
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Onslaught Common
Reviewed April 30, 2004
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
When Krosan Tusker
is found in a limited format, and you're playing
green, you play it. One of the qualities
that will set a great card apart from an ordinary
card is versatility, and Tusker exudes that.
3 mana, and you can draw a card AND grab a land of
ANY COLOR from your deck. Or if you are
later in the game, and you need a big body, he's
your man. But
it's his ability to smooth mana while at the same
time drawing a card that is its most valuable
asset. While there are more likely candidates for
mana smoothing in constructed, this common does
make the cut in budget decks, some beast decks,
and absolutely in limited, where multi colored
decks are the rule rather than the exception, and
smoothing is a premium ability.
Jonathan mentions a
nice combo below, Tusker with
Oversold Cemetery, giving you an enormous card
advantage, and thinning your deck while your at
it. You can do a similar trick with
Genesis. A few rounds of that and you'll be
sure to pretty much p*ss off your opponent.
Casual: 3
Limited: 4.5
Current Price:
Tusker -
Onslaught - $0.19
Well With:
Cemetery -
Onslaught - $7.40
Genesis -
Judgment - $4.18

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Krosan Tusker
A great card to have when this first came out.
Unfortunately, when Scourge came out, the
landcyclers quickly obsolesced this card. The
landcyclers are better than this card in about
95% of the situations where you could have
either. The only exception would be in a beast
That doesn't make this a bad card, however. In
constructed or limited, if you don't have access
to the Scourge landcyclers, this is a fine
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
This card offers two
great option to constructed decks. It lets you
search out a basic land to help you along. It
also lets you draw a card. Neither of those is
ever a bad thing.
Casual players love
this guy, because of his multiple abilities AND
the fact that he is a big bad beast.
You take him in
limited, because he is a huge creature to deal
with late, or a way to smooth out your mana
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Krosan Tusker
Primarily an awesome limited card, the Krosan
Tusker made its way into some
really good constructed decks last year as a
triple threat: land search,
cycling and gigantic beast.
LIMITED: 4.5 |

Van Zandt |
Krosan Tusker
One of my favorite
new green cards, it's a very solid piece of
card advantage, basically uncounterable, only 3
mana, fixes mana problems, and just happens to
be a fatty creature if you need it to, too.
constructed 3.5
casual 3.5
limited 4

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Krosan Tusker
I truly think this
card is one of the most underrated cards out
there. It cycles, making it work for things like
Astral Slide and Rift. It’s a big beat stick if
you want to just cast it, and when it cycles, it
fetches you a land. While its no Ancestral Recall,
it’s very good to cycle you to finishing cards you
need in an R/G deck or thinning your deck of land.
It also has the benefit of being a beast for those
beast decks out there. Its just one of those cards
I love.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Krosan Tusker This a
really good card for those players out there that
like to play multi-color decks. Most cycling cards
traditionally would cost two for the cycling and
only net you one card. The advantage here with
this card is that you get a land with the extra
cost first and then you draw the card. Why is that
better you may be asking? By searching out the
land first your odds of drawing a non land card
are better so you can get some of your business
spells. The really nice thing about Krosan Tusker
is that it comes with a built in back up plan. If
you draw him up late game you can always just play
him for an extra hitter. If you want to combo him
with other cards look to use Oversold Cemetery
with him.
Constructed 2.5
Casual 3
Limited 3 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Krosan Tusker
He makes his mark in
decks like G/B control, letting you bring him back
over and over again with Oversold, allowing you to
net huge card advantage by cycling him over and
over again. Eventually, he just gets played as a
massive 6/5 beatstick, and you kill your opponent
and go have cookies and milk. Or something.
Anyway, this has seen play in other decks as well,
so we have to call him “pretty good.”
I don’t know about in
random casual decks, but he definitely is a
four-of in Prismatic online. Stabilizing mana and
netting extra cards in a massive-deck format is
definitely to your advantage. Since you don’t
have access to basic land, this really isn’t the
best use of GG5 in Mental; you probably just want
to look at something like Tooth and Nail.
Green slipped away as
one of the better draft colors in Onslaught-block
once you got near the end of the block. However,
when you were drafting OOL, this was a reasonably
high pick, and was always playable if you were in
green no matter which sets you were in, though you
probably cycled him quite a bit more than you
actually put him into play.
Constructed: 3.0
Casual: 4.0
Limited: 3.5
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Krosan Tusker
I’ve always liked
this card. It gets you a guaranteed land next
turn and of course it’s cycling so it can’t be
countered, and you get a free card. 7 for a
6/5 isn’t that great, but it makes up for it
with cycling. Although I like this a lot, it
hasn’t showed up all that much due to there
being lack of beast decks, and its ability
isn’t worth splashing it for. It is card
advantage though, so it’s not bad in limited.
I wouldn’t mind hard casting this guy either.
But his effect is pretty solid..
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 4