
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Pernicious Deed
Apocalypse Rare
Reviewed August 26, 2004
Constructed: 4
Casual: 3.9
Limited: 3.8
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Deed was always decent, but as a dealer I actually
saw its value shoot up after it dropped out of
Type 2. You'll often see it appear with
Spiritmongers in a deck, as the two use the
same mana color base, and are both strong cards.
In limited, any
destruction spell is worth considering, and this
one is customizable with its X factor. Of
course, you need to be going Green Black to make
it happen, so that is a bit limiting.
In casual, an
interesting card, but considering its high price
at almost $10 a pop, not quite exciting enough to
warrant showing up in a deck, imho.
Casual: 4
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
Deed -
Apocalypse - $9.71
Well With:
Spiritmonger -
Apocalypse - $9.60

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
there was Nevinyrral's Disk. Then we
get Powder Keg, which spawns Powder
Keg. With enough mana, you can clear
the board. Though, if you just wanted
to clear the board, use Oblivion Stone
instead. Using this, you may be able
to get a one-sided effect, if they
have all small stuff and you have big
stuff. Good in Extended, as a major
archetype is built around these two
colors. A good card to keep around in
casual too, especially if you can
control the effect. (Remember, you can
regenerate from this effect.)
Solid in
limited if you are playing the colors,
and will make you want to play these
colors if at all possible. Just open
Spiritmonger with this in a MAA
tournament, and still not win a
tournament. (Yep, I did [or rather,
didn't {win}].)
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limited: 4.5

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Pernicious Deed
Pernicious Deed is a bomb card in any format where
it is legal. After
Nevinyrall's Disk was taken away years ago, Magic
players waited a very long
time for a card with the board-clearing potential
of Pernicious Deed. In
constructed, Deed is one of the key cards in The
Rock. In
Invasion/Planeshift/Apocalypse draft, this card
immediately put you into
green and black as long as you were already
playing ONE of those two colors.
Generally speaking, it's better to keep Pernicious
Deed in your hand and
play it on the same turn, or the turn immediately
before, you plan to use

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Pernicious Deed
It’s very interesting
how often we talk about how global board clearing
effects are often bad for the game because of the
card advantage they can generate, but then see
Wizards print them over and over. It’s an
interesting Catch-22 for developers. If you don’t
print board sweepers, the weenie horde or rush
decks dominate the format. If you do print the
board sweepers, the weenie horde decks summer
massive card disadvantage, as they get smashed
when the board clearer hits.
As far as board
clearers go, Pernicious Deed is one of the best,
because its initial cost is cheap, and it can be
very picky about what it hits, wiping out a bunch
of smaller creatures but keeping your big guy on
the board. In casual its great as it can just sit
out there as a threat, daring people to attack

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
I both love and hate
when we get cards like this one to review. It's
obviously good and is going to get a high rating.
It's cheap to cast. It's effect kills a lot of
stuff. You can work around it if you have
regeneration. It's been in one of the most
consistent extended decks for the past few years.
You see, the bad part is that I'm sure every other
reviewer is going to say the same things I have.
So it's hard to be original. Then there's the
negative part...oh yeah...Pernicious Deed doesn't
have one.
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5

Van Zandt |
Pernicious Deed
The "new disk", with a lower (albeit
color-restrictive) cost, immediately
usable upon casting, and with a more... eh...
customizable explosion, this
card makes b/g a viable color combination in any
environment it is included
in. It also makes you want to splash black or
green in any deck that
already has one of those colors. Almost
universally useful.
constructed 4.5
casual 3.5
limited 4
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Pernicious Deed
Cough multiplayer
cough. It comes down at three; it's a Wrath;
it also kills artifacts and enchantments.
Well, technically, it's not a Wrath, but up
until turn 4/5 it kills all creatures (save
ones that were brought in some other way ie
Reanimator). Definitely one of the greatest
multiplayer cards ever created. There are
cards similar to this (mainly sacing artifacts
such as disk or the recently released
Engineered Explosives), but none are cheaper
and/or are more flexible than this. Kind of
goes along with the whole Scourge “reward you
for paying a lot of big cc creatures”.
I'm sure other
reviewers will have more to say about this
card, cause I've run out of things to say.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 3