game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Now here is a land enchantment with a purpose. The
ability isn't a bad one, though the fact that it's
tying up mana isn't great. It's a legless
Shepherd of Rot. But of course I don't see
this as being viable in Tournament.
In casual, it's
interesting enough to warrant some thought.
Perhaps you could use it with
Shepherd in a Zombie deck, along with some
Drain Life effects to tip the scales.
In limited, it has the
same use as Shepherd...if you're ahead, you can
end the game with it. Useful if you're going
black and a mid to late pick.
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
Field -
Prophecy - $0.59
Well With:
Shepherd of
Rot -
Onslaught - $0.12
Drain Life -
Mirage - $0.79

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Noxious Field
Today, we come to the one enchantment I used in
constructed a lot when
Prophecy was legal. A recurring one point
Pestilence, the very important
part of this is that it is colorless damage. That
was big at the time, with
Nightwind Glider playing a big part in the Rebel
decks of the time.
It isn't very strong in Extended right now,
because it simply isn't fast
enough. If it were Standard legal right now, it'd
be a great foil for Decree
of Justice.
The globalness of this card hinders it some in
casual group games, but it is
an often overlooked card that has decent
In limited, I'd play it if I were going black.
Rebels were big in this
block, and a lot of them had one toughness.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 4 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Noxious Field
I’d just like to say
that I’m absolutely thrilled to be concluded with
this week of reviewing bad enchantments that don’t
see play in constructed. Ever. Including this
At least this is
reasonably fun for group games; the fact that it
affects everybody and everything keeps this in
competition. This is serviceable in Mental if the
circumstances present themselves, but it’s still
kinda bleh.
A little bitty
Pestilence that hangs out to use once every
turn…sign me up! Reusable removal is pretty
decent, especially when it’s something that you
can use to swing a game considerably into your
favor at times. This was a pretty decent pick at
most any spot.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3.0

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Noxious Field
"Necropotence on a Stick", Noxious Field is by far
the best of the land
enchantments reviewed this week. Much more popular
in limited, where this
card is a high pick in booster drafts, Noxious
Field seems like a good card
for constructed as well. This card seems like a
good fit for low-creature or
completely creatureless mono black control
LIMITED: 3.5 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Noxious Field
This card saw some
play in limited as a poor man’s Pestilence, but it
was difficult to play correctly. The benefit of
the card could be amazing, as it continually made
your opponent do a count on damage before
attacking, to see if his creatures would die in an
attack from the extra point of damage that could
occur. It also can be some fun in multiplayer
games, keeping weenie hordes off the board, and
adding in a clock for everyone.
Limited: 2 |

This card is fun if
nothing else. It can be a really strong group game
card. But even in limited play it has some uses.
Being able to control one damage to every creature
and every player each turn can be good. It's not a
lot of damage, but it's damage that can add up in
the long run.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 2 |

Chapman |
Noxious Field - This
card is decent in a lot of formats. While it
certaily isn't as strong as cards like Pestilence
it represents permenant board control and a win
condition. Solid but not great and a substitute
for better cards.
Constructed - There
are much more powerful effects available but this
can serve in a pinch - 2.0
Casual - A little
stronger because it effects all players but other
cards are still a better pick - 2.0
Limited - Draft
this for sure, how often do you pull mass removal.
Just play it smart - 3.5
PEZ - A solid pick
but not in the Uncommon slot with Pestilence as a
common - 2.0 |

Van Zandt |
Noxious Field
THIS is a more interesting enchant-land.
Providing a colorless source of
damage to players as well as potential mass
removal of small guys, and
reusable for both, this card displays much more
potential in several
constructed 2
casual 2.5
limited 3 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Noxious Field
A mini
Pestilence. I’ve always liked that card,
kills weenies, and can slowly hit the player.
For a decent cost. I’m not sure if this card
saw play or not, but it is solid. Yeah, you
lose a land, but that’s ok.
In limited, I’d take
this... Once it’s on the board, it’ll scare
your opponent.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5
Hagan |
Noxious Field --
Of all of the cards reviewed this week, I think I
like Noxious Field the best. Although a decent
card, it still just doesn't do enough in
constructed to warrent a spot in any deck -- it's
no Pestilence. However, I would definitely play
this card in Limited, where I would be able to
control some of my opponents' smaller creatures,
and if necessary, deal out the last few points of
damage for a win. In casual, I would definitely
play this card if I were in a group game, as it
can put the fear into almost everyone. We won't
mentioned what it can do to a buddy's Squirrel
Deck ;)
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Limited Rating: 2.5
Casual Rating: 3.0 |

w00t |
Noxious Field -
Constructed - 3
Mana for a sort of Pestilence that can only be
activated once per turn, but doesn't die at eot.
Once per turn is a MAJOR drawback ofcourse, one
that sets it away from being played.
Casual - Another
great ANTI-weenie. Elves got ya down? Use this,
for a mass killing. Another use for this, is a
Fungasaur deck. Combine Caltrops, Plague
Spitters, Pestilence, and this, for a sure way
to make a Huge creature, while leaving your
opponent blockerless. Multiple uses, all of them
Constructed - 1.5
Casual - 3.0
Limited - 3.0