
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
of the Tangle
Darksteel Rare
Reviewed February 12, 2004
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.4
Limited: 3.3
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut.com |
The new Call of the
Herd. This card just as a 3/3 for 3 is a
great deal. Then add to it an ability to bring it
back to your hand, and you will never be short of
creatures. Very nice! I do see this finding
a home in constructed if White Weenie makes an
anticipated come back. One combo I keep hearing
about is using this with Ravenous Baloth to create
a Beast token, then immediately saccing it to the
Baloth and gaining life; rinse and repeat. Or how
about with a Skull Clamp... Hmmm...
An interesting choice
for casual players, especially if they run into
Elves, Squirrels, Goblins, or other weenie decks
that like to churn out creatures.
In limited, an
include if you are running green.
Casual: 3
Limited: 3
Current Price: $6

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
This card really wants to be Call of the Herd.
Unfortunately, it falls short. Green is the
color known for creatures. So unless you're
behind, all you'll get is one 3/3 for 3. And if
you're behind, you have more problems than
needing the card back to cast another creature.
It is also a token, so the one place that might
want the value of a creature with power and
toughness equal to the converted mana cost (Cemetary)
can't use it like it wants to.
In casual, maybe, since it will check all
opponents at the table, and most of the time,
you can make an opponent have more creatures
than you.
In limited, it's a body of value
(power/toughness=converted mana cost). If I were
green, I'd probably play it, although I wouldn't
pick it that high.
Constructed: 2.25
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Pulse of the Tangle
I think this card is
good. It seems that it really should be. My
problem with it is that I can't find a place for
it in any deck right now. It even seems more of
a shame that this could be set up as a sideboard
card. I'm going to give it a high rating
anyway. Maybe someone else will find a starting
role for it.
This seems like a
solid card for casual play, but nothing
stellar. However, all of the pulses could be
used well in casual play. Someone will have
more creatures than you right? In limited, you
definitely play this card in your deck.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Pulse of the Tangle
While not as good as the blue or red "Pulse"
cards, Pulse of the Tangle will
give you some measure of card advantage when you
have less creatures than
your opponent. The value, however, is deceiving.
If you have only one
creature less than your opponent when you play
this card, you don't really
gain anything. Pulse is just a Trained Arrmodon.
This card would be a lot
closer to greatness if it were an instant. The
idea of the "Pulse" cards in
Darksteel is supposed to be to allow you to catch
up to your opponent when
you are behind him in some aspect of the game.
It's hard to catch up much
when you have to tap out on your own turn to cast
Pulse of the Tangle more
than once. When you are more than one creature
behind your opponent, the
good news is you may be able to cast Pulse of the
Tangle twice during your
main phase. The bad news is that you are already
losing. In constructed,
this creature-producing sorcery will hardly ever
be better than other
similar cards created previously.

Van Zandt |
Pulse of the Tangle
Trained armadon with potential buyback, sounds
good to me. Like most of
the pulses, potentially amazing in limited, and
this one may see some good
constructed play too, since creatures are the win
method of preference at
the moment, almost across the board.
constructed 3.1
casual 3.2
limited 3.4 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Pulse of the Tangle
Pulse of the Tangle is
another big card on the net for people to talk
about. The whole series of Pulses is very
interesting. I think if I had to rate them it
would go, from best to worst: Blue, Red, White,
Green, Black. I know that’s not a popular order
for them, but I am a control player at heart. The
Green one is actually fine, especially in limited
where an extra 3/3 is always good times, and the
ability to have more than one is even better. In
constructed, the fact that the creature type is a
beast is even better, but the fact that it’s a
sorcery makes it have no surprise value and less
actual use. In casual, it’s a must have for any
token deck. In short, its solid, but I don’t think
it’s worth the hype.
Casual: 3
Limited: 3
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Pulse of the
Tangle Got to say that
when I saw this card I thought was having
flashbacks to Call of the Herd. This card can be a
solid route to victory if you are having problems
with Goblin decks or Weenie decks. I had the
chance to play it this weekend in a Pro tour
Qualifier and it can give your opponent head
aches. If properly played you can have a solid
defense but don't sit behind it and let you
opponent get set up. In constructed it has amazing
potential. In a draft or limited it can be hard to
not want to play green for it but don't force it.
In casual who wouldn't want a card that can be
used over and over. It's another good card from
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limited: 4.25 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Pulse of the Tangle
This is a more
difficult Pulse to put a finger on. A 3/3 for
three mana is definitely pretty good nowadays, and
being able to do so multiple times is absolutely
great! However, being behind in order to maximize
the efficiency of this card is not where you
really want to be with green; I think you’d rather
just be smashing face. For three mana, I’d rather
have a Troll Ascetic every day of the week, but
that doesn’t mean that your Troll couldn’t use a
friend to beat down with.
In limited play,
this should be a lot better. Sitting on a turn-two
Myr in order to start generating a mob of 3/3’s
sounds pretty good to me; I think I would pick
this pretty high. A 3/3 for three in this
environment seems pretty decent.
In casual play,
I’ve come to believe that *all* of the Pulses are
going to be insane. If you play multiplayer, you
need to be out getting these right away. Same
thing goes for Mental Magic; if you get the
opportunity to use these, do it and revel in card
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 3.5
Casual: 4.5 |
Chase |
Pulse of the Tangle
This might see
play. <gasp> It’s a creature with p/t equal to its
cc and you can possibly get more of them. It’s
also good because it probably won’t be countered.
(They’ll want to counter your big guns that are
already threats.) I don’t have anything exciting
to say about this card, but it should be played.
In Casual…. I can’t
think now, it’s a Thursday.
In Limited, green
leans a little more towards control, but can make
use of some of its great creatures. Lots of
creatures in limited = good.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 3 |
Danny Tatro |
Pulse of the Tangle
This card is
pretty overrated. Its like if trained armadon
has a situational free buyback, and was a
sorcery. The bad part is that after you get the
token it checks to see if your opponent has more
creatures. In constructed its not going
anywhere, especially in such a ruthlessly fast
and unforgiving environment.
In limited its
much better, still its not as good as it sounds,
cause your opponent has to be reasonably ahead
on creatures and in this format theres usually
only 2 guys out there at all times. Rarely
besides in sealed does the board get really
cluttered. Still a great card in limited though.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 4
Limited: 3