
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Fist of Krosa
Reviewed December xx, 2004
Constructed: 2.30
Casual: 3.20
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Friday - Kamahl,
Fist of Krosa
A nice big fatty
finisher for the Elf and Nail deck, he
efficiently used Vernal Bloom to animate a
few lands, then make the lands huge and
attack for the win.
I suppose that
would be good if you had access to that type
mana, and his Overrun effect would help in
most decks, but most of the time, there is a
better choice than this in Extended.
I'll have to
repeat what I've said all week about this
being a great casual card, where the
development is usually a bit slower.
This guy is
awesome in limited. If you can pick him, do
so. and build your deck making sure he's in
Constructed: 2
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 5

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Kamahl, Fist of
This card COULD have been a good Christmas card,
because his name is in that old Christmas carol
"Kamahl ye Faithful". Anyway...His Fatness,
Kamahl, was ALL THAT + bag of chips in Onslaught
limited for the ability as "Overrun on a Stick"
as well as his ability to turn your lands into
1/1 creatures to add to a big game-winning
Overrun turn. Awesome! In constructed play,
however, Kamahl is just another complicated
creature that costs a little bit too much. Sir
Trample certainly could be a great winning
strategy for casual decks, in my humble opinion.
LIMITED: 4.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Kamahl, Fist of
While its true that this guy staying on the
board for more than a turn is pretty much game
over, I don't value him as high as others do. He
tends to die quite a bit, and requires such a
heavy dedication to mana ramping and green.
While he's definitely worth a shot in limited,
in multi player casual he'll get you killed in a
heartbeat, and in constructed he only really
fits in one deck, and even then he's not always
Constructed: 2
Casual: 1
Limited: 3 |

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Friday - Kamahl,
Fist of Krosa
OK, remember how we were talking about Vernal
Bloom yesterday? This guy loves vernal bloom.
The neat part about Kamahl is that he can be
offensive or defensive late in the game. And
when you draw him late, you opponent almost has
to deal with him instantly or it's lights out.
He's costed just high enough to keep him from
appearing in a ton of decks. But once you get
him into play, he's well worth it.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 4.5 |
Hagan |
Kamahl, Fist of
Krosa --
Who likes Overrun on a stick? Who likes being
able to turn their lands into dudes for cheap?
Who likes, er, legends? I'm stretching with the
last one, but Kamahl is one scary creature if
you can get him on the board and active. As is
evidenced by Tooth and Nail and Crystal Witness
decks right now, it is pretty easy to get a ton
of land out quickly, meaning Kamahl can be
extremely effective. Don't get me wrong, he
isn't the best creature ever -- far from it --
but I don't like sitting across from him.
In limited, I'll almost always play this card
just because he can be a nice bomb to drop at
the end of the game. You have to have some
pretty stellar green cards to not play this guy
when running green.
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.5 |