
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Nemesis Rare
Reviewed June 30, 2004
Constructed: 2.2
Casual: 2.4
Limited: 2.8
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
A small, yet significant source of uncounterable
colorless damage. Those two traits can be
vital in some cases. Edge turns your lands
into missiles, one by one, and it can even throw
itself in a pinch. A solid card, though as
you can tell by its price, one that hasn't found a
solid niche.
In Casual, it's way to
non-descript to find a showcase in most casual
decks. Rath's Edge is more of a finesse
card, going for that bitty bit that gets you over
the edge. Casual likes to deal in grandiose
methods of winning. THOUGH...it could be a
more subtle part of a combo with
Crucible of Worlds...could be verrrry
interesting here!
In limited, a very
solid card, useful for picking off the 1 toughness
utility and mana creatures. I higher pick in
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
Rath's Edge -
Nemesis - $0.89
Well With:
Crucible of
Worlds -
Fifth Dawn - $9.31

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Rath's Edge
Turn your lands into
one point of damage. It might be cute to use
this with Crucible of Worlds, as your lands
become reusable damage sources.
Unfortunately, it
just doesn't do enough. When you only get one
damage for the loss of one land, it just isn't
worth it.
Casual players would
probably have a good time figuring out ways to
use this.
You can play this in
block constructed, but you wouldn't want to.
It is OK in draft,
as a finisher for the last few points of damage.
(Do note this is a
Legend however. There were three of these at a
draft I did with 3 other judges at the
prerelease, and I had 2. My first opponent had
the other one, and he played it without
realizing that it was a legend.)
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 3
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Rath’s Edge
Slow as could be, yet
vital in some decks back in Masques-block as a way
of dealing with Rishadan Airship and Ramosian
Sergeants, this card made its way into a few decks
back when it was legal. Being so slow kept it
from being a major contender, especially when
Invasion rotated in, but it is a colorless
source of damage, something that could quite turn
a game in some circumstances.
This is a really
straightforward card…not a whole lot of fun, but
decent enough here and there. If you reach a true
stall in Mental, you might consider this as a
possible play if you’ve already exhausted Shivan
This was definitely a
decent pick in draft, allowing you to pick off
smaller fliers and such at will. It was a slow
finisher if need be, but at least it kept you from
having a glut of pointless land on your side of
the board.
Constructed: 3.0
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3.0

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Rath’s Edge
I’ve always been
pretty undecided about this card. It seems like it
costs way too much for what it does, but I also
admit to playing it, and it being very successful
in dealing the last couple of damage I needed to
deal to win a game. I think it’s a great flavor
card, but it just doesn’t seem to fit in any deck.
Maybe if it didn’t require tapping…

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
I wish I had some
good things to say about this card...but I don't
have much. Honestly, on paper this card seems
really good, but in practice it's not. The mana
cost to activate it, ends up being a bit
overwhelming at times. It is a great source of
colorless damage to get around a few strange
circumstances, but the truth is that there are
better ways to do that even. I will say that in
limited play though, it has a bit more value to
help break stalemates and such.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 2.5

Van Zandt |
Rath's Edge
Well, colorless and uncounterable damage, a good
Unfortunately, it hasn't found a real strong
niche to fill in yet. But
still a generically useful card. The legendary
part isn't really a drawback
since you can always throw the one in play at
something... unless you get
multiples in your opening hand.
constructed 3
casual 3.5
limited 4 |

w00t |
Rath's Edge -
Constructed - 4 mana (+ a land) for 1 damage? Is
that even worth it? Well, the land isn't a big
problem, since if you have the time and mana to
pay 4 (5, considering you have to tap the land
itself) you probably have mana to spare. This
WAS used to stop Rebels, in Mercadian block..
but even they got banned. So does this have a
use in a today format? Not really.
Casual - Mana + Land
= Damage, right? Alright. This is the kind of
card that if used, would probably have a deck
built around it. It can be efficient, but where
are you gonna get that kinda mana? Combine it
with Fifth Dawn's Crucible of Worlds, and you
get the sac land part out of the way. Next, you
need a way to untap the edge. 1 damage per turn
isn't anything special. You can use something
like Krosan Restorer to get twice the damage...
but still... this seems ultimately worse than
Rod of Ruins alone. This is the best use your
gonna find for this card, and even it doesnt cut
the cake. You need something sharp, and
relatively easy to move to cut the cake.
Constructed - 1.5
Casual - 1.5