
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Yavimaya Granger
Reviewed April 5, 2004
Constructed: 2.9
Casual: 3.1
Limited: 3.3
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
An elf doing
what an elf does best.... mana! Granger is
nice, because it lets you go find ANY color mana
and doesn't limit you to green. As a 2/2 for
3, it's not bad, but it's ability makes it really
decent. Something to really consider when
you need something to smooth your mana out.
It's not something you'll see in current Extended,
but it's not bad in casual if you're looking at a
multicolor deck.
In limited, definitely
a great card if you have a good green base.
This make things splashable from other colors.
Depending on your deck, could be a good mid pick.
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
Granger $0.50
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have a combo idea? Send me the name of the
cards involved, and I will consider posting it on
my CotD spot. Just make sure your email
Subject looks like this:
Pojo CotD Combo - (card names)
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*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Looks like we get to
look at a couple of utility creatures from the
Urza's Legacy set to begin the week. First, we
have "Rampant Growth on a stick."
This guy is great
for smoothing out your mana draws, which can be
a crucial part of limited play. Not as exciting
in constructed play, as the better land searcher
was released in the next set (Yavimaya Elder).
Still, a nice thing to have in your casual pool,
and if you need more than 4 land searchers in a
casual recursion deck, this would be nice to
have there, too.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Yavimaya Granger
I remember playing
this card a lot. It was a great way to search
lands out of your deck. Not only did you get a
land, but you got to put it into play. Also,
you get a 2/2 creature for your troubles. Even
if you didn't pay the echo, this was still
great. Honestly, there were a lot of ways to
abuse this guy, just because of the Echo
In limited formats,
it almost always got played. Any card that lets
you get land out of your deck AND gives you a
2/2 at a reasonable cost is fine by me.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 2
Limited: 3.5

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Yavimaya Granger
Latin second cousin to Hermione Grainger? No. Most
broken card ever printed?
It's not that, either. The echo mechanic was large
and in charge when
Yavimaya Granger was printed in Urza's Legacy,
thanks to its successful
launch a few months earlier in Urza's Saga.
Considered very powerful forms
of card economy by Quality Magic Players, cards
like Yavimaya Granger were
typically played for their non-creature capability
and rarely had their echo
costs paid when the next upkeep arrived. Very
decent, no matter how you look
at it. Granger helped solve mana issues in limited
play, and was a very
important part of some combo decks.

Van Zandt |
Yavimaya Granger
Card advantage, certainly, or acceleration if you
don't echo it. But not
amazing at either. I'd rather play something more
specialized in
constructed, towards whichever end you need.
Still quite useful in limited
though, fixes your mana, thins your deck, is a
blocker, etc.
Constructed 2
Casual 3
Limited 3.5 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Yavimaya Granger
Back when I was
tapping the forests and sending in the little
green men, this guy had his own personal flavor.
He’d speed up your mana base, and you didn’t even
have to pay echo on him if you didn’t want to. He
was kind of like the Avalanche Riders gone good.
In, fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some kind
of sled tucked away in that guys back shed, a grim
reminder of the days he used his powers for
destruction rather than growth. If you get the
chance and see him in your card case, pull him out
and send him in once for me, a reminder of a
simpler time.
Limited: 4
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Yavimaya Granger
Yavimaya Granger is a card that is a good land
searcher but thru the years it has found more
suitable replacements. In todays game I would use
Solemn Simulacrum instead of the Granger. The echo
cost makes it a just a little too expensive for
play. In limited he isn’t that bad and his ability
is a bonus. In casual play he isn’t bad but again
I would consider several other cards befor I
played this one.
Constructed 2
Casual 2
Limited 2 |