
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Reviewed August 13, 2004
Constructed: 3.16
Casual: 4.0
Limited: 2.0
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
One of the more fun Enchantments from back in the
days. Sneak Attack is one of our most sought
after cards in stock, and it seems a lot of tricks
get played with it. You can sneak into play
huge creature with a prohibitive casting cost into
play. Or something with a devastating
effect, again with a high mana cost. If you
stack your deck with ridiculous creatures, and can
get your Sneak into play (try
Sterling Grove to go find it), it could be
quite nasty.
Casual could be
extremely fun with a Sneak Attack on the board.
Casual doesn't tend to run Enchantment removal, so
you could really go to town with this. Grab
anything huge you can find to sneak in (Trample
creatures work well):
Polar Kraken,
Colossus of Sardia, and
Devouring Strossus are some large choices.
Or pick a creature with a nice ability:
Dragon Tyrant,
Living Hive,
Scion of Darkness,
Reiver Demon,
Fire Dragon,
Symbiotic Wurm, or
Zodiac Dragon (great to always have a creature
in hand). Remember...if any of these
creatures have upkeep drawbacks, you don't have to
worry about them, since you sac the creature at
end of turn.
In limited, not quite
the powerhouse, and unreliable for stacking your
deck with ridiculous cards, but it could be
interesting in certain builds. Your opponent
will be forced to hold back blockers in case you
might sneak in a couple creatures to finish them
Casual: 5
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
Attack -
Urza's Saga - $18.75
Well With:
Sterling Grove -
Invasion - $3.86
Polar Kraken -
Ice Age - $4.65
Colossus of Sardia -
5th Edition - $2
Devouring Strossus -
Invasion - $2.81
Dragon Tyrant -
Scourge - $3.42
Living Hive -
Mirrodin - $1.72
Scion of
Darkness -
Legions - $6.62
Demon -
Mirrodin - $3.60
Fire Dragon -
Portal 1 - $10
Wurm -
Onslaught - $1.55
Dragon -
Portal 3 Kingdoms - $100

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Friday - Sneak Attack
Ah yes, a card I mentioned on Monday.
Want to have a large hasty creature in
play, but don't want to pay the full
mana cost? Then this is your card. Pair
this with something like Recurring
Nightmare, or a reanimation card like
Animate Dead to get more fun out of your
creatures. The backbone of a deck, and
for good reason.
In limited, this does nothing. You want
your creatures in play permanently, not
just for one turn. You can't build your
deck around this card like you can in
constructed formats.
Construced: 4
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 1

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Sneak Attack
This unlikely card from Urza's Saga became a
combo deck classic as part of one of the best
Urza's Saga block constructed decks. This card
single handedly sent one of my teammates, Robbie
"Dojo" Howell to his first Pro Tour. Some people
also liked this card in limited because Sneak
Attack automatically made all the big creatures
in your deck more likely to help you win. As a
rare, however, Sneak Attack was not a major part
of the discussion of limited play in the Urza's
Saga era.

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Sneak Attack
This is one of
the more fun cards Wizards ever created.
While having a combo feel to it, the card is
still easy to disrupt, and the thought of
throwing big monsters at your opponent at a
cost of one mana each is too tempting for
the Timmy in all of us to ignore. Just
remember, Cloudchaser Eagle is probably not
the best thing to play off this card.
Casual: 4
Limited: 1

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
This is an interesting card. I can't give a
fair assessment on this one. It's good
sometimes and then a year later in the same
format, it's not so good. Sneak Attack
possesses the ability to do some big
damage. It's huge in casual circles. This
is always a sought after card. However,
within the confines of limited play, I'd
just skip over it, because you don't want
your creatures dying on the turn they come
into play.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 1
Hagan |
Some of my earliest memories of playing
Magic are of sitting in mortal fear of a
buddy of mine dropping Sneak Attack and
producing a horde of unstoppable,
gigantor creatures. This card is a
casual player's dream: all of the
coolest creatures for one red mana...at
least for a turn. Add any creature with
a "comes into play" or "leaves play"
ability and Sneak Attack becomes that
much more fun.
I would slide this card into my limited
deck, especially if I had a bomb or two
to drop on my unsuspecting opponent.
The ability to swing an entire game
hangs with this card, so I can't give it
too bad of a review.
In constructed, I'm not sure how good
this card is right now. I see a lot of
counterspells, enchantment destruction,
and creature removal roaming around
Extended, so the effectiveness of Sneak
Attack is probably pretty low.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Casual Rating: 4.0
Limited Rating: 2.5

Van Zandt |
Sneak Attack
Cards that get around casting costs always have
their uses. Obviously
putting out the fattiest fatty seems the best
plan, and a way to recur it seems even better.
Both it and zodiac dragon should get reprinted
constructed 3
casual 4
limited 2
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Sneak Attack
This card seems very helpful in Extended combos
for the Timmy tournament players who wanted an
alternative to Reanimator/Tinker (to a lesser
extent, but all in the same family) style decks.
Very fun card. I never got to see it in action,
but it seems deadly. One mana, and have a Serra
Avatar screaming at your opponent s face. Or
anything else that s big that I don t want to
pay its casting cost. One the good red
enchantments out there.
In limited, once again, I don't know anything
abuot this, but I guess it could be deadly if
you could pull a bomb rare/a big creature.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limited: 3

w00t |
Sneak Attack -
Constructed - It's generally hard to build a
deck around this, where if you dont draw the
sneak, it doesnt auto lose. It seems broken at
first... if it weren't so darned inconsistant.
Casual - Sneak attack + Phage + stifle seems
like a mean combo. Also throw in Summoners eggs,
and rukh eggs... and BAM! Chicken Frapa.... I
mean... Combo! Id love to mess around with
these, if only I could find a playset.
Limited - Do you ever feel like paying 3RR to
let one of your crits in hand swing in limited,
than sac it at end of turn? No? Funny.. Neither
do I. Doesn't cut it.
Constructed - 2.0
Casual - 3.0
Limited - 1.5