
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
of Many
The Dark
Reviewed August 04, 2004
Constructed: 1.94
Casual: 3.07
Limited: 2.75
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Uh, a doulbly at risk Clone, with an upkeep
drawback. Another rules problem card, too, from
what I understand. Unfortunately, also
another card that brings yawning tears to my eyes.
Clone isn't that hot, and this is worse. Besides,
the only format this is legal in is Type 1.
Just don't see that happening. In casual,
you would play Clone over this, if you for some
reason had a bug to play that type of spell.
In limited, it's okay, but no one is playing Dark
limited now, are they.
Casual: 1
Limited: 2
Current Price:
Dance of
Many -
The Dark - $3
Combos Well
Sleep |

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
(One other addition to those rules, now that
I remember. The copy ability is targeted, so
if the creature you're copying is an illegal
target [given protection or no longer in
play] when the trigger resolves, you don't
put a token creature into play.)
One of many copy cards out there, it has a
more severe drawback in that if either the
token or Dance of Many itself leaves play,
the other card goes too. So it's a creature
that is also susceptible to enchantment
Fun to play with in a copy deck, which
limits it pretty much to casual, as the
upkeep costs keeps it from seeing much play
in type 1.
Never played a set it was in in any limited
format, so can't give it a ranking there.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3.5
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Dance of Many
While creating a
copy of a creature can be situationally nice,
the creature is going to be extremely brittle,
vulnerable to Disenchant as well as bounce and
normal creature removal. In addition, playing
this against a control (or near-creatureless)
deck will simply result in a dead card in your
hand. In short: bleh.
Group games seem to
be where this can really shine; you can be
presented with a veritable buffet-line of
creatures to choose from. While it’s still
vulnerable to the effects listed above, you’ll
be less likely to encounter them and people will
be less likely to spend their removal on your
card. Situationally good in Mental, but suffers
horribly due to the previously mentioned
Umm…Dark never
really made it into draft. Since the best it
can do is trade with the creature it copies, I
wouldn’t count on this being terribly good, but
I also can’t imagine anyone in their right mind
running an all-Dark draft. Yuck!
Constructed: 2.0
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2.0

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Dance of Many
Although we were all excited about the new set
back when it first came out, The Dark did not
really produce that many memorable cards. One
that was memorable, however, was Dance of Many.
This was a deceivingly inexpensive way to make a
copy of any creature in play. Deceiving because
even though you got your copy of any creature in
play for just two blue mana, you now had to
protect the enchantment Dance of Many itself as
well as the creature that you created, plus you
had to remember to pay two blue mana during each
upkeep to maintain the effect. This upkeep cost
is what kept this card from being truly great.
This rare card, as well as the set that it came
from, were not really used in limited play. When
it was reprinted in Fifth Edition, it was a good
card in limited.
LIMITED: 3.5 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Dance of Many
Dance of Many is
truly one of the more interesting of the copy
cards. While incredibly cheap at only two blue
mana, it is susceptible to more removal, as they
only need to kill the token or the enchantment
to destroy it. And since the token is just that,
a token, bounce spells are particularly good
against it. The addition of the upkeep
requirements makes this card fun, and an
interesting concept, but just not good enough to
make the cut.

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Dance of the Many -
I don't like this card. It's bad in every
format. But for some reason casual players seem
to really like it. It has an upkeep cost. You
need a creature to already be in play. It's
susceptible to both enchantment removal AND
creature removal. Not good at all in my eyes.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 1.5 |
Hagan |
Dance of Many --
I'm not quite sure why Dance of Many is so
popular, but it is. I can sell / trade this card
off all day long, even though as far as most
formats go, it doesn't make the cut. At what
point do you really want to see this card over a
threat you are playing yourself, or even just a
Clone? Who wants to have their mana tied-up
during their upkeep? I certainly don't, which is
why Dance of Many doesn't see play in any of my
I will give credit where credit is due, though.
If I opened Dance of Many in a limited
environment, it would more than likely make the
cut just because it is a solid defensive weapon
for when your opponent has you outclassed.
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Casual Rating: 1.5
Limited Rating: 3.0 |

Van Zandt |
Dance of Many
Half cost clone, but with an upkeep cost, and a
bit more vulnerable. One
of several attempts to "fix" the copy mechanic
within the rules. The upkeep cost will usually
make it strictly worse than... most anything
it's copying.
constructed 1.5
casual 3
limited 2.5 |