
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Rotlung Reanimator
Reviewed January 14, 2004
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 3.4
Casual: 3.9
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner (Shuffle and Cut Games,CA) |
Rotlung Reanimator
just on its own isn't bad, a gray ogre (2/2 for 3
mana). But take into account its ability, and it
gets tasty... then add the fact that its in a very
popular tribe, Zombies, and this card is a winner.
I've seen some really fun B/W Zombie Cleric builds
with this guy, though you could use him straight
in Zombies if you wanted and he'd still be
In limited, he's
great if you can pick up some decent Zombies for
your deck, and heck, even if you can't. He still
replaces himself when going to the grave, and once
again, boys and girls, that's card economy...good
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 3.75
Current Price:

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Continuing on the tribal lines we started
Monday, this is a great card for zombie
decks. This makes a single Wrath
ineffective, as the zombies just come back.
Multiples of this thing can get really sick
really quick. Whether you are playing
competitive or casual, if you are playing a
deck with a significant number of zombies,
this should be cards #1-4 in your deck.
In limited, you again suffer from the lack
of a significant tribal force. However, this
is a 2/2 that replaces itself if it is
killed, so I would play this, even if I had
no other zombies. The other zombies would be
Constructed - 4.5
Casual - 4.5
Limited - 3 (add 0.25 for each additional
zombie that you have in your deck)

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Wednesday - Rotlung
Man, I don't think I have enough room to sing
the praises of this card. OK, technically I do,
but I don't feel like spending one of my entire
weekly articles talking about it. It's a
reasonably efficient creature. It gives you more
creatures. It fits in a couple of different deck
types. It's great.
In limited...OK, it's still good. In the block
it was drafted in, it was pretty great actually.
If you could slip into black/white, this guys
could do wonders for you.
Honestly, I haven't given much though to playing
this guy for fun. I bet he's good though. Just
speculating...if your are in a game with four or
more players, there are bound to be
some zombie and clerics somewhere on the table.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 3.6
Casual: 4.4

Van Zandt |
Rotlung Reanimator
Obviously one of the best Gray Ogres with a
leaves-play ability ever. Even by himself, he's
a worthwhile investment, and with a few buddies,
he's that much spiffier. The fact that there's a
land in his block that puts him back on top of
your library means he's enivronmentally got it
goin' on... and with two in play, suddenly
you're an engine.
constructed 3.2
limited 3.3
casual 3.4 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Rotlung Reanimator
Zombies good! Brains Good! Clerics....good?
Well, when they're with zombies they are. Well,
I suppose they're fine by themselves as well,
but really, who doesn't love zombies?
Zombies!!!!!! Oh, er yeah, about the card. Its a
2/2 for 3, so on its own its pretty
unimpressive, but its ability combos well with
so many other tribal cards in zombies AND
clerics, its a must have in both decks. In
limited, its basically two 2/2's for 3, and its
hard to complain about that...
Casual: 4
Constructed: 3
Limited: 3 |
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
ReanimatorWell the
only real thing I can say about this guy is he
is pretty amazing in constructed.
I don’t consider him to be
a game winner all the time but he sure can wreck
you when you consider that even if you get rid
of him you will face his zombie corpse after he
dies. In limited he is still good but you have
ot back him up with more clerics to make him
really effective. Combo him with Unholy Groto to
get really nasty.
Constructed- 4
Casual 3
Limited 3
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Didn’t we just do a Zombie card? Oh wait…well,
this is almost the same thing. He and his buddy
Withered Wretch take long walks together in the
moonlight and daydream about making little
zombies together. Creepy? Yes, but he helps to
make the zombie deck into a beast that can be a
nightmare for control decks (see U/W control) in
In limited, he gives the B/W clerics deck a tool
that isn’t easily handled. Basically, you handle
him first, give them the one free zombie, and
hope that he doesn’t have a way to get it back.
If they do, you are in serious trouble.
Constructed: 3.0
Limited: 3.5 |

Jeff Zandi
4 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Rotlung Reanimator
The best thing about the Reanimator, in limited
and constructed, is a little deceptive. His
ability puts a black 2/2 Zombie token into play
whenever he or any other Cleric is put into a
graveyard from play. Players constantly forget
that both players’ Clerics trigger this effect.
In Onslaught limited, there are LOTS of times
when the Rotlung Reanimator player faces
opponents with Clerics of their own. This little
nugget, along with the outstanding black/white
synergy found in Onslaught, made this an
outstanding card in limited as well as in
Onslaught Block Constructed.
Chase |
Rotlung Reanimator
I find this card to be surprisingly good yet it
hasn’t seen that much play. Clerics and Zombies
aren’t really bad, but they aren’t fast enough
to compete with goblins and not big enough to
compete with beasts and affinity. Rotlung can be
good with some reanimation but that appears to
be too slow. Don’t get me wrong, this card is
good, it just doesn’t have a deck of its own.
In Casual, it has the same bonuses that it does
in Constructed, except here you don’t have to
worry about reanimation being too slow. So it’s
much better here.
In Limited, reanimation is great. Another bonus
is that you can draft black clerics and zombies
which both trigger Rotlung’s ability. Even by
itself, it nets you two 2/2s once one goes to
the graveyard for 3 mana.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 4 |

Chapman |
Rotlung Reanimator has
combo written all over it. Feel free to
sacrifice your Clerics you get a more powerful
creature almost every time. It is well costed
and even without abusing the combo it provides
enough extra push to make it worthwhile.
Constructed -
Great for theme and casual with some additional
aspirations - 2.85
Limited - Worth it here as the bear that comes
back - 3.00 |