game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut.com |
This card has
proven to be fairly popular with the Casual and
Timmy crowd. It won't cut the mustard in
competitive constructed due to its high casting
and use costs. But for the casual player, 5
colorless mana to destroy target creature is
pretty appealing. And it has a use otherwise with
it's +2/+1 additive, so it's not completely wasted
while it's sitting there
In limited, this thing
is amazing. Reusable creature destruction is
extremely valuable. While it's not first pick in a
draft, it is a high pick. And colorless, so it
fits in any deck.
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 4.5
Current Price:
Heartseeker $2.31 |

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
In constructed, it
costs 9 mana, and requires a creature to attach
to to be effective. Then, it requires your
opponent to be playing creatures to kill. Third,
this usually won't come online until at minimum
turn 4. Any creature decks will have you dead
(or very close to dead) by the 4th turn. So this
falls short on a lot of levels.
In casual, this
would be ok, as games usually last a long enough
time for this to be effective.
Limited play is
where this really shines. You will usually have
time to equip and play the ability. This is a
must include in limited.
Constructed: 1
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 4.5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
As far as equipment
goes, this card has almost no value to a good
constructed player. It costs too much to cast.
It costs too much to equip. You have to tap a
creature to use its ability. Yeah, it's nice to
be able to kill a creature freely, but not at
this cost.
I would definitely
play this card in limited. This card should be
an early pick in any draft.
I honestly have no
idea if a casual player would really enjoy
playing this card. Other cards like Visara, the
Dreadful or Royal Assassin are a bit better for
doing the job. But I guess this IS an option if
you aren't playing black.
Constructed: 1.2
Limited: 4
Casual: 2

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Everything is great about this card except for
what it costs to play and what it costs to equip.
That could be a big problem in draft where pace is
pretty important these days. Certainly good enough
to play EVERY TIME in sealed deck, simply tapping
a creature equipped with Heartseeker to destroy
target creature is an ability that may be too
powerful to do without in booster draft despite
it’s appetite for mana. Not valuable in
constructed, thanks to its costs.

Van Zandt |
Repeated creature kill in limited is good, and
this can even manage more
than one per turn. Plus the bonus of creature
stats add-ons, and it's not
7 mana a turn. In constructed, it may even see
play as colorless creature
constructed 2.5
casual 3.4
limited 4.2

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
anything that says, "destroy target creature" has
got to be good, right? Well, in constructed, the
equip cost makes it far too slow to be worthwhile.
Just one activation of equipping that is responded
to a creature kill spell on the guy you are trying
to equip to, and your loss of tempo is already so
great you may not recover.
In limited, you have
to be wary of the same thing. But limited is
slower, and you can draft a slow control deck that
may make this card work for you, if you can live
that long.
In Casual, this card
will be great in multiplayer, if it sticks around.
I expect it to get destroyed the first time you
try to equip it.
Limited: 3
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Wow, I don’t know about most
people but I feel fine about paying 5 mana and
taping a creature to kill another persons
creatures. In draft this card can control a game
at times. In casual play I wouldn’t mind playing
this card at all. In constructed your opponents
usually have better options to answer this card so
I value it less. It can be expensive but the pay
off is pretty good.
Constructed 2.75
Casual 3
Limited 4 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
This card is absurdly slow and expensive for
constructed play. However, it does give any deck
with creatures a way to kill stuff outright, so
maybe this’ll see some play in block out of a
sideboard or two.
If it wasn’t absolutely obvious to folks, this
card is absolutely nuts in limited. Being able to
kill stuff over and over again is really good no
matter how slow it is; at least it’s better than
Altar of Shadows.
This is at least a little better than Spellbinder
in casual play; I can see this actually being a
fair amount of fun in group games. In Mental,
it’s expensive equipment; avoid it like the
Constructed: 2.0
Limited: 4.5
Casual: 3.0 |

Chapman |
Heartseeker seems to
be a card that is just too expensive to see
serious play. While the ability to kill a creature
(or even 2 or 3) every turn is good 5 mana is very
expensive for this type of ability. At least the
card isn't a total loss since it provides creature
pump as well.
Constructed - Likely
too slow but not awful - 2.85
Limited - Removal
is great, may be worth it - 3.10
Casual - This card
would be great in the slower creature heavy casual
format - 3.25 |
Chase |
This is a weird card. I think it
will only be used in Casual as it’s 9 mana that
only gives the person +2/+1. It’s other ability is
good as it can hit all creatures, except
indestructible, but it really says: 5, tap. That
is simply too expensive for any Constructed deck.
In Casual, great! No creature is
safe on their side of the board! Block, then tap
to destroy possibly two creatures at once.
In Limited, it’s also too
expensive. 4th turn, 0 mana. 5th
turn, 0 mana. 6th turn, 1 mana, and a
tapped creature that doesn’t deal damage. You see
what I’m getting at. You won’t be able to keep up
its cost. It’s fun, sure, but not for competitive
Constructed: 1.9
Casual: 4
Limited: 1.5 |