
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Reviewed December 9, 2004
Constructed: 3.80
Casual: 3.60
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
When I think of
Sligh, I think of three creatures - Ball
Lightning, Jackal Pup, and this guy. Drop
this guy on turn one, and not only can you
attack for one a turn, you can even hit your
opponent for one last point of damage with
this when he's no longer useful. This got a
whole lot better with the Sixth Edition
rules change too, as you can put damage on
the stack, and then sac him for the point of
In casual, it's
a great card too.
In limited, same
deal. The one mana cost meant it it for a
couple, and then could take out a creature
with shadow if it had to.
Constructed - 5
Casual - 4.5
Limited - 5

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Mogg Fanatic
One of the best Goblins of all time, and
considering the many powerful Goblin cards of
the past two years, that's saying a lot. Mogg
Fanatic remains a favorite, however, for its
simple and straight forward utility.
Play Fanatic, block with Fanatic, shoot
something or someone with Fanatic.
Slightly better in constructed than in limited.
LIMITED: 3.0 |

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Thursday - Mogg Fanatic
My favorite little goblin. I want to love him
and squeeze him and hug him all day. The guy is
just so cute and so helpful. He's great. He
always wants to help and deliver messages.
Unfortunately, Mogg Fanatics have this problem
with throwing themselves at my opponent. Even
better they help take down bigger creatures by
throwing themselves at them sometimes. It's OK
though, they always come back to fight for more.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 3 |
Hagan |
Mogg Fanatic --
As far as creatures than cost one red mana go,
this guy is the best. I'm not sure you can
really ask for much more than an
appropriately-sized creature that guarantees you
at least one damage to some target at any point
you see fit. The Fanatic can even throw a block
before you use his ability, making him that much
more useful.
In casual play, Mogg Fanatic should probably be
hanging out in just about every goblin deck in
existance. The only reason he wouldn't be is
because the player hasn't heard of him.
In limited, I don't think Mogg Fanatic should go
too high in a draft, but he also should hang
around for too long, either. A little bit of
extra damage is always useful.
Constructed Rating: 4.0
Casual Rating: 4.0
Limited Rating: 3.0 |

Van Zandt |
Mogg Fanatic
The only non-Rock regular thusfar this week, it
will be a sad day for red decks when this guy
rotates out. He's a staple for multiple
strategies, both as an aggro card and as a card
to control weenie-aggro, with a similar
principal to the wall, but its claim to fame is
in sligh/geeba/red weenie/red deck wins type
constructed 3
casual 3
limited 3.5 |