
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Reviewed February 03, 2004
Constructed: 2.32
Casual: 3.73
Limited: 3.43
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Tuesday - Myr Matrix
possibility for control decks, although I
would think they would use Mobilization
instead, as the ability to both attack and
block is much more important than the power
bonus. The inevitability of control of the
control deck makes the size of the kill
mechanism moot.
In limited, this
might get played, as it is a very "cool"
effect, and the ability to generate multiple
tokens can be great.
In limited, this
is repeatable creatures. You play this, and
pick it high.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 4.75

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Tuesday - Myr
I'm not super impressed with this card just yet.
I know some people are excited about it, but I
think that its high casting cost and its high
activation cost are going to keep it out of most
tournament winning decks. I think there are some
uses for it, but maybe not for competitive
constructed play.
Casual players will probably LOVE this card. I
can also see myself taking this card if I open
it in a draft. It creates an infinite number of
blockers. If you end up in a stalemate, this
card will definitely help you win you way out of
it. Also, in casual and limited play, the
casting cost is much less of a hindrance.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 4.3
Limited: 4.1 |

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Myr Matrix
Myr Matrix is a very efficient creature machine
for colorless mana that also pumps up the
creatures it produces. The resulting token
creatures are 2/2.
The five mana cost to get the Matrix into play
doesn’t bother me very much, the high cost of
five mana to create a Myr token does seem high.
In limited, this card is almost too expensive to
get excited about, but it is cool that the mana
producing Myr that you probably already have in
play will also get the +1/+1 bonus that Myr
Matrix gives to all Myr.
LIMITED: 3.0 |

Van Zandt |
Myr Matrix
It's volrath's lab, but indestructible.
Acceptable. Would be better if indestructible
meant uncounterable too. In limited, it's card
advantage-ish dudes, always useful. As a myr
crusade, I guess it's ok... dunno why you'd need
a myr crusade though.
constructed 2.8
casual 3.1
limited 3.1 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Myr Matrix
When I saw this card previewed, I thought to
myself “Wow, this is a bad idea.” An
indestructible token maker that makes
indestructible tokens is a for sure game winner
when it hits the table.
The reality is that this is really slow for the
current constructed formats, and “pretty slow”
for limited. When it does hit the board its
bound to slow the game to a crawl, and if they
don’t have evasion, a free win for you. Even at
the cost of 5 for a 2/2, that indestructible 2/2
can go a long way.
In casual, this is a must for a Myr Deck! Must
Play Myr!
Casual: 5
Constructed: 2
Limited: 4 |
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Well about the best thing I can say about Mry
Matrix is that at least it is indestructible. It
cost five which is traditionally the high end of
the mana curve and another five to get a 2/2
creature. That’s a lot of mana to pay for little
guys. If you could get multiple in play quickly
you could make it useful then but as it stands
its just okay. In casual the Myr Matrix loos
like it could be fun and in limited I think it
could be useful but again its mana cost could be
a pain. The good thing about using it in limited
is that at least you can draft plenty of myrs to
go with it and enhance you mana.
Constructed 2
Casual 2.5
Limited 3 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Myr Matrix
Let’s use Magical Math here…for 10 mana, I get
to make a 2/2 Myr! Whoooo-whee, call Mark
Rosewater, they mighta missed something here!
Honestly, I can’t see this guy being a whole lot
of excitement. The only way I see him being any
good (at all) in constructed is if the Myr
Incubator/Matrix deck actually happens. I
actually thought that might be buildable/funny.
Anyone gets a serious build of this going, who
For limited play, refer to the Magical Math,
then see how it feels to have a pack less of
good Myr.
In casual play…seriously, making
6459826345982763 Myr with this and Incubator
could be a lot of fun.
Constructed: either 1.5 or 4.0, depending on if
the Incubator deck happens in block
Limited: 2.0
Casual: 4.0 |

Chapman |
Myr Matrix just
screams theme deck and what could be more fun
than a theme deck. Maybe universal themed pump
and a breeding ability. Now that would be really
cool. Oh wait, it is here. At 5 mana I don't
think it is strong enough to boost Myr beyond
the faster Affinity based Artifact decks,
although the Matrix wouldn't totally lack
synergy for casual players. Really a great card
for casual players - Go Myr!
Constructed - For 5 mana I just am not sure Myr
get enough oomph - 2.65
Limited - Pop out more bears or just suck up
mana - 2.95
Casual - Theme decks rock, go build one - 4.20
Just got a call, have to go, get the rest in
tonight. . .
Chase |
Myr Matrix
Gah! Another card I don’t want to review! Oh
well. It comes out on turn 5 and makes lots of
2/2 tokens for too much mana of course. Not too
good for Constructed.
In Casual, it’s Mobalization/Outpost for any
color and it can’t be destroyed (it can be
countered and removed from the game though.)
You’ll get creature each turn… which can drive
your opponent crazy. Fun fun.
In Limited, a creature each turn is a creature
each turn. You’ll never be creatureless, unless
they have a way of removing your lands but I
don’t think there is a card like that in
Darksteel. Not to mention LD isn’t popular in
limited. Make a creature every turn until you
get your big guys out.
Oh yeah the indestructible thing. I don’t like
it very much. If the development thinks that
it’s too strong then it probably isn’t. I think
there are only a few cards with Indestructible
or the ability to give Indestructible to
something. They’re also overcosted. Everyone is
going to play with them within the first month
though. After that time we’ll actually see what
Darksteel has to offer. See Friday’s review for
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 4