
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Reviewed March 1, 2004
Constructed: 3.00
Casual: 2.58
Limited: 2.75
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Monday - Death Cloud
An interesting
card to have to rate. The effect is very
powerful - if you spend 6 mana on it, and it
resolves, it will win you the game almost
Problem is, you
have to be ahead on position to be able to
effectively use this card. Whether you have
more cards in hand, more creatures, or an
ability to draw more cards afterward, you'll
want to be able to recover faster if you
don't have a stranglehold on the game. So
this would be dead some of the time. And
another good portion of the time, you'll be
facing down 10 soldiers in response.
This is just too
much of a crap shoot in limited for me to
ever play this card.
In casual,
probably not. It'll either make people not
want to play against that deck again in
duals, or make the whole table gang up
against you in multiplayer.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1

* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Monday - Death Cloud
All I ever think of when I see this cards is ,
"Wow." Unfortunately, I can't think of a deck or
think of anything super creature and useful to
do with this cards. I really want to like this
card, I just haven't seen it put to good use
I'd imagine casual players might love this
thing, since it can cause trouble for everyone
at the table. In limited, you could play it
simply as an "I win" card late in the game.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 4
Limited:3 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Death Cloud
The new Pox! Not....
I've heard a lot of good things and ideas about
this card, but I don't think it’s the great
constructed card others do. I can see it be a
one of type of card, because it does have the
ability to completely change the game, but the
cost of X in the casting costs virtually
guarantees it will only ever be cast once with
any real effect. I know a lot of people are
saying that with talismans and artifact mana,
this is not true, but realistically, if you have
to dedicate that much of your deck to artifact
mana, then your deck just isn't going to be that
On the other hand, I
would play this in limited if I drafted it, and
I admit it would be very fun to play in a casual
multiplayer game. That is, it would be fun to
play once, then all my opponents would take me
out back and beat me, and it wouldn't seem fun
any more.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
I really like this card. I know that some people
will say that it does a little too much and you
lose all the same thing as your opponent but it
can wreck house in the right build of a mono
black control deck. Play it with artifact mana
and you can do some serios damage. In casual
play I would say it can a fun card. In limited
you might could get away with playing it but I
havent tried it myself to tell you for sure. The
major drawback to this card is if you get ahead
of your opponent and have to use it you could
lose a lot of your own stuff. Not my best review
of a card but it’s a funky card to review.
Constructed 2.5
Casual 3
Limited 2 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Death Cloud
This card made an
attempted appearance in PT-Kobe and has already
seen some pretty solid play in standard. The
rebirth of Pox makes for some devastating plays,
and will probably end up as one of the hotter
cards in the set for quite some time.
This card is equally
ridiculous in limited play, allowing people to
turn losing board situations around in pretty
short order. Treat this as a Wrath-effect and
everything will work out just fine.
Obviously, anything
that does *this much* stuff is going to be
pretty ridiculous in group games. Combine it
with cards like The Rack and Chimeric Idols and
you can be pretty irritating to everyone
involved. Obviously, BBBX is unplayable in
Mental Magic.
Constructed: 4.0
Limited: 4.5
Casual: 3.5
Chase |
Death Cloud
Pox flies into the air to spread its evilness.
That is one of the things that makes Death Cloud
a weird card. The other being how it was taken
at first glance. Generally with a card like
this, all the pros (in my area) call it pretty
good and the newbies call it horrible. Now, the
newbies are thinking that this is the greatest
card ever. Once again, the pros are correct in
my mind. Is DC good? Yeah, but not as good as
some people deem it as. MBC will definitely use
it as they will be able to recover faster, but
it is expensive. It will see play, as it clears
the board perfect for them to then come through
and swing with a Grid Monitor. Worth some of its
hype, and it will help MBC, but it is by no
means broken.
In Casual, not a good idea. No one likes playing
against control and it would be hard to make a
control deck for multiplayer. I ll pass.
In Limited, you can t really splash for this, so
you have to be going black. I d pick it pretty
highly just to make sure no one plays it against
me. It can be effective though.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 2 |
Zandi |