
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Reviewed July 22, 2004
Constructed: 3.80
Casual: 3.70
Limited: 4.50
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

* pro tour player |
Burn baby burn...disco
inferno. Burn baby burn!
Everyone loves Fireball. Everyone got excited
about having this little gem reprinted. And they
should. It has the ability to do a lot of
damage. It can split damage. It hits both
creatures and players. It's also useful in all
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 4 |

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
When I first saw the Darksteel card list, it was
truly hard to believe that Fireball was back in
print. X spells have been the bane of limited
players since the beginning. A million sad
stories all have the same ending, “I was going
to win the next turn, but he top decked
INSERT-X-SPELL-HERE and he burned me out!”
Fireball is really the daddy of all such spells.
Already in the Magic Hall of Fame as half of the
most famous combo of all time, Channel-Fireball,
this is the finest red X spell ever, allowing
you to target creatures, players, or multiples
of either or any combination, if you have enough
mana. Figuring out how much it costs to do
exactly the amount of damage you want to the
right number of targets with Fireball is always
challenging when you haven’t done it for awhile,
but the mathematic exercise is always worth it,
I assure you. Before I forget to mention it,
make sure you know that in limited, if you see
Fireball in a draft, you draft it IMMEDIATELY
and splash for it. There really is no need for
discussion on this point! Fireball comes as
close to being a must play as any card in the
current limited environment. Fireball jumps
right into some constructed decks, as well,
either as a kill mechanism in a combo deck that
creates massive amounts of mana, or in any old
red deck as a way to deal the finishing damage
to the face of your opponent. Either way,
Fireball is the King of Spades when it comes to
old school red direct damage. The Ace of Spades
would be Lightning Bolt, but I don’t think we
need to get our hopes up about that one.
LIMITED: 4.5 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge |
What’s that? Why, it’s the sound of your
opponent’s face exploding as you tap all your
mana and fire X damage at their head. There’s
not a lot to say about this card. Its’ about as
straightforward as a basic land. You tap a bunch
of mana, you fry your opponent, or sometimes
their creatures, and then you win the game. Nuff
Constructed: 4
Casual: 2
Limited: 5 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
We’ve got a classic here, folks. And from the
looks of it, it’s been something we’ve needed in
the environment for quite a while. Even though
many times it’s simply used on a single target,
that doesn’t seem to make people think, “Gee,
why wasn’t I playing this when it was just
Blaze?” Flexibility is the key here, and this
still makes it into a number of decks (like Big
Red and Tooth and Nail).
This is still the casual players best friend,
whether it’s in group games, Mental, or just
fooling around.
And…this is an absolute bomb in limited. The
single red in the casting cost makes it absurdly
splashable; there are practically zero
circumstances where you want to pass this,
unless you happen to be Zvi Mowshowitz and love
you some Bola more than a rational man ought to.
Constructed: 4.0
Casual: 5.0
Limited: 5.0 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
A nice burn
spell from previous sets, with its primary
goal being to finish off the opponent. With
Krark Clan Ironworks, its easier than
ever. Theres not that much to say about
this card in Sligh that hasnt been said
already. Ball
Lightning > Fireball > opponent dead.
In limited, its
destruction. Id probably take it, but
unless you have access to lots of accel, it
might be hard to make it worth it.
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 4
Paul |
Fireball --
I'm not too sure what I can say about this card
that everyone else isn't going to say. Yes, it
is the original X Burn spell. Yes, it can clear
the board of your opponent's threats and not
yours. Yes, we all are aware of the goodness of
Channel - Fireball. Yes, Fireball is pretty much
the casual player's dream card for burn.
In constructed, Fireball doesn't see a lot of
play. When you have cards that do two damage for
one mana, three damage for two mana, or five
damage for two mana, Fireball just gets
overshadowed. In limited, scoop Fireball if you
are playing red (or if its a late pick).
Fireball can absolutely wreck games by either a)
eliminating threats or b) eliminating your
opponent, so it always makes the cut into my
limited red decks.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Casual Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 4.0 |