
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Gauntlet of Might
Reviewed December 23, 2004
Constructed: 2.80
Casual: 3.50
Limited: 2.63
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Thursday - Gauntlet
of Might
So I pick the
first 3 cards for this week, and this card
then pops into my head. I figure, why not?
No, there is no rhyme or reason for this
pick, just go with it.
First, take your
basic cost of Mana Flare for the extra mana
effect. Then, turn the cost of Crusade into
colorless mana, and call that the cost of
the boosting effect. (It would be much
higher actually if it were a red cvard, but
I'll just use Crusade to make a point here.)
You Get 4R, or 5
mana. So if it costs 4 colorless mana (and
one less card), then it would stand to
reason that this effect is at a discount to
what it should be. Yes, it is an artifact,
which may make it more susceptible to hate.
But if you're playing red, you have to take
a long hard look at this. If it fits in the
deck, and you can afford it, I think you
should run it.
It may not be
good for your weenie sligh deck though ...
Think of a Dragon type deck for this.
(Sorry, no
limited rating today ... I'm not even going
to try to quantify if in a Beta or Unlimited
limited event, especially since you don't
see those events any more.)
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Gauntlet of
This was a highly sought after artifact back
when it wasn't a collector's item. Think Goblin
decks. Think turn two or three Shivan Dragons.
(this was the age of Mox, Black Lotus and other
powerful mana producing cards).
Gauntlet of Might would be a powerful card
today, but I think the card is balance enough
and slow enough in the current constructed
formats with its four casting cost. Besides the
fact that Wizards has put this card on the
We-Will-Never-Reprint-This-Card-List, the
Gauntlet is considered by Wizards to be too
powerful in part due to it being a colorless
artifact and, therefore, rather out of place in
the World of the Color Pie. I disagree with that
argument, of course, there is NOTHING wrong with
an artifact being primarily focused on one
color. Nevertheless, Gauntlet of Might would
still be a great card if it cost 2RR. A version
of this card costing 2RR could probably be
printed. Any way you look at Gauntlet of Might,
it is clearly a better card for constructed than
for limited.
LIMITED: 2.5 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Gauntlet of
And people thought Goblin King was good at the
time. Why bother with him when you can give ALL
of your red creatures +1/+1 and mountain work
whether they are goblins are not, and make all
your Mountains tap for an extra red mana. Back
in those days a turn five Mountain walking 6/6
double pumpable Shivan Dragon was good times.
Come to think of it, that's still good times
even today. It's even good in limited, if, you
know, you ever get to do a draft that will have
a Gauntlet of Might available.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 4 |

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Thursday -
Gauntlet of Might
This card was one of the greets long ago. But oh
how the mighty have fallen. It's not a big deal
though. The game has just gotten more efficient
and this card isn't as useful. I'd imagine a
card like this to be a great in a large casual
player group game. It would either make you a
bunch of enemies or a bunch of allies at a
moment's notice.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 4
Limited: 3 |
Hagan |
Gauntlet of
Might --
I'm going to give this card a nice, big "bleh"
for a rating. For four mana, yes, it helps your
mountains produce an extra color of mana, just
like a billion other cards just like it that do
the same thing better or cheaper. You're giving
all of your red creatures +1/+1 -- great, your
team is slightly better. But ask yourself: could
Gauntlet of Might be a better card? Almost every
time, the answer is yes, so it doesn't belong in
your deck. Don't forget, this card works on your
*opponent's* red creatures and mountains, too.
In limited, I might be a bit more tempted to
play this card, but only if my deck was heavy
red. Even then, it might get to hang out in
sideboard just in case my opponent has red and
gets a faster start than I do.
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Casual Rating: 1.5
Limited Rating: 1.5 |