
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
What can I say
... this is one of those cards that costs
too little to play. At a cost of 1 mana, it
slips under most counterspells before they
can be cast. And it rewards an empty hand,
which is one of the things the Sligh deck
gets very quickly. There's a reason this
card has been played in most formats since
it was printed, and there's a reason it's
banned in block ... it's just too good. The
fact that it's colorless damage is another
big bonus against Circles.
Whatever the
format, play it. You'll be very happy you
Constructed: 5
Casual: 5
Limited: 5

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Cursed Scroll
Cursed Scroll is one of the most powerful and
efficient colorless sources of damage ever. That
being the case, the greatness of Cursed Scroll
was not immediately evident to Magic players. It
basically took the experience of Pro Tour
players using the card in highly aggressive red
decks for the greater Magic audience to sit up
and take notice. Before this card proved itself,
there was a commonly held belief that the card
was too random, since you could not be sure the
effect would yield damage unless you had only
one card in hand or if your hand was composed of
multiple copies of the same card. The greatest
subtle benefit of Cursed Scroll was when players
named a card that WAS NOT IN THEIR HAND in order
to cause their opponent to believe that the
named card WAS in the player’s hand. After all,
the point of using Cursed Scroll was to deal
damage, which only happened when you named a
card that your opponent “found” when he chose
one of your cards for you to show to him. When
even one of the four remaining cards in your
hand was something as scary as Fireblast, naming
Fireblast would often cause your opponent to
concede, realizing that your mono red burn deck
was about to end the game in your favor.

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Cursed Scroll
Cursed Scroll was one of the first “re-useable
removal” cards in Magic, and was considered
broken primarily because of the deck it fit best
in. Cursed Scroll obviously worked best when you
had only one card in your hand, where it was
guaranteed to hit. Now, what kind of deck would
empty its hand quickly to take advantage of
Cursed Scroll? Goblins, perhaps? Suicide Black?
Sligh? In other words, Cursed Scroll fit best in
the decks that didn’t need more damage, making
them even more aggressive and unbeatable than
ever before.
Constructed: 5
Casual: 2
Limited: 3 |

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Friday - Cursed Scroll
This card actually revolutionized Magic. It
opened everyone eyes. Players no longer thought
that all decks needed to conserve cards and have
card advantage. This cards rewarded what was
popularly considered "poor play." It was great.
Even know it is still usable. It's a little slow
these days, but it's colorless damage and it's
damage that can happen every turn. This is
another card that's just great for almost every
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 4
Hagan |
Cursed Scroll --
I'm not a fan of days when we do
really-obviously-good cards. I can never think
of anything to say that everyone else isn't
saying, meaning my opinion is pretty much the
opinion of everyone else. But enough whining.
Cursed Scroll is, hands down, amazing. At first
glance, you might wonder, "But what if they
choose the wrong card?" Well, kids, that won't
happen if you only keep one card in hand. The
cheap casting cost, the low activation cost, and
the colorless damage provided all combine into a
great card for all formats. 'Nuff said.
As a side note, the only reason I'm not handing
out fives is because I have gotten caught
wanting to use the activation mana elsewhere,
Constructed Rating: 4.5
Casual Rating: 4.0
Limited Rating: 4.5

Van Zandt |
Cursed Scroll
Probably one of the top "trinkets" that aren't
included in mirrodin block itself... Trinket
Mage seems much more like a constructed card
when he
reads "search your library for a cursed scroll
and put it in your hand".
Colorless and repeat-use damage cards that can
be used against both players and creatures are
almost invariably useful... even alladin's ring
saw some constructed play (though usually in
sideboards). And this card has the increasingly
more valuable casting cost of 1, and rewards you
for aggressive play.
constructed 4.5
casual 4
limited 5