
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Uh.. hmm. If
you can build a deck that would take advantage of
Death Spark, this could be a decent card.
It's an Instant, it can hit a creature or a
player, it only costs one, and it's recycleable in
some cases. Not amazing, but not bad.
It could have some fun potential in casual...use
Mogg Fanatic,
Nether Shadow and
Ashen Ghoul along with some other recursion
creatures that could be used to time your Death
Sparks and keep a recursion thing going on.
I'd consider it in
limited if I needed some burn. Again, not great,
Casual: 3
Limited: 2
Current Price:
Death Spark
Alliances $1
Fanatic Tempest $1
Shadow 4th Edition $2.50
Ashen Ghoul
Ice Age$1.35
Hey Pojo.com Fans...
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have a combo idea? Send me the name of the
cards involved, and I will consider posting it on
my CotD spot. Just make sure your email
Subject looks like this:
Pojo CotD Combo - (card names)
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*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
An interesting card
to end the week. It only does one damage, but if
you manage to get a creature right above it
(like if someone is killing your creatures, or
you are sacrificing one), then you can pay 1 on
your next upkeep to get this back. It takes a
niche deck to be able to take full advantage of
this card, but it's not bad anywhere else, as
you can probably get multiple uses out of it in
most creature decks.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 4

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Death Spark
Many of you reading
this have no idea what Death Spark is I'm sure.
It got a little bit of play time back in the
day. It also came with it's own interesting
ability that was a cross between Buyback and
Flashback. In this era, the card wouldn't be
that great. However, when cards like Mogg
Fanatic and Goblin Bombardment were around,
Death Spark has some uses. You could control
when some was going to be in the graveyard
better and could cast Death Spark right after it
to set things up.
Over all, this card
doesn't have a ton of usefulness except in
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 2

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Death Spark
This card was SO COOL back in the day, but you
had to be IN THE KNOW to reallly make it hot.
Back then, most people avoided this card,
feeling it did far too little damage in an age
of Lightning Bolt and Fireblast. When you played
this trick correctly, playing it right before
you were about to lose a creature, you retained
a nearly permanent ability in your hand to deal
one point to anything virtually whenever you
wanted. Combo'd pretty well with a certain
Goblin that you sacrificed to do damage...
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
DCI Level II Judge |

Van Zandt |
Death Spark
Reusable creature kill, and with a distinctly
lower "buyback" cost than its comparable cousin.
Not great, though, because it's hard to count on
when you need it without the appropriate deck.
Obviously still worth its weight in limited
though, if just for a couple shots.
Constructed 2
Casual 3
Limited 3.5 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Death Spark
Never before in the history of mountains has 1
red mana done so little for me. I know this deck
was actually played some during the Necratog
deck, but I always found this card to be
horrible. Its too situational to get to use
multiple times, and if you want to build a
graveyard recursion deck, there are a dozen
other cards you’d want to put in the deck
instead. If its direct damage you want, and you
only want to pay R, use Shock or Seal of Flame,
and don’t worry about having to count on getting
back the Death Spark over and over again to work
out for you.
Constructed: 1
Casual: 2
Limited: 1
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Friday-Death Spark
I have to say that I like recursive cards that
are cheap and this one is plenty cheap. You can
build around it if you have a recursive
creatures like nether spirit or a multitude of
other creatures. You could manipulate it into a
black red zombie deck if you running Unholy
Groto you could keep it coming back. it’s a good
cheap burn spell and I like it. In casual its
good and in limited it has a chance to get
multiple uses.
Constructed 2.5 Casual 3
Limited 2.5
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Death Spark
Letting your own creatures die is very rarely
this profitable; while this was a sideboard card
against other creature-heavy decks, it was a
solid one, netting card advantage while killing
off hordes of your opponent’s smaller creatures
(or finishing off large ones, if you were
fortunate). It wasn’t incredible, but it
definitely filled a niche in your deck.
It’s possible that this is a more fun card for
casual formats, just to mess around and ping
things at random; in group games, I definitely
see this being fun. Good? Maybe not, but it
does all kinds of fun things. I don’t even know
if/how this works in Mental Magic, so I’m just
going to ignore this as far as my ranking goes.
I don’t even remember this card in draft, but it
seems like it should be good; it can almost be
treated as adding another point of power to your
creatures, helping you make improved trades in
combat. For the price, and the efficiency of
being able to return it to your hand, you really
couldn’t lose with this card. A respectable
pick, though not a terribly high one.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3.0 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Death Spark
The whole placement
of things in your graveyard is a mechanic that I
never really understood, and I still don't. I
don't know if this card got played or not, but I
think it did a little. Flashback type mechanics
aren't that bad. But there will always be Bolt,
and other more powerful burnspells. Plus, your
creatures have to die 1 at a time (per turn).
Maybe with some sacing creatures, but I honestly
think it's not worth it.
In Casual, there are
better burn spells.
In Limited, no clue.
Constructed: 2?
Casual: 2