
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Odyssey Rare
Reviewed July 13, 2004
Constructed: 1.6
Casual: 3.6
Limited: 2.7
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
For 6 mana, you better really need squirrels.
Other than the mana cost, this is an excellent
card. But because it DOES have a 6 mana
cost, it just loses it's appeal. Completely
unplayable in Tournament Constructed.
In Casual, because of
the immense popularity of Squirrel decks, it at
least becomes useful. In casual, I think
half the time that seeing how many squirrels you
can make is more the point than winning the game
(though if you have a ton of squirrels, you had
better be winning the game). So yes, with
some acceleration, Nut Collector can net you a
couple Squirrels and make 'em big with Threshold
In limited, it's
barely okay due to it's cost. If you make it
to late game, Collector could be helpful creating
chumpers, or eventually creating a few extra
creatures to push through in a swarm attack.
I'd probably make it a late add into my deck.
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3
Current Price:
Collector -
Odyssey - $2.70

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
The Squirrel maker.
By the time you get this guy out, you should
have threshold, so you get a 3/3 squirrel every
turn. Add to this the fact that other squirrels
get +2/+2 also, and you have a card that goes
great in squirrel decks.
Not viable in
constructed, though. 6 mana for a 1/1 doesn't do
much in either format. It is OK in limited, but
leave this to the casual players.
Constructed: 1
Casual: 5
Limited: 2
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Nut Collector
For six mana, you sure
better be doing more than popping out a Squirrel
every upkeep. While his little hat makes him look
amusing, this doesn’t serve to make him playable…
…though when you’re
allowed to sit and let your army of Squirrels
build up (combined with Squirrel Nest, of course),
and fill up your graveyard while you’re at it,
this can be a pretty neat card. This definitely
falls into the category of fun. Dig up your
Squirrel Wranglers and get it on!
Again, six mana is
really just too much, even for draft. He dies to
every possible effect known to man, and unless you
have threshold, his ability just isn’t terribly
useful. He tended to be a late pick, and didn’t
always make the cut; a justifiable decision,
considering the circumstances.
Constructed: 2.0
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2.0

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Nut Collector
In Odyssey block limited, Nut Collector was a
desirable but not fantastic
card. Hardly worth mentioning in limited play
because it's a rare, six mana
is almost too much to play in the Odyssey
environment for a brittle 1/1
Druid. (this card might have been better if the
Nut Collector was a squirrel
himself) In constructed, the Nut Collector belongs
in a deck of its own.
Squirrels, squirrels, squirrels! Too casual for
me, but YOU might like it.

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Right now you have
three choices when it comes to speedy mana
development. First, you have the Urzatron, which
is speedy indeed, but pretty much impossible to
use unless you are willing to also dedicate some
slots to land search spells. Then you have Temple
of the False God, a handy land, but requiring you
to already have a few lands out before it comes
online, and useless in the early turns. Finally,
you have Cloudpost, which comes into play tapped
and is only truly useful if you have multiples, so
requires land search as well.
Ignoring the Temple of
the False God, and assuming you have a turn one
Wayfarer, let’s compare Urzatron to Cloudpost:
Urza Mana Cloud Mana
1 1
2 1
3 3
8 7
11 13
14 17
17 18
19 19
21 20
23 21
25 22
27 23
29 24
30 25 (1 per each from here on
So really, it all
depends on when you want your mana bumps. If you
want them before turn five, or after eight, go
Urza. If you need it for the mid-game, go Cloud.
Limited: 2 |

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
This card is good
times for casual guys. These cards steady sell.
Truth be told, it's probably a squirrel thing.
Squirrels are fun. It's pretty easy to reach
threshold, and at that point, you are making 3/3
squirrels. Limited players wouldn't mind playing
this at all. It's definitely worth getting a freee
3/3 creature every turn.
Constructed : 2
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3 |

Van Zandt |
Nut Collector
You are 6 mana and too fragile. If the bonus to
the squirrels wasn't
conditional, you'd be more interesting. Also, if
you put a squirrel into
the game like verdant force, each upkeep, you'd be
much more playable... as
it is, you have to wait a turn for your chump
blocker. I'd say you'd be ok
in group games, since you pop out a dude without
cost, and you might go
unmolested, and threshold is more reasonable, but
again, the force'll pop
out a saproling during each player's upkeep, so
he's better- PLUS he's a 7/7
for not much more mana. You lose. Except in
limited, since as mentioned
above, you've no cost to pump out the dude. :P
constructed 1.5
casual 2.5
limited 3.5 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Nut Collector
(Warning! I like
Squirrels :P)
Squirrels!!!!!!!!!!! Well, 1 toughness and 6
mana doesn’t really help this guy, but in
casual, who really cares. Makes new tokens that
could be 3/3s. Obviously not playable in
constucted or limited because of its high cc,
but this card is meant for casual anyway. The
squirrels will over run them! Mwhahahaha.
Seriously get this
out, and just let it produce creatures. Maybe
get some protection and your opponent will be
screaming in fear of the overwhelming amount of
squirrels kill them.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 4 (SQUIRRELS!!!)
Limited: 1.5
Hagan |
Nut Collector --
Nut Collector never really saw much play in
constructed, just based on his high casting cost.
Generally, anything that costs six mana needs to
win you the game or stop your opponent from
winning the game, and Nut Collector doesn't really
fit either of those qualifications. In limited,
Nut Collector is a bit better, as chump blockers
are always a welcome edition to any board. Once
threshold hits, you go from having chump blockers
to having actual threats, and you can easily win
the game from there. Casual play is where Nut
Collector really shines, however. Squirrel decks
have been a favorite of many people for a long
time now, and Nut Collector definitely fits the
theme. Just think of the possibility of this card
with, say, Coat of Arms.
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Limited Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 3.5 |

w00t |
Nut Collector -
Constructed -
Squirrels, Squirrels, SQUIRRELS! Okay, Nut
collector won't cut it in serious constructed.
Not to mention, squirrels probably won't cut it
in the current Extended environment ;)
(Understatement). 6 Mana is too late to start
pumping out the 3/3 squirrels.
Casual - Now you
get to use the squirrels! The cards to combine
this with are obvious. Squirrel mob, Squirrel
Wrangler, Derranged hermit maybe, Parallel
Evolution. Lots of squirrels, lots of big plump
squirrels. Probably the slowest of squirrel
makers, but it makes them none the less, and
will/should be used.
Limited - In draft - this will probably help you
somewhat. In sealed, where it is a slightly
slower format, this WILL help you. Just make
sure you can get threshold with this guy,
because 3/3's each turn are something to fear.
Constructed - 1.5
Casual -3.0
Limited - 2.5