back in the day. However, green decks don’t
normally come this aggressive nowadays, playing
more expensive threats (or things like Tooth and
Stompy decks don’t
strike me as the most fun things to play in casual
games; there are plenty of other monsters that can
make a more substantial dent in the game. The G
casting-cost is so common in Mental, there are so
many good spells to use with this, that you really
don’t want to be just using this for a guy. Think
Oxidize, for one.
Mirage-block draft was
about very large, expensive creatures and bounce.
While this can fight with the big creatures,
having this bounced back to your hand seems like a
horrendous thing to have happen. Better to just
stick to the original plan of a fatty that doesn’t
cost you land.
Constructed: 3.0
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 2.5
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Rogue Elephant
I don’t know how
good this card is, or if it’s even good. I think
it is good. 3/3 on turn 1 at the sac of a land
is good for aggro as most of their creatures
should only cost 1-3 mana anyway. I don’t think
I should go into great detail about cost
efficiency and all, so I’ll leave my estimate at
In Limited, still
good, just because of its speed.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 3.5