
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Mirrodin Rare
Reviewed August 30, 2004
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
So ignoring its ability, it's a 4/5 for 5...pretty
solid. Now give it the emergency kill
switch, and it's even better. Slogger is
finding a niche in block at the moment.
In limited, any
destruction, especially reusable, is a good pick.
Couple it with a big body, and even better.
In casual, not the
usual thought.
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 4
Current Price:
Arc Slogger -
Mirrodin - $4.85
Well With:
Card -
set - $0.00
Card -
set - $0.00
Card -
set - $0.00

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
A nice
beefy body, it goes straight into a
beast deck. It is also a good finisher
in a mono red deck, when they have no
more lands left. Remember, you have to
be able to remove 10 cards, or you
can't play the ability.
card that seems custom made for a
casual deck. I was toying around with
this, and someone played Shared Fate
on me (presumably, with a library full
of crap). I just removed my library
and stranded them.
A good
card for limited. The 10 cards may
seem like it would hurt worse (since
it is 1/4 of your deck), but you only
usually need to use it once to clear a
problem blocker.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 3.5

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
If you're playing the current PTQ format, Mirrodin
block constructed, and
you AREN'T playing Affinity, there's a pretty good
chance you have four of
this Beast in your deck. Arc-Slogger is probably a
little slow for Standard
or the other faster constructed formats, but in
block constructed, he's just
right. Virtually every Mirrodin block deck with
mountains in it has
Arc-Slogger. Once in play, Arc-Slogger typically
gives you four shots with
his special ability. Slogger shoots down any
number of the tinier creatures
in the Affinity deck and has a butt so big it
takes a Shrapnel Blast to
bring him down. In limited play, Arc-Slogger is a
great first pick on the
rare opportunities that you have to grab him.
LIMITED: 4.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
I must admit I’m not a
huge fan of this guy. I mean, he’s good, he’s
undercosted, and his ability is interesting and
possibly useful, but I think the loss of ten cards
off of your deck is a serious detriment, making it
not as useful as most people think it is.
Nonetheless, he seems to make it into a lot of
block decks, so maybe it is me that off on this

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
I'm glad this card got some respect and found a
home in tournament decks. This card was nearly
down to being a $1.50 rare for a while and then
it's price shot back up. That's so great. As a
deck builder, I love seeing that. It's a large
sized creature. It's for a usable ability. It's
not SUPER, but it's very solid and serves it's
purpose well.
Casual guys don't care much about this card unless
they are building a beast deck. In limited decks
though, this guy is a champ. It's hard for your
opponent to get much on the table that's bigger.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 2
Limited: 3 |
Hagan |
Arc-Slogger --
I'm completely content with Arc-Slogger as a
creature. It isn't over-the-top amazing, but it
isn't a complete pile either. I put it in the same
category as cards like Call of the Herd, Shivan
Wurm, or Skizzik -- they are decent cards, but
they don't belong in every deck running their
particular colors. It is a decent size, has an OK
ability, and its easy to squeeze into a lot of
decks (especially Beasts and Land Destruction).
For casual players, this card is 50/50. If you
want to build a deck that abuses a large card
count in the deck (Battle of Wits, anyone?) or you
want to abuse cards like any of the Wishes, then
Arc-Slogger is where its at. However, a lot of
casual players don't like to see their cards go
completely out of the game.
In limited, my experience is that Arc-Slogger is a
good card, just because you only need to use it
once or twice to win a game. The fact that it is a
4/5 doesn't hurt at all.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 3.5 |

Van Zandt |
One of my favorite red creatures, he effectively
comes with several free
shocks attached to him, and he's of a reasonable
size for his cost.
Excellent as both a win condition and as a method
of board control, plus
one of comparitively few ways to efficiently shuck
off the majority of your
deck in a short time, if you should so desire.
If he doesn't win the game
by generating card advantage, he'll often win it
by swinging a couple times
and then aiming for the head. Plus he's a beast.
constructed 4
casual 3.5
limited 4
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |

w00t |