
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Fifth Dawn Uncommon
Reviewed June 24, 2004
Constructed: 2.1
Casual: 2.3
Limited: 2.9
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Goblin Cannon has the
interesting scenario where you can respond to its
ability over and over, up to your available mana
will allow. It's different than other
abilities where sacrificing the item is a PART of
the cost, so can only be used once. On
Goblin Cannon, the deals damage card text ends
with a period....so you sacrifice it AFTER the
damage resolves. It works like this:
- Pay 2: Put "deal
1 damage" (on the stack
- Respond before
damage resolves, Pay 2: put Deal 1 damage on the
- Respond before
damage resolves, Pay 2: put Deal 1 damage on the
- and so on...
So as long as you
respond, over and over, before any of the
abilities resolve, you're cool. Once the
last damage put on the stack resolves (the last 1
damage on the stack is first to resolve), the
Cannon is sacrificed, but the abilities stay on
the stack and resolve 1 by 1 until they are all
A good point to
remember is that you can target more than one
target with it.
Will this work in
Constructed? I really don't know. It's
colorless damage, which makes it decent. It's
versatile. But it costs 4, then more to set
it off, so I'm leaning on the no side of maybe.
It might be seen in block.
In casual, it could be
a kill engine in a deck that produces infinite
mana. But there are a LOT of cards that fit
that bill, and
Blaze and
Fireball have more pizzazz. Cannon could
become part of a deck that packs multiple burn
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
Cannon -
Darksteel - $0.96
Well With:
Blaze -
8th Edition - $0.59
Fireball -
Darksteel - $1.13

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Goblin Cannon
A remake of Rocket
Launcher, done in Goblin style. In some circles,
I've seen Rocket Launcher as a very popular card
to play with. Those people can now rejoice that
they can get it cheaper (or even run 8 Rocket
Launchers in their deck now if they want).
I've played this in
quite a few of my drafts involving Fifth Dawn,
and have never been unhappy to have this.
Especially in 555 drafts, where removal is at a
high premium.
In competitive
constructed, the only real use I see for this is
an alternate win condition for the Ironworks
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 4
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Goblin Cannon
As a colorless source of a whole lot of damage at
once, this might conceivably provide a kill
mechanism when combined with Krark-Clan
Ironworks. I don’t see another practical
application for this; it’s a little too slow to
take care of multiple small creatures before you
end up dead, and Fireball still probably just does
the job if you have access to red.
It’s pretty fun to see the reprint of Rocket
Launcher trying to find a niche in decks; at least
it can be a measure of fun in some of the more
relaxed formats. Anything that can make a lot of
mana (look at Mana Flare or Mirari’s Wake) that
might not want to Fireball people can use this
instead. Optimal? Maybe not, but at least it can
be amusing.
For limited, this is probably another piece of
removal that you don’t want to be playing unless
you really need to. Every time I’ve had this in a
deck, I’ve either chosen to play something else
when it’s in my hand or felt like I just wasted a
turn putting it into play. If a game goes long,
this can serve a pretty solid purpose as a low-end
Fireball, but you generally don’t want to let a
game go to that length if possible.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 2.5

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Goblin Cannon
A salute to the Rocket Launcher of Magic sets long
past, Goblin Cannon
provides a way to deal direct damage to creatures
and or players for
colorless mana. Goblin Cannon can be activated in
response to other
activations of itself, meaning that you could
activate it to do one damage
to one creature, then respond by activating it
again to deal one damage to a
different creature and respond to that activation
by activating it a third
time to deal a point of damage to your opponent.
Once you stop activating
the Goblin Cannon, the first activation that
resolves (which will be the
last activation you put on the stack) will require
you to sacrifice the
cannon, which means you won't be able to activate
it again. However,
sacrificing the cannon is not part of the cost of
using it, so the first two
activations, which are already on the stack, WILL
resolve. While this is a
complicated explanation, I hope it shows that this
card, while not exactly
mana efficient, can be used to gain a serious bit
of board and/or card
advantage. This card will make the cut in a lot of
limited decks,
particularly in sealed decks, and will also be
good in some constructed
decks, like an Iron Works artifact deck, for
LIMITED: 3.5 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Goblin Cannon:
Rocket Launcher was some good times. It was never
amazingly good, but it had its uses. Goblin
Cannon, being basically the same card, is the same
way. Like we talked about with Infused Arrows,
sometimes colorless damage is very handy to have.
In this format it may actually be a bit of a
hindrance, since more creatures have Protection
from Artifacts, but the ability to spread the
damage makes it more than worthwhile, and a solid
card in limited.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2
Limited: 3

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Goblin Cannon
This card is a throw back to Rocket Launcher.
I'm sure many of you have either forgotten about
or have never seen that card. Regardless, what
you need to know about Goblin Cannon is that you
can activate it multiple times in a turn. You
just have to spend the mana and stack the effect
a bunch of times at once. Blowing up the cannon
is part of the resolution, so all the other
triggers will still resolve normally.
Casual players can get better artifacts to deal
damage. However, the limited players will want
to draft this as damage for a finisher or to
kill off problem critters.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 3.5

Chapman |
Goblin Cannon is really expensive and probably a
wasted card for most decks. Combo decks of all
stripes that produce massive (or infinite) mana
will love this card, however.
Constructed - Got
mana? Many more efficient damage spells but good
in combo - 2.0
Casual - Not so good with multiple players -
Limited - Creature removal is always good no
matter the cost - 3.0
PEZ - Only useful as an alternative to Magna
Mine in DrakeTides decks - 2.0

Van Zandt |
Goblin Cannon
Hard to say if this card's "you must use all in
response" or rocket
launcher's "must start a turn in play" drawback is
bigger. Either way, this
card is a bit slow, and fireball is prolly a
better choice in most cases-
but it does give you a colorless source of damage,
and in limited it can
kill multiple creatures.
constructed 2
casual 2.5
limited 2.5 |

w00t |
Goblin Cannon
Constructed - Krark-clan Ironworks is the first
card that comes to mind when thinking of how to
abuse this. Get tons of mana with a myr
incubator, than cast and kill with this. Each
artifact in your deck is another life point
ticking away from their head. The only other
deck I think of using this, is W/X control, but
doe W/X control really need any more creature
kill/win conditions?
Casual - Nothing to build a deck around of. You
can ofcourse, with the whole Lotsa mana, lotsa
damage theory. I'd like to think of it of more
of a solid card to use as removal in a White or
blue deck, as they have not much to deal direct
damage with. Not bad, but nothing special.
Limited - I love this card. It's solid removal,
that can kill multiple creatures, or deal the
last 4 damage. Not much to say, except this is a
solid overall card. If you have mana, it has the
Constructed - 2.5
Casual - 2.5
Limited - 3.5