
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Wednesday -
For those of you that have clicked through to
the reviews, thank you. This is my favorite
card. Back when it was type 2 legal, I used to
play it in the sideboard of my blue-based
control decks, to stop the aggressive decks from
being able to do damage to me. It is colorless,
so no protection was able to stop it. Whenever I
played, this card, my opponent would have to
read what it did.
This would be great in today's Type 2, but alas,
it wasn't reprinted in 8th Edition. So it is
only legal in extended. It's not so good there,
because there are many more answers in extended
to weenie decks.
In casual, if you are playing a control or combo
deck, think about playing this. It will stop all
the weenie creatures and give you time to set
Not very useful in limited, as it affects both
players, and you're likely to be hit by it too.
(As a flavor note, why does this damage
attacking fliers, too? Dictionary.com has the
definiton of a caltrop (as it is used here) as:
"A metal device with four projecting spikes so
arranged that when three of the spikes are on
the ground, the fourth points upward, used as a
hazard to pneumatic tires or to the hooves of
The 7th Edition art does a great job of
depicting this. Since it is on the ground, why
does it affect fliers?)
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 1 |

* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Wednesday -
This card was underused in constructed play for
the longest time. But to be honest, there is a
TON of room for this card in most decks. Casual
players will think this is fun. However, sealed
deck and draft players will like skip over this
cards every time.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 1.5 |

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Veteran |
Our nickname for this card was “Cow Traps”
because it any little creatures that tried to
wander over and attack you. Multiple copies of
this in play can turn off most aggressive decks’
effectiveness. This card never made it very big.
In limited, one copy would never be particularly
useful in your deck (might have been more
popular as a common). In constructed, there were
simply better cards to commit to four copies of,
like Wrath of God or something. Good casual
LIMITED: 2.5 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge |
Caltrops is one of those interesting cards that
seems like it should have some value to it, but
just sort of falls short on implementation. The
card is fun, but not very productive, and too
easy to remove. Creature decks can hold back and
wait for the removal to attack, and a card like
Aether Flash seems to do the job much better.
It’s just one of those cards that makes you
think “It’s a neat idea, but…..”
Casual: 3
Constructed: 1
Limited: 2 |
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Well this card is the anti elf and goblin deck
card. This card just cries out to be put into
sideboards for the weenie match ups. Not a whole
lot that I can say about this card. If you want
to put a hurting on your friends in the casual
game who are always playing tournament goblins
and ef then play this main and wreck their day.
In limited its just not that good as most decks
will be running most of their creatures at 2
toughness and above.
Constructed 3
Casual 1.5
Limited 1.5 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
They’ve tried over and over to make this card
worthwhile in constructed; it’s been run through
the reprint machine, and people still didn’t
really play it. At best, it has seen a little
play with Humility or as a sideboard card
against aggressive decks with small creatures;
other than that, close to zilch.
In limited, this is just boring. It’s basically
only going to net you a card with the assistance
of something else. It’s a very weak sideboard
card, that’s about it.
You guys in the group games love making hordes
of little guys; this seems to be a pretty decent
way to foil them…unless you happen to have a
Coat of Arms out…err…never mind, this isn’t too
good, heh. Same applies to Mental Magic.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 2.0
Casual: 2.5 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
An Urza Block card… that’s not good. I didn’t
play when Urza roamed the land, but I do know
that there were some crazy combos. I doubt that
control has too much time for this, but it might
have been decent in MBC. Blue Control shouldn’t
have let any creatures that they cared about
onto the field. If they let a creature onto the
field, they either did it so they could gain an
advantage from it, or because they didn’t care.
Either way, blue wouldn’t really need something
to destroy it.
In Casual, keep your creatures, even if it is at
the cost of your opponent having creatures.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 1.5 |