game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Um... hmm. And your point is...??
I can't imagine a
place for this in constructed since it costs 5. But let's try
to figure out something for it for Casual.
Um... no, I can't think of anything that makes
much sense. Is there a casual deck that is
bugging you that does horrid things to you durin upkeep? I
can't think of anything in the casual realm at the moment. I'm
dumbfounded. You could use it to play things
yourself that have some nasty effect on you during
upkeep. doh.
In limited, only
fools, the criminally insane and suicidal maniacs
would put this in their deck. This would be
a first pick in Backwards Drafts. (Backwards
Drafting is where you draft cards for your
OPPONENTs to play with....pretty fun) --
Okay, I suppose you could side it in against the
Casual: 2
Limited: 1.5
Current Price:
Eon Hub -
Fifth Dawn - $6.50
Combos Well
Toilet time - FREE

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Eon Hub
Now, it is possible
to skip the entire Beginning phase of the game
(with this, Stasis, and something like Necro or
Yawgmoth's Bargain).
This seems tailor
made to abuse a lot of Upkeep costs (like the
aforementioned Stasis, or Razormane Masticore,
to name a couple). Unfortunately, in most decks,
this just does absolutely nothing. And the fact
that it costs 5 and a slot in your deck makes it
about 5 mana and a slot in your deck too
expensive, except possibly in casual.
Constructed: 1
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 1
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Eon Hub
Bleh. There aren’t any substantial cards that
suffer too mightily during upkeep to try to make
this work, at least not in serious tournament
play. Skip it.
This can be fun to play with stuff like Minion of
Leshrac or Lord of the Pit, but it’s still a
stretch to try to make those cards work; you can
really be dependent on this card, in circumstances
like those. Since this doesn’t actually “do”
anything, and since it can also benefit your
opponent, I don’t see this as having a whole lot
of use.
For limited….bleh. Unless you have two or more
Masticore in your deck, skip it.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2.0
Limited: 1.0

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Eon Hub
Nothing about this card has anything to do with
Magic: the Gathering. The
art is. unusual to say the least. The card itself
doesn't DO anything.
Erasing the upkeep step from a game of Magic will
never be useful enough in
limited for this card to be playable, but in
constructed, it could be a
different story. In constructed, the worst part of
this combo-rific card is
probably the five mana casting cost. Thumbs down.

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Eon Hub
Ok, let’s all get together and say it now to get
it out of the way: Stasis. Ok, now that we got the
obviousness out of the way, I instead am going for
the more fun idea. I want to build a Eon Hub /
Cumulative Upkeep deck with lots of cards from Ice
Age I just hated to give up when their costs got
too high. If only I can figure out how to get to
five mana quickly…
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 1

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Eon Hub
This card seems to have limited use. It can be
good for strange situations in type one play
with cards such as Stasis. This will keep
Stasis on the table, because you don't have to
pay the upkeep. Also, you can use it against
certain decks or cards as well. If your
opponent has something that happens every
upkeep, this card stops it.
I'm not suer if the card is going to be strong
enough to make it into decks in casual circles.
However, it seems like it would be pretty good
against the 'bringers' from this set. Limited
players probably don't have much use for this
other than rare drafting it or siding it in for
strange situations.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 1.5

Chapman |
Eon Hub is sick. Simply put, there are too many
cards in Magic where the only check on their power
is upkeep costs. I can't even think about how many
cards can be abused with the Hub. At the same
time, decks already play most of the cards with
massive upkeep costs without suffering too much.
Constructed - Not necessary in most builds but
some decks will love it - 3.0
Casual - Way too much fun and so many crazy
decks to be built - 4.5
Limited - Rarely useful in any situations I can
think of - 1.5

Van Zandt |
Eon Hub
Probably better as a sideboard card, to shut down
some upkeep effect in a
particular deck. Otherwise you'd need several
cards requiring a high upkeep
cost to make this worthwhile.
constructed 2
casual 3
limited 1.5 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Eon Hub
Quite an interesting card.
Stasis look alike. Makes Grinning Demon and
Juzam look cooler than they should. Of course
at 5, it’ll never make it in probably any
constructed format. And in limited, you can’t
combo it at all, so the only format you could
play it in is casual.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 1.5

w00t |
Eon Hub -
Constructed - Let's think of the major cards in
standard that abuse the upkeep. Eternal Dragon,
Bringer of the white dawn (With mindslaver),
and... that's about it. But both of these cards
are in the same deck, MWC, and W/X control
decks. Eon Hub may not be maindeck material for
any deck, but in some rogueish mirror decks that
can afford the mana for it, this card can be the
answer to the matchup. 5 mana to only half
shutdown 2 cards probably isn't worth it, but
sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Casual - Who says Eon Hub has to be sideboard
tech? What if we used to kill our own opponents.
With Mist of Stagnation, you form a stasis lock.
With Cosmic Larva , you get a turn 5-6 7/6
trample. With Great Harvester, you get gamebreaker
without a drawback. The key to all of these, is
you don't have to splash, as it's colorless.
Break your own card with Eon Hub, and try it
Limited - The only cards this shuts down are
pretty much the bringers (In MD5 or 555). And
unless you're real desperate, this probably
isn't even worth it for them.
Constructed - 2.5
Casual - 3.5
Limited - 1.5