
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut.com |
Black removal has met it's antithesis, Purge.
While Black removal is known for its "Non-Black,
non-Artifact" clause, Purge seeks to fill that
gap. And none too soon in this heavy artifact
laden environment. While I don't imagine it
main deck, it's a sideboard metagame possibility.
It's reasonably costed at 2 mana, and gives white
a boost in the artifact creature removal
department. In limited, removal is always a
premium, and this should find a spot in your white
deck. In casual, this lacks the excitement
factor. AND, in this environment where often
almost any set is legal,
Disenchant is a far superior choice for the
same amount of mana due to its versatility.
Though, it could see some sideboard play in set
limited casual if a really great white casual deck
finds it's spot.
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
$0.25 |

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
The opposite of
Terror. This is much more limited, though,
because you can't hit a creature that's not
black or an artifact. This narrowness makes this
card mostly unplayable. MBC isn't that strong
right now, and outside of affinity, there aren't
that many atifact creatures out there. I'd pass
on this.
In casual, you use
Swords to Plowshares first off, and then there
are a lot better removal than having to rely on
In limited, though,
this is pretty good. You'll usually have a good
target for it.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 1
Limited: 3

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
I like this card a
lot. Unfortunately, right now though in
constructed place it doesn't have a huge home.
By the time Regionals rolls around, it is
possible that zombies might be making a
comeback. If so, then this card will see a lot
more play. Also, right now, Wing Shards is the
preferred white removal of choice for many
In limited play this
card is a gem. If you are in white, this is a
MUST have. If casual play, I don't think this
card carries a lot of value. When you have
access to all cards and sets, this is some white
removal that has to ride the bench.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 4
Casual: 2

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Ok, I admit I want to
build a deck with four Purge and four Terrors.
Then I want to add in Four Spellweaver Helix and
Four Isochron Scepter. Then I will add something
that makes all of my artifacts Indestructible.
Then maybe like, four Bottle Gnomes for really bad
beat down, and some of the Black shards to get the
bottle Gnomes back. Yay! I have a really bad but
fun casual deck built!
Now, that I am done
being silly, this is a really solid card. Its
great in draft, and a high pick. In constructed,
its not as strong, but its not horrible. Its all
going to depend on what the type two format looks
like over the next month. In Casual, it doesn't
seem like it should be fun, but it sparks ideas,
like Purge plus Nerok Transmitter...
Casual: 3
Limited: 5
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Well this block
is trying to really keep things fair. Even white
is getting an awser to all those big bad
artifacts. In limited I think that this card can
be a useful tool and very effective in draft. It
does have its limitations because of its targeting
restrictions. I think that in casual play you have
several better options and this card just isn’t
good enough on a broader range.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2
Limited 2.75 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
The mythical Anti-Terror has finally been
created! Seriously, this should probably see
sideboard play against Affinity and any aggressive
black decks that rear their heads. I don’t expect
that Mirrodin-block will have enough of a constant
flow of artifact creatures to make this playable;
the existence of the R/G decks will probably make
this a bad main-deck card. Don’t have it too far
away, though.
In limited, there aren’t a whole lot of decks that
don’t have at least a couple of artifact creatures
in them. This can range from decent to amazingly
good depending on your opponent’s deck, but it
should always be at least a fairly high pick in
draft, and will practically always make the cut.
White removal is a pretty nice thing.
This card is too narrow to really make much of a
dent in Casual play. Same goes for Mental Magic;
it’s also not a cantrip, so eh.
Constructed: 2.25
Limited: 3.0
Casual: 1.5
Chase |
Well, I don’t see too many black
creatures running around causing enough havoc
that there needs to be a white card devoted to
kill them. I would expect white cards to play
this in their sideboard incase of the seldom
seen Suicide Black or Black Weenie variants.
Good for what it does, but, as it’s an answer
card for something that doesn’t need answers
for, it won’t see that much play.
In Casual, this is great.
Destroy a pesky artifact or hard to kill black
creatures. Plus, it’s not rare.
In Limited, I think white has
gotten a lot better. This should be a medium
pick though, as I don’t see that many black
creatures running around. But I might pick it
highly, as I am seeing fewer and fewer white
cards that destroy artifacts when compared to
other colors.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5