
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Reviewed February 04, 2004
Constructed: 2.78
Casual: 1.67
Limited: 2.41
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Wednesday - Last
Well, the
inevitable counterspell that can't be
countered. Ironically, the deck that this
goes in, U/W control, is the deck that is
least likely to use it in my opinion. It is
more of a weapon for a deck like affinity,
to stop Akroma's Vengeance. A good thing to
have, but too specialized to see play over
something like Rewind.
In limited,
hardly anyone plays counterspells. They just
like to play big men.
In limited, you
don't usually need a counterspell, never
mind an uncounterable one.
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Wednesday - Last
I almost didn't want to even write about this
card, as I've already had countless discussions
about this card with many players. Honestly, I'm
not a huge fan of the card. I think this card
will be in my sideboard more than maindeck.
Against any color outside of blue, this is just
another counterspell. And even against blue
decks, it doesn't do anything if you are casting
it to protect a spell that you originally cast.
I cast Elf Dude
You Counterspell Elf Dude
I Last Word targeting your Counterspell
You Rewind my Elf Dude
It doesn't do a whole lot in most cases.
However, I could be wrong, only time will tell.
Casual players probably won't care too much
about the card. Limited player might enjoy it
though as a solid spell counter in an
environment that doesn't have very many of them.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 3 |

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Last Word
A counterspell that can’t be counterspelled! If
you like blue control strategies, you have to
love this card. The original Counterspell was
eliminated from in eighth edition, apparently
far too powerful at two blue mana. There was
some thought that Counterspell might then be
reprinted in an expansion. Nothing even a little
like Counterspell appeared in Mirrodin, but here
comes Last Word in Darksteel. Far less valuable
than the original Counterspell, Last Word is a
very constructed worthy card that is probably
good in limited as well.
LIMITED: 3.0 |

Van Zandt |
Last Word
A sideboard-only card 98% of the time, I think,
especially at 4 mana. But good for stopping
their threats undisputed... not good for getting
in a counter-war over yours, since they can just
counter the threat again, rather than your
protective Last Word.
constructed 3
casual 2.9
limited 2.8 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge |
Last Word
Sigh…. I miss you Counterspell.
Casual: 1
Constructed: 2
Limited: 3
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Well this card was quite popular at the
pre-release. In a mirror match this card is
really good but the mana cost makes it a little
less than stellar. In constructed right now you
don’t have a lot of counter spell options so it
makes this card exceptable. In limited I could
see using it if you draft deck can support the
double blue. It has been noted by many that this
card will be a good wish target in extended. In
casual I wouldn’t make this card my first choice
because you have the best counters available and
Last word is not one of th best counters.
Constructed 2.5
Casual 1.5
Limited 2 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Last Word
Yet another 4-mana counter, just what we needed!
They could have brought back something more
efficient like Dissipate (a spell I think we are
sorely missing); instead we get this.
Not that this is too bad for constructed, mind
you. This is going to compete with
Discombobulate and Rewind for space in U/W
control. It makes for a pretty interesting card
in that it fights through other counters and
Decree of Silence in the potential mirror
matches. I think it’s just going to depend on
who you’re playing against as to whether or not
this is definitely in an opponent’s deck when
they drop a Coastal Tower (or Mirrodin’s Core,
whichever) against you turn one, but it’ll be in
Blue is such an aggressive color in limited that
this really doesn’t fit into any of the existing
archetypical decks that are currently being
drafted. That being said, hard counters are nice
to have in limited, though four mana is pretty
In casual play…who plays counters casually?!??!?
Really! If you’re playing Mental Magic, I’m
pretty sure Dismiss is just about always a
better choice (as a note to all you monkeys who
voted for Rewind in the WotC poll).
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 2.5
Casual: 0.bleh |
Chase |
Last Word
It appears that R&D is trying to give us
anything that is as close to the original
counterspell as they can. This one can’t be
countered. My main reaction to that is “who
cares?”. Now, I have seen some hilarious cases
where it was Affinity vs. Affinity and they kept
Overiding each other’s Overrides. But it costs 4
mana. They would have to leave 4 mana open and
if there was nothing to counter, they won’t be
able to spend that 4 mana unless they play
Thoughtcast like 4 times (it’s happened to me
before!). This may be useful in Block in some
crazy way but I’ll have to see it for myself.
In Casual, why play this? It’s a rare and you
can just play your good old counterspell anyway.
In Limited, blue is beatdown (thanks Andy =/)!
It might be useful if you can get some control
but I don’t see it happening. In limited, you
want to put the pressure on your opponent on
turn 4 and not just by saying go after you draw
your card. It might make them worried but it
will only happen once as it’s unlikely you will
have multiples of these.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 1
Limited: 2