game store owner (Shuffle and Cut Games,CA) |
Trying to look past
his blasé 3/2 for 4 exterior, we find... more
blasé. There are better fits for Zombie decks,
imho, and certainly there are more interesting
Zombies roaming the m:tg planet. I suppose if I
was short on funds and had to find a filler for my
Zombie deck, this guy might work.
In limited, he's not
great, but he's not horrible either. You'd most
likely take him at face value as a 3/2. Though in
anything involving Onslaught block, I'd rather
have a 2/3 any day because of 2/2 morphs.
Limited: 2.5
Current Price:

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Not as effective as he can be in duels. Where he
really shines is team multiplayer, where you can
coordinate decks to use this to maximal effect.
This can also be brutal in FFA multiplayers. But
again, this is definately not for duels - it's
too slow.
In limited, it is an average body. Playability
would depend on what else I had. I wouldn't
necessarily want to play this, but wouldn't be
too sad if I had to.
Constructed: 1.25
Multiplayer: 4
Limited: 2.75

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Vengeful Dead
The verdict is still
out on this guy. He shows up in some versions
of zombie decks and not in others. I think it
just comes down to strategy. If you are making
him one of the centerpieces where the ability is
used a lot, it is probably pretty good.
However, if you are trying to concentrate more
on the creature attacking element, then he may
not be your guy.
A 3/2 creature
definitely isn't bad to have on your side in
limited play, so I can see this guy making into
a lot of decks. It's not stellar, but
definitely better than your average draft
creature. Again, this card becomes even better
if yo make him part of your draft strategy.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 3.5

Van Zandt |
Vengeful Dead
I liked this guy in the block zombie decks, but
aside from that, he's just
kind of "meh". Still a body, and sometimes he can
get in the last few
points for you with his ability.
constructed 2.8
limited 3 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Vengeful Dead
This slightly
overpriced zombie is another multiplayer maniac
with the great text of "each opponent" on its
ability. At 4 mana, a 3/2 on its own is worth
playing in a limited environment. His additional
ability, though not used too often, was just icing
on the cake. In constructed, decks built correctly
could use him to do ridiculous amounts of damage
to all of their enemies. In short, a solid, but
not amazing creature to have.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 4
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Vengeful Dead
Vengeful Dead interesting because even if your
losing creatures in your zombie deck your still
able to deplete your opponents life total. If your
worried about your opponent playing a circle of
protection: black against you this guy gets around
that too. If you start to run out of pressure you
can always just sacrifice all your zombies to say
a Nantuko Husk or Carrion Feeder and make your
opponent lose, lose, and lose. In limited I don’t
place a huge value on him as his ability can be
irrelevant if you don’t get enough zombies to
support him.
Constructed 3.25
Limited 2.25 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Vengeful Dead
I’m not sure if I
can accurately express my feeling of boredom at
Zombie decks. They pretty much seem to amount to,
“Play dudes, swing with dudes, and hope you don’t
do a whole lot about it.” At least the Goblin
decks get to do exciting things like “Hammer you!
Play hammer gud and you win!” Or something like
Anyway, if you’re
playing this guy in constructed, you’re trying to
make a combo-ish version of Zombies work out for
you, a la Patriarch’s Bidding. I can’t say that it
sounds terribly exciting to me, but it works
In limited, he’s a
3/2 for 4 mana. His ability is able to sneak in a
few points of damage, but the best you can
probably manage in ONS-block draft is to trade him
with a morph that is simply worse than he is. Some
people really liked him; I never was one of them.
Constructed: 2.0
Limited: 2.5 |

Jeff Zandi
4 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Vengeful Dead
This card became constructed-worthy in the
Onslaught block season, although casual Zombie
decks might include it as well. In block decks,
this card was actually used as a kill mechanism
sometimes. In limited, the card was less powerful.
Black was SO GOOD in Onslaught block that this
card could easily be left out of draft and sealed
LIMITED: 3.0 |
Chase |
Vengeful Dead
The set of overcosted
cards now brings us a decent card in multiplayer.
Combine this with recursive spells such as Unholy
Grotto, and you could have a scary (no pun
intended) deck.
In serious
constructed, it isn’t too bad but it is slow.
In Limited, you
might be able to pull a few solid zombies and some
removal, but in O/L/S, there’s always going to be
someone playing elves or some fast deck that will
crush zombies. Plus most of the good zombies are
(serious): 2
Limited: 2 |
Jason Chapman |
Vengful Dead is
interesting in theme decks and casual decks. At 4
mana a 3/2 isn't the best but many decks will find
a way to take advantage of the loss of life
effect. Throwing him in with Carrion Feeder or
Claws of Gix or even in a Zombie Suicide Black
deck with Nevinyrral's Disk are all ways to put
pressure on opponents and graveyard recurrsion
just adds to the fun.
Constructed - Not
tournament worthy many casual decks can be built
to abuse this beastie - 3.00
Limited - Too few
Zombies and not enough effects to combo with -
Pez - Many of the
abusive decks can be built in this format and he
may be a good pick - 3.00 |
Danny Tatro |
Vengeful Dead
This was played in
zombie bidding back in onslaught block. Not a
bad card overall, butit will probably never see
serious play again. Zombie Bidding wasn't
exactly the best deck in OLS block anyways.
In limited its a
solid creature with an awesome ability. This
card can be used to put the hurt on your
opponent, and at times lock him out from killing
your creatures. In the right deck hes a very key
card. Thumbs up all around!
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 3