
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Reviewed August 17, 2004
Constructed: 3.00
Casual: 2.83
Limited: 2.41
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Tuesday - Phyrexian
A classic
risk/reward card. Against comb decks, this
guy was golden to Dark Ritual out on the
first turn. You took the risk, though, of
your opponent going "Mountain, Shock (or
Bolt)," which would make you sacrifice both
the land and the Negator.
Kinda neat to
build a casual deck around, especially if
you can have some way of getting repeatable
sacrifcial permanents.
In limited, it
was OK, but not great. The sacrifice
required was hard to deal with sometimes.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2.5

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Phyrexian Negator
Tacos and fajitas…I LOVE Phyrexican food!
Seriously though, Negator was a very popular
monster in mono black constructed decks as well
as in limited (when you were lucky enough to see
this rare). The two keys for the
are trample and a cheap casting cost. Phyrexian
Negator has both. This card was good enough to
see play in both aggressive and control-combo
decks. This card transitioned well from Type II
into Extended, where it is still a wrecking
LIMITED: 4.0 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Phyrexian Negator
Boy, did Dark Ritual
make this guy good. Ok, ok, Dark Ritual made a
lot of cards good, but it was a defining
requirement for this card. Against any of the
control decks of the time, a first turn Dark
Ritual/Phyrexian Negator was game. The
Nevinyrral’s Disk would come online one turn too
late, as would the Powder Keg. Taken on its own,
however, Phyrexian Negator was not nearly as
good, as often by turn three an opponent could
have a blocker or two, and the last thing you
want to have happen is you Phyrexian Negator
getting blocked. Still, it can have its place in
MonoBlack Control, with a rash of Edicts to keep
blockers out of the way while it delivers its
fatal four hits.
2 |

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Tuesday - Phyrexian
This card is a prime example of "risk vs.
reward." It's a huge creature for such a cheap
cost, but he has a huge chance of backfiring on
you. The truth is that you really want this
against decks with few creatures or little
direct damage. This minimizes your risk of
playing it. Casual players don't seem to like
this card because of the potential to lose your
own permanents. I can't say blame them really,
because of amount of burn spells showing up in
casual games.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1.5 |
Hagan |
Phyrexian Negator --
I'm not really sure where this card stands in
constructed right now. Even Psychatog is running
burn in Extended, making playing an early
Phyrexian Negator a scary choice. At best, it
has become a sideboard card for Rock decks to
play against match-ups where the coast is clear
(see: no dudes or burn). I will give credit
where credit is due: this card was much better
in its day in Type II.
Negator can be a monster in casual play, where
Dark Rituals are still around and crazy combos
are taking a while to set up. Who needs to wait
for their buddy to make an army when you can
start swinging for five a turn, starting Turn 1.
In limited, Negator might or might not make the
cut into my deck. It seems like he would be
decent if your opponent got a bad start, but if
they keep up, you are stuck with a
close-to-worthless card on the board.
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Casual Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 2.0 |

Van Zandt |
The measuring stick of fatties for suicide
black, this guy is tougher and stronger than his
casting cost (green's efficient creatures are
usually just 3/3's for 3 mana, this guy doesn't
just outstrip them, he leaves them in the dust
for mana curve value), and he has what a lot of
his "replacements"
(grinning demon, for instance) don't, trample.
His drawback is often not as harmful during the
early game, during which he is enormously
powerful, and in any environment with dark
ritual, he's absurd. He also seems custom
tailored to go with other negative-effect cards
in black you may want to sac, like Sarcomancy
and Necropotence.
constructed 3.5
casual 2
limited 2.5 |