
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
of Blossoms
Reviewed December 8, 2004
Constructed: 3.83
Casual: 3.83
Limited: 3.50
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Wednesday - Wall of Blossoms
A marquee card
from way back. Not only do you get a sturdy
0/4 blocker, it even replaces itself. Back
in the day when this was type 2 legal, the
decks were very fast, with multiple
creatures doing 2 damage starting on turn 2.
This would hold off one of them, or force
your opponent to waste a removal spell as
well as one creature's attack to get rid of
These days,
there aren't that many creatures in extended
that matter that can't get rid of this. It
still gives the red decks fits, though.
In casual, try
pairing this with Stampeding Wildebeests, or
even Tradewind Rider, for repeatable card
In limited, it
was an OK blocker, but as a lot of the
creatures had shadow, it didn't block half
the time. Still it replaced itself, so it
was never bad.
Constructed - 4.5
Casual - 5
Limited - 3.5

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Wall of Blossoms
In a game with dozens of unexciting,
non-attacking Wall cards, Wall of Blossoms is
ONE GOOD WALL. Hmmm, a green card for only two
mana that IMMEDIATELY draws a card. Color Pie,
schmolor pie! The 0/4 just plain GETS IN THE WAY
against even the most aggressive Rock decks in
Extended, while holding off lots of little bitty
creatures along the way. This card was just fine
in limited play as well, in its day, thanks to
the free card this wall provides.
LIMITED: 3.0 |

* game store owner |
Wall of Blossoms - Wednesday
I keep hoping they will reprint this card. For
some reason I don't see it happening. Getting a
card AND a 0/4 blocker for two mana is pretty
crazy. It's even crazier if you can bounce or
sacrifice it and replay it. This is a very solid
Constructed: 4
Casual: 3
Limited: 4 |

Van Zandt |
Wall of Blossoms
This seems like Rock week so far, even though
this card doesn't see
as much play as it used to. No card advantage
loss, helps slow down
tempo decks early on, and can provide additional
value through graveyard or bounce recursion.
It's a very solid card as long as the aggro
decks aren't using high-power creatures like
constructed 3.5
casual 3.5
limited 3.5 |
Hagan |
Wall of Blossoms --
I can't really complain about Wall of Blossoms
at all. A 0/4 wall should cost roughly two mana
(maybe one, as with Steel Wall), but when it
comes with card draw, the cost is more than
worth it. The only downside to Wall of Blossoms
that I see is that sometimes, there just isn't
room in a deck for it. You might need the space
for removal, more offense, or random tricks, and
the Wall is none of those.
For casual players, Wall holds a little less
value, especially with the wider variety of
cards available. I would still recommend
considering it whenever building a green deck,
but I think it sits lower on the totem pole.
In limited, I think I would play Wall of
Blossoms, as an 0/4 body early on is generally a
little bit better in limited than constructed,
as is card draw. It definitely isn't a first
pick, but I would scoop it up once the packs got
down to around 5-7 cards.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 3.0 |