
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Darksteel Colossus
Darksteel Rare
Reviewed February 6, 2004
Constructed: 2.3
Casual: 4
Limited: 2.7
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut.com |
Oh yeah. Boys and
Girls, can you say, "Crazy in Casual?" This
is the big dog of the Darksteel set. Add to
his largeness the fact that he is indestructible,
and you have one colossal colossus. This creature is already being
ordered like crazy from us, as casual players have
found their latest and greatest fattie in
Darksteel Colossus.
In limited, it's
colorless and if you can grab some acceleration
for your deck, this guy is a must play. If you end
up in a stand off, he will be the deciding factor
if he hits the board.
Casual: 5
Limited: 4.75
Current Price: $12

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
The fatty of
Darksteel. You can't reanimate this, but the
11 mana is easy to get to for an Urzatron
deck. You won't want more than a couple, but
you'll play the couple and like it.
This card just
screams casual. 11 mana is nothing in
casual, and being indestructible is a big
boon. You'll still have stuff like Swords to
Plowshares, but a lot of the removal is
useless against this guy.
In limited, he's
fat, and he doesn't die. You play him.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4.75
Limited: 5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player |
Darksteel Colossus
In theory this guy is a huge beatstick that will
never die. In reality, that isn't the case. It's
that simple. It's got a high casting cost and it
just kind of awkward in most decks.
Casual players will want as many of these that
they can get their hands on. In limited, I would
shy away from this card unless I had a ton of
mana production.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 4.9
Limited: 1.5 |

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Eleven power and toughness for eleven mana with
trample, with no special downside regarding
attacking or untapping, the Colossus is ALREADY
good enough. Making him INDESTRUCTIBLE and
putting him back in your deck whenever he WOULD
have gone to the graveyard is just sick. Before
I get too carried away, let’s remember that the
Colossus costs eleven, which is more mana than
most decks are ever going to have available to
them in an average game.
However, this is still a very good card. In
limited, IF you can figure out a way to get him
into play, this card does much MORE to win the
game for you than a similar card, Platinum
Angel, did in Mirrodin. In Limited, if you DO
happen to sacrifice the big guy, he pops back
into your library. What kind of library will you
have in a limited match at the point in the game
where the Colossus could be played? A very thin
library, maybe a dozen cards or less. Imagine a
stall strategy with Colossus, lots of cards to
help you stay alive, and some sort of mechanism
to sacrifice the Colossus to… You could sac and
draw the Colossus several times while your
opponent runs out of cards and loses the game.
In constructed, the Colossus only matters if you
can build a deck around him, figuring out a way
to either generate CRAZY amounts of mana.
Darksteel Colossus as a win condition in mono
black Extrapolar Lens decks (of course the Lens
is good in any color). Obviously, the Colossus
was given his graveyard-defying ability in order
to keep him out of the deck that WOULD have made
the most sense for him, the Reanimator decks.
LIMITED: 3.0 |

Van Zandt |
Hi, you're too expensive. and Indestructible is
just "0: regenerate". So your use is the same as
the Serra Avatar... an anti-decking card. Maybe
with leveller, lol.
constructed 2.5
casual 3.6
limited 2.2 |

*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Darksteel Colossus
Seriously, who doesn’t want to Tinker this bad
boy out on turn 2. In limited, this guy is
virtually unplayable. Who has 11 Mana? But in
constructed, oh my, There’s Tinker and … hurmm,
uh, mana acceleration, and uhm…. Ok, so maybe
this guy won’t see a lot of constructed
tournament play. He’ll still be a staple for
casual decks because he’s just way too fun to
not play.
Casual: 5
Constructed: 2
Limited: 1 |
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Well in every set you get one creature that is
just a monster. This appears to be the big bad
of Darksteel. I don’t consider him the best
creature in Darkstell by any means. He has a lot
of good advantages in that he is indestructible
and has trample but his high casting cost makes
him very hard to get into play. I can see him
making it into decks that can cheat him into
play with cards like Tooth and Nail or Elvish
Piper. In constructed I don’t see him being
played but he could easily find a place in
casual decks.
Constructed 2.5
Casual 3
Limited 2.5 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
I don’t have much of anything to say about this.
Really. He’s 11/11. He’s Indestructible (note
keyword). He gets shuffled back into your
library from anywhere. What are you supposed to
say about this guy? “He looks like he’s got some
exhaust problems, send him to the Monster Garage
and see what they can do!”
Other than looking really cool, he just doesn’t
seem to have a purpose in Standard, and that
whole, “Shuffle him back into your library,” gig
is already taken care of by Serra Avatar in
every other environment. I’m sure that someone
will come up with a use for this guy…
In limited, he costs 11. End of line.
In casual play, he costs 11 and is really neat
looking with some cool abilities; if you don’t
have Serra Avatar handy, this guy’ll do in a
pinch. In Mental Magic, he makes a very nice
Constructed: 1.75
Limited: 1.5
Casual: 2.5 |
Chase |
Oh jeez, I might actually want to review this
card. It’s much easier than my other reviews.
In Constructed, Casual and Limited, Mr. Colossus
says: “Hello. I cost 11 mana. I win the game if
you cast me. I’m also one of few Indestructible
creatures alive!”
Unfortunately, You can’t even use him
effectively in Reanimator as you lose half of
your life. Reyanimator anyone? Ha, ha, ha. He
will get played by inexperienced players in
Constructed for his first month just like Phage.
Then people will discover that there are better
cards than Mr. Colossus and then move on with
life trying to discover what the “Affinity”
mechanic is. Oh joy.
In Limited, just pick him. Even if you don’t
plan on casting him, still take him as you don’t
want someone else to be casting him on you.
Don’t even ask about Casual, I’ll let you take a
wild guess.
Constructed: 1
Casual: no one will ever know
Limited: 5