
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Fifth Dawn Common
Reviewed June 16, 2004
Constructed: 2.6
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3.1
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Wretched Anurid, done better. While
Anurid could slowly kill you as your opponent (and
you) played each creature (an
Arrest on Anurid meant horrible times for
you), Blind Creeper is very difficult to kill
until it's damage is well under way. Even
then, if your opponent really would want to kill
it, they would have to hold back playing a bunch
of low cost spells to play all at once, and so
alter their play... that's just as bad for them as
you rack up damage to them. So Blind Creeper
is much more efficient.
In casual, putting
them both in the same deck might just work out for
a Suicide Black type of thing. Your goal is
to kill your opponent before they kill you.
Grafted Wargear might work well, as you could make
some 6/5's quickly, and use it to kill off your
Wretched Anurids if they are doing too much damage
to you. In
limited, Creeper is pretty amazing, and very
difficult to deal with early. If you
can get 2 or 3 out, it can really wreak havoc for
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
Creeper -
Fifth Dawn - $0.19
Combos Well With:
Anurid -
Onslaught - $0.19

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Blind Creeper
A nice quick creature for a MBA (mono black
aggro) deck. Sure, a Shock kills it. Sure, you
have to worry about killing it after damage when
you want to cast other spells. Against a control
deck, though, you won't need to worry, as the
soonest they can typically cast 3 spells is turn
7-8. (They can Wrath it away, yes, but that's
another story...)
Playable in any
constructed format, but not really in limited,
as a creature like this will just have to stay
home after the first couple turns.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Blind Creeper
Once again, if
Affinity didn’t exist, I think we’d be looking at
a very playable card in an aggressive black deck.
Instead, what we have is a creature that dies
immediately after coming into play when your
opponent spits out a Spellbomb, Frogmite, and Myr
Enforcer after you play this. I don’t think we’ll
see this making an impact here and now.
The lack of efficiency
in casual play makes this guy a lot more
reasonable; again, since all he does is beat face,
he’s not really “fun,” but he does his job
reasonably well. I’d probably just ignore this
for Mental, since there’s so many good B1 spells
I like this guy a
lot in draft, hoping to pick up two or three
of these for any aggressive black decks that I
manage to put together. Generally, you don’t see
three spells coming out during a turn unless there
are a lot of combat tricks involved. Yeah, he can
get smashed up in combat by a trick or two, but
that’s not even really that important; he punishes
slow starts, a quality that most “good” cards
share. He might be the best common black pick in
the set.
Constructed: 2.0
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3.5

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Blind Creeper
It's like this. Anytime you can get a 3/3 creature
in play for only two
mana, you want to try and take advantage of them.
Blind Creeper can play in
all formats, constructed and limited. In limited,
Creeper needs to be played
aggressively. Don't play this guy on turn two and
then hold him back because
you don't want him to be blocked and killed by
your opponent's 2/2 creature
followed by a spell being played. Blind Creeper is
not a creature that has a
really long lifespan, but while he IS in play, he
can wreck havoc by bashing
your opponent and causing him to play his cards
differently than he might
have otherwise.

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Blind Creeper
I’m having a hard time
making up my mind on this guy. I think he can fit
in a suicide black deck somehow, but not sure.
He’s really bad against any version of Sligh or
red burn, but then again, most suicide black cards
are. In short, I think he’s a good card to give a
try to. I also think he has some capabilities in
limited, and is worth a try. I’ll also be playing
him in Type Dan Gray, but I’m silly like that.

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player |
I want this card to
be good. If suicide black gets big, it will
likely involve this guy. I like it. It's a
solid 3/3 creature for just two mana. It's not
often that three spells are cast in one turn,
and that's the easiest way to kill it. I think
it is interesting. Casual players probably will
stay away from this creature, because it isn't
real large and there are just some better black
weenie creatures to play. In limited, I think
this card is a safe bet if you are in black.
It's hard to produce enough spell to kill this
guy outright it seems.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 3

Chapman |
Blind Creeper is the
latest in a long line of undercosted Black
creatures that play with major disadvantages. In
the past, almost every single one has proved
worthy of being played and I doubt that Blind
Creeper is any exception. While the disadvantage
is pretty hefty, since it triggers off any spell,
it is still a 3/3 body for 2 which has to be good
in anyone's book. Assuming they chump and blow off
a few spells to kill it it will generally bring
card advantage. Only decks that revolve around a
lot of cheap instants really threaten to make this
guy weak.
Constructed - A solid undercosted creature - 3.0
Casual - Not
attractive in group games but still solid - 2.5
Limited - Solid
early game creatures are never wasted picks - 3.0
PEZ - A solid,
cheap creature bigger than most of the format -
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Blind Creeper
Our “replacement”
Wretched Anurid. After someone plays 3 of
anything, it’s gone. Not too nice, especially
with combat tricks becoming important. The only
black deck that seems playable is control, and
this is obviously a creature, so it’s a creature
with quite a drawback that doesn’t really have
deck to fit in.
Not for casual. I
would rather pay big mana for a creature that
doesn’t have drawbacks.
In limited, I don’t
see this being played either. Its drawback
doesn’t really help it when attacking or
blocking. It’s ok at best. It has a good body,
but it’s not guaranteed to stay that way.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 2.5

w00t |
Blind Creeper-
Serious constructed – With all the affinity, it
won’t live. Not one of the
better 3/3 2 drops (1 with mox) in constructed
history. Too many spells
are cast in the early game of current metagame.
Casual – Similar to serious constructed, it
probably wont be a threat,
and doesn’t compliment anything and isn’t
complimented by anything.
Limited – More than decent. 3/3 for 2 that may
be killed eventually. But
rarely are 3 spells cast in 1 turn early in the
game. Later in the game
they can save up and kill, but it won’t be worth
it anymore, as it will be a
dead threat. In a draft you can always board it
out if your opponent
drafted an affinity deck.
Serious Const – 1.0
Casual -2.0
Limited – 3.5