
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Your basic kill
card. For 2 mana, you get to hit anything
that's not black or an artifact.
Unfortunately, not being able to hit an
artifact comes into play in all rated
formats, since the current block is filled
with artifacts. The big deck these days has
a lot of artifacts, and if it's not an
artifact creature you want to kill, it's a
black card (Disciple). If I were to play
this effect in constructed, I would pay one
more to be able to hit artifacts.
A decent card in
casual, as there's always a creature that's
In limited, it's
decent, but not great. I'd pick it early if
I saw it, simply because most of the time,
it'll hit thier bomb.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 4

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Terror is the ORIGINAL kill-a-creature instant.
Part of the original edition of Magic: the
Gathering, Terror has appeared in the basic set
more times than almost any other card. Terror
appears in the original Alpha edition, the
slightly updated Beta edition, Unlimited,
Revised editions and also appeared in fourth,
fifth and sixth edition before finally being
removed from Magic’s basic set. Last fall, in
Mirrodin, Terror returned. This was kind of a
bad joke, returning Terror in the set where
Terror would be ineffective against the LARGEST
collection of creatures. Terror can target only
non-black, non-artifact creatures, making a card
that would NORMALLY be a definite, no brainer
pick in limited a somewhat less attractive card.
Don’t get me wrong, Terror has remained a very
high pick in Mirrodin booster drafts, but Terror
would normally be an even higher pick in many
other limited formats. In constructed play,
Terror has been very popular as a main deck
creature eliminator as well as a popular
sideboard card from time to time.

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Terror was the cheap removal spell that defined
the rest of removal spells. For two mana you
could kill anything that wasn’t black or an
artifact. For those of you new to Magic, that
doesn’t seem like much of a big deal since so
many creatures are artifacts nowadays, but in
the old days, this card and Swords to Plowshares
were the only removal spells worth their weight
in, er, cardboard. Terror may be severely
weakened right now, but its still very good in
limited, and a perfectly acceptable casual play
kill spell.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3
Limited: 4 |

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Thursday - Terror
Birds of Paradise - Dead!
Merfolk Looter - Dead!
Furnace Dragon - Dead!
Exalted Angel - Dead!
Sengir Vampire -....
OK, so Terror isn't perfect. It's good in nearly
all situations though. It's really cheap cast.
It's an instant. It's definitely a good card.
There are very few downsides outside of not
being able to target a black or artifact
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 4.5
Hagan |
Terror --
I was really happy to see Terror making its way
back into the Type II scene when Mirrodin
released, but now, I realize that Dark Banishing
is just an all-around better card. Terror, while
once decent, is now almost useless because of
the vast amounts of artifact creatures running
around. I'll give Terror credit as being a good
card in and of itself, but in the Constructed
World, it just isn't up to snuff.
In casual play, Terror is the classic kill
spell. If you are playing Black, you might as
well run Terror. Just hope your buddies aren't
running black or artifact decks.
In limited, I'll definitely play Terror every
time (assuming my Black is good), but just be
aware that there will be games where its a dead
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Casual Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 3.5

Van Zandt |
One of several cards that I have a strong
preference for both the old art and the old card
text/font for. It just feels good to plop down
something that says "destroy target creature" in
a font that's big enough to read from across the
room; very demoralizing. A staple black removal
spell that most of its counterparts take their
cue from, and a solid inclusion in most
environments. (mirrodin block notwithstanding)
constructed 3.5
casual 3 limited 3.5