game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Academy Rector has nothing to do with being a 1/2
creature. It's all about its ability to
retrieve an enchantment from your library.
Whole decks, of which I have no recollection since
it was before my time, were built around this
That being said, I'll
leave it up to my CotD peers to explain it all. =)
Some of the cards they have suggested include:
Casual: 4
Limited: 2.5
Current Price:
Rector -
Urza's Destiny - $8.34
Well With:
Bargain -
Urza's Destiny - $3.13
of Grandeur -
Ice Age - $13.50
Necropotence -
Ice Age - $6.19
Worship -
8th Edition - $4.64
Nightmare -
Exodus - $8.72

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
An absolutely insane card. The body is
no deal. The effect you get when he
goes to the graveyard is the effect
you want. Get anything from Yawgmoth's
Bargain to Illusions of Grandeur to
Necropotence to Worship, with many
other possibilities.
You do
have to be able to remove him from the
grave to get the enchantment. If your
opponent removes it from the graveyard
before the triggered ability resolves
*think something like Scrabbling
Claws), you won't get to search for an
build for a casual deck where you
absolutely positively need one
specific enchantment.
No good in
limited, as you usually don't have a
way to sac it, and don't have any real
enchantments to grab with this anyway.
Constructed: 5
Casual: 5
Limited: 1

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Academy Rector
While the Rector has very little value in limited
play, this four casting
cost Cleric has a pivotal role in several combo
decks. Phyrexian Tower taps
and asks you to sacrifice a creature to put one
black mana in your mana
pool. Tap the Tower, sacrifice the Rector and
bang, instant card-drawing
enchantment like Necropotence or Yawgmoth's
Bargain. Add a pair of Big Brass Ones and you have
yourself the ability to gain a massive advantage
on your opponent.
LIMITED: 1.5 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Academy Rector
Academy is one of the
best tutor cards, ever printed. It may seem
expensive at W3, but keep in mind that it not only
searches out an enchantment, but it puts it into
play, and most enchantments you will search out
cost equal or more than that original W3 cost. The
card can also attack, and block, sometimes holding
off a whole army of creatures when they are afraid
of you blocking and seeking out an enchantment
with the card. Its only limitation is that it has
to wait to die to fire off its ability, but
there’s plenty of ways out there to make sure a
creature hits the graveyard.

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
I've never liked this card. I've always felt that
it was under playtested. It's only really used in
deck that want to hunt down a combo part. But in
those decks, it serves it's purpose well.
I will have to say though that I sell very few of
these to the casual player. It's always serious
tournament folks looking for it. And as for
limited play, well, honestly, I'd never touch it.
It's hard to get enough quality enchantments. And
overpaying for such a small creature isn't work it
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1.5 |

Van Zandt |
Academy Rector
He combines a tutor effect with a way to get
around casting costs, and
since both are good attributes to start with,
that makes this guy very
interesting. All you have to do is off your own
man. Often referred to as
a "moat" because of this... no-one wants to give
you such a potentially
game-altering effect by letting you suicide your
1/2. Not as amazing in
limited, but searching up your pacifism effect is
still solid, and if you
did get a broken enchantment, more power to ya.
constructed 3.5
casual 4
limited 3
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Academy Rector
Another broken card
from the Urza block. This is a very scary card
indeed. Find anyway to get it in play then bury
it in the first few turns, and you're opponent
will be saying "Good game". It can fetch
anything you need for basically zero mana. It
can be used to fetch Illusions of Grandeur or
Yawgmoth's Bargain/Necro. Other combos include
Goblin Bombardment/Enduring Renewal and fetching
Recurring Nightmare.
I'm not sure how
well this did in limited. 4 mana to get out,
and it's probably unlikely that you drafted a
bomb enchantment to go with this.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limtied: 2